Sub-theme 22: New Forms of Organizational Ethnography

Linda Rouleau, Dept. of Management, HEC Montréal, Canada
Mark de Rond, Judge Business School, Cambridge University, UK
Geneviève Musca, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, C502 – Casa Academica
New Territory: Rethinking Organizational Ethnography
Chair: Mark de Rond
Michael Smets, Gary Burke, Paula Jarzabkowski and Paul A. Spee
Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: Insights from a team-based video ethnography of reinsurance trading in Lloyd's of London
Pascal Lièvre and Geraldine Rix-Lièvre
Towards a constructivist and practice-oriented organizational ethnography
Deniz Tunçalp
The relationship between the observer and the observed: Revisiting reflexivity with transference and countertransference
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, C502 – Casa Academica
Moves like Jagger: Ethnography and Creativity
Chair: Damian O'Doherty
Rachel Beaujolin-Bellet, Natalia Bobadilla, Stéphane Debenedetti, Philippe Mairesse, Damien Mourey, Véronique Perret, François Pichault, Géraldine Schmidt and Virginie Xhauflair
An art-based, collective and dialogic ethnographic method – Unveiling corporate restructuring practices
Suvi Satama and Juha Laurila
Involved ethnography in the study of embodied agency: Capturing movement that evades the eye
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, C502 – Casa Academica
Gates of Babylon: Multi-Perspective, Multi-Site Ethnographies
Chair: Michael Smets
Mette Rasmussen and Maria Bosse Conradsen
Ethnographic voice memo narratives
Laura Galuppo, Giuseppe Scaratti and Mara Gorli
A collaborative tour into innovation: A multi-perspective and multi-site ethnography of the start up of an new organization
Natalia Aguilar Delgado and Luciano Barin Cruz
Examining strategic practices in pluralistic settings: A multi-event approach to ethnography
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, C502 – Casa Academica
Virtual Reality: Beyond the Obvious
Chair: Mark Egan
Patrick Lê
Tales of virtual worlds: Online ethnography and practice theory
Demaziere Didier, François Horn and Marc Zune
The organizational ethnography of virtual communities: Field insertion and the evolving research relationship
Guilherme Azevedo
Ethnography and the study of 'post-Western' global corporate cultures
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, C502 – Casa Academica
Lost in Translation: New Methods for Field Studies on the Move
Chair: Geneviève Musca
Christian Johann Schmid
Ethnographic gameness: Reflections about (extra-)methodological issues in research on outlaw motorcycle clubs
Damian O'Doherty
No man's land: Bordering practices at Westwich International Airport
Anni Borzeix and Nathalie Raulet-Croset
"On the move" and "walking with"
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, C502 – Casa Academica
The Sound of Silence: Voice and Photography in Ethnography
Chair: Laura Galuppo
Anne D. Smith
Photographic methods and organizational field research: Ideas and insights from three ongoing studies
Tanja Vilén
Continuous negotiation of access in organizational ethnography: Examining the relational practice of fieldwork
David A. Kirsch, Anastasiya Zavyalova and Violina Rindova
Confidentiality as a means to dialogue: Effects of a boundary object on qualitative organizational research
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, C502 – Casa Academica
Can't Fight this Feeling: Ethnography and Emotion
Chair: Linda Rouleau
Mark Egan
Engineering affect: Interplays of ethnographic practices
Daniel Siekhaus
Ethnography is the discovery of emotional worlds
Linda Tallberg, Peter Jordan and Maree V. Boyle
The "green mile": Crystallisation ethnography in an emotive context