Sub-theme 12: Revisiting Innovation: Reassembling Spaces and Actors in Organizations
Patrick Dawson, University of Aberdeen Business School, UK
Ian McLoughlin, Monash University, Australia
Kenneth McBey, York University, Toronto, Canada
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:45, H- SKF salen
Innovation in Care and Health
Chair: Patrick Dawson
Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, Eivor Oborn and Michael Barrett
Innovation at the space of dissensus: Negotiating emergent knowledge practice in healthcare services
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Leighton Jay
Manuela Perrotta
Technological change in practice: A situated approach to innovation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Michael Barrett
Leighton Jay
Towards better lives: Applying the concept of governance at the level of the individual
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Manuela Perrotta
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, H- SKF salen
Open Innovation and Data I
Chair: Ian McLoughlin
Masanori Yasumoto
Exploring openness at a crossroad between commoditization and innovation: An empirical investigation into two sequences of
openness in mobile phone industries
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Patrick Dawson
Philipp Wagner, Christoph Ihl and Frank Thomas Piller
Increasing innovation performance through open innovation: The role of organizational structure
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Steffen Dörhöfer
Christoph Minnig and Steffen Dörhöfer
Open innovation in regional fields – Recent developments in the pharmaceutical industry
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Christoph Ihl
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, H- SKF salen
Open Innovation and Data II
Chair: Michael Barrett
Susanne Ollila
Open innovation practice: Sense-making space and actor identities
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Mehmet Gençer
George Kuk
Assembling complementarities of open data in rewiring the state
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Susanne Ollila
Mehmet Gençer and Beyza Oba
Taming of 'openness' in open source software innovation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): George Kuk
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 11:00, H- SKF salen
Social and Novel Site Innovation
Chair: Leighton Jay
William Dhuyvetter, Bérangère Szostak and Séverine Le Loarne
Control process and innovation in architecture competition. Towards sustainable housing: The lessons from skin wall case study
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Emanuela Marchetti
Emanuela Marchetti and Joe Nandhakumar
On the edge between tradition and innovation: Reassembling museums as emerging creative organizations
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): William Dhuyvetter
Ana Clarissa Santos and Cláudia Bitencourt
Starting a social innovation: Challenges and process facilitators
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Sasikala Rathnappulige
Lisa Daniel and Sasikala Rathnappulige
Beyond actors and spaces: Exposing the primacy of the interaction for innovation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Ana Clarissa Santos
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 16:00, H- SKF salen
User/Customer-led Innovation
Chair: Christoph Minnig
Julia Vertesy, Satu Teerikangas, James Collins and Sari Stenfors
New structures: Engagement and co-created innovation in virtual spaces
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Lars Bengtsson
Benedikt Langner and Victor Seidel
Promoting innovation through online collaboration with consumers: Implications over the technology life cycle
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): James Collins
Evangelia Baralou and Georgios Vardaxoglou
User-led innovation in virtual organizations. A dialogical approach
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Benedikt Langner
Peter Svensson and Lars Bengtsson
Users' prototyping in social-service innovations
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Georgios Vardaxoglou
This session has five papers so should keep to 24 minutes for each. 10 min presentation, 10 minutes discussant and 4 minutes
open discussion.
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, H- SKF salen
Knowledge-based Innovation
Chair: Susanne Ollila
Manal Alduaij and
Exploring definitions, interpretations and associations of coexisting innovation streams
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Sue-Hua Ou
Martine Buser, Christian Koch and Susanne Jensen
I am useless, but not for long ... Students as innovators in enterprises
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Manal Alduaij
Sue-Hua Ou, ChiaYu Yen and Ruey-Lin Hsiao
Science in the shaping: Following scientists in the laboratories and elsewhere
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Martine Buser
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, H- SKF salen
Knowledge-based Innovation
Chair: Ken McBey
Steven Kasih and Melanie Jöhren
Spin-off organizations in the German biotechnology industry: A qualitative empirical analysis of the spin-off phenomenon and
the underlying parent spin-off relation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Steven Pattinson
Israël Fortin, Chantale Mailhot, Mireille Matt and Anne Mesny
University-industry knowledge transfer as a practice
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Steven Kasih
Steven Pattinson, David A. Preece and Jonathan Scott
Cultivating communities of practice for innovation: What about SMEs?
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Israël Fortin
Each presentation should last 10 minutes; the nominated discussant will have 10 minutes for comments; this then leaves 10
minutes for full group discussion.