Sub-theme 24: Theorizing practice in communities of practice

Fabio Fonti, Boston College, USA
Alessandro Narduzzo, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Martha S. Feldman, University of California, Irvine, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 09:00 to 10:30, E2-1-101
Practices and communites of practice I
Chair: Tom Bijlsma
Paul Hibbert
Interdisciplinary research and communities of practice: metapractices and new form of networks of practice
Martha S. Feldman
Distinguishing Inclusion and Participation
Price negotiation and the marginal role of the sales force: Lessons for work and practice
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, E2-1-101
Communites of practice in organizations
Chair: Guido Conaldi
William Stevenson
Structuration of Organizations Through Communities of Practice
Moral Entrepreneurs in Contested Markets: The Commerce of Cadavers in New York State.
Ruthanne Huising and Susan Silbey
Governing the Gap: Forging Safe Science through a Community of Practice
Geoff Walsham
Organizational communities of practice: wrong fork in the road?
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, E2-1-101
Practices and communites of practice II
Chair: Klaus-Peter Schulz
Learning on a Navy Boat: Team Learning in High Reliability Situations
Oana Branzei
Blurred Transitions: How Social Interactions Pattern Creative Practices
Communities of practice make perfect? Obstacles to innovations in the safety policy of a construction company
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, E2-1-101
Structure matters - Communities of practice in F-OSS
Chair: Kathryn Quick
The periphery on stage: Functions, Properties and Dynamic Evolution of the Periphery in the Free/Open Source Software community
To Contribute or Not to Contribute: an Exploratory Study on the Determinants for Contributing in Open Source Software Projects
Local action and communication flows: The impact of network roles and topology in sustaining communities of practice.
The Network Structure of Radical Product Innovation: A case study on Software development
Session V: Friday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30
- Group Discussion -
Group Discussion A: A reflection on practices and communities of practice - The road ahead - Room: E2-1-101
Chair: Martha Feldman, Fabio Fonti and Alessandro Narduzzo
Group Discussion B: A reflection on practices and communities of practice - The road ahead - Room: E2-1-101
Chair: Martha Feldman, Fabio Fonti and Alessandro Narduzzo
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30
The emergence of communities of practice
 A: The emergence of communities of practice - Room: E2-1-101
Chair: Yolande Witman
Theorising practice in the emergence of CoPs. The case of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
The construction of a community of practice of small business owner managers: An empirical study
Klaus-Peter Schulz
The emergence of communities of practice by the means of learning and development platforms
The Lindesberg Group 1956-2008: the rise and demise of a community of practice
 B: The emergence of communities of practice - Room: E2-1-101
Chair: Yolande Witman
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, E2-1-101
Power in communities of practice
Chair: Sue Marie Peters
Chris Kimble, Nathalie Tessier and Bourdon Isabelle
Defining Practice, Power and Relationships in Virtual Communities of Practice
Cool Creative and Egalitarian?
Gerhard A.C. Smid
Learning a feel for the game in the medical world through participation in review meetings
Linking Communities of Practice: Boundary Objects and Multi-Membership