Marie-Laure Djelic
Professor of Management
ESSEC Business School, France
Marie-Laure Djelic is Head of the ESSEC Research Center on Capitalism, Globalization and Governance in Paris. Her research interests include the transnational diffusion of rules and practices, the historical transformation of capitalism and national institutions as well as the governance of globalization. In a recent volume, "Transnational Communities: Shaping Global Governance" (2010, CUP), co-edited with Sigrid Quack, she explores the various roles that transnational communities play in the emergence, stabilization and transformation of transnational rules and modes of governance.
Royston Greenwood
Alberta School of Business
Edmonton, Canada
Royston Greenwood is Telus Professor of Strategic Management at Alberta School of Business. He will chair this transconstinental discussion of institutional theory(ies).
Klaus Weber
Associate Professor
Northwestern University, USA
Klaus Weber uses cultural and institutional analysis to understand globalization, the environmental movement and corporate social responsibility. He has studied these issues in the context of healthcare and biotechnology firms, and in alternative agriculture and food production. His research has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal and Harvard Business Review.