Sub-theme 12: (SWG) Processes of Organizational Creativity: Collective Entrepreneurship, Co-Creation and Collaborative Innovation

Daniel Hjorth, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Chris Steyaert, St. Gallen University, Switzerland
Gail Whiteman, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Process Research of Creativity and Innovation
Chair: Daniel Hjorth
Anup Nair
'Processualizing' innovation research: A deconstructive analysis of organizing while innovating
Barbara Simpson, Alia Weston and Rory Tracey
Creative practice in an accelerating world
Philippe Lorino
The innovating process as a transactional inquiry. The polyphonic story of a ghost
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Process Theory of Collective Entrepreneurship
Chair: Chris Steyaert
Seray Ergene, Marta B. Calás and Linda Smircich
Entrepreneuring movements: Developing a moving theoretical lens for novel modes of organizing
Michael Elmes
Cooperative organizations, leadership, and collective innovation: Narratives and counternarratives of authority and mutual/self-criticism
Andrew Popp
Enterprise in Albion
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 16:00 to 17:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Researching Co-creation - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Blue Section, Béton Grilli
Chair: Chris Steyaert
Heather Douglas
Social entrepreneuring as collaborative and persuasive actions
Jana Costas
Workspaces of creative entrepreneurs: Coworking as a new form of social organizing?
Parallel Stream B: Relational Entrepreneurship - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Chair: Heather Douglas
Rebecca Gill
Networking metaphors, networking practice: Religion and gender in the construction of entrepreneurial networking
Melissa Leithwood, Oana Branzei and David Sparling
Language as a resource: Cultural entrepreneurship in online communities
Nicolaj Brenneche
Entrepreneurial agency-in-progress. A performative approach to studying processes of systemic innovation in the energy sector
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Disseminating Process Theory - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Blue Section, Béton Grilli
Chair: Tor Hernes
Sylvain Bureau and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
Teaching subversion in the business school: An 'improbable' encounter
Jenny Helin
Writing process and the academic text as an offering of potentiality
Parallel Stream B: Co-creation in the Arts I - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Chair: Robin Holt
Annika Blomberg and Suvi Satama
Creative bodies on the move: Exploring tensions of collaborative creativity in productional spaces of dance
Joëlle Basque and Isabelle Caron
The productive role of constraints in collective artistic creativity
Axel Thesleff and Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Virtual music-making communities as sites of collective, social creativity
Session V: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Co-creation in the Arts II - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Blue Section, Béton Grilli
Chair: Jenny Helin
Gerald Bartels and Nicolas Bencherki
Collaborative creativity as an interactional practice
Soeren Friis Moeller
Cultural entrepreneurship in an uncivilized world? Cultural entrepreneuring as untaming social creativity
Eduardo Davel and Fernando F. Fachin
Risk as creative practice: Learning from entrepreneurship in movie creation
Parallel Stream B: Methodology in Process Research - Room: CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Chair: Barbara Simpson
Tuomas Kuronen
Strong men, strong state: The body and radical change
Gudrun Rudningen, Arne Lindseth Bygdås and Aina Landsverk Hagen
Visual inquiry using collaborative visual research: Methods for exploring processes of organizational creativity
Henrika Franck, Philip Gylfe and Robin Holt
Journalism, commerce and truth-telling: Visual ethnography in a national broadcaster
Session VI: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Process Research with Deleuze
Chair: Daniel Hjorth
Ward M. Eagen
Process thinking as Deleuzian becoming
Christa Amhøj and Eva Pallesen
Experiments with collaboration as alchemy
David Sköld
Co-creation at the limit of im/possibility: Learning from Lacan about the logic of desire and the limits of Deleuze
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, CSC, 1st floor, Green Section, Procter & Gamble
Process Theory and Time
Chair: Henrika Franck
Jean Clarke and Robin Holt
Vivienne Westwood: Ethics and commerce in gothic form
Tor Hernes, Juha Laurila, Anni Paalumäki, Ida Danneskiold-Samsøe and Ansgar Ødegård
Novelty in the flow of time: Taking a view from nowhere in an on-going present
Convenors: "The next time: Reflections and prospects for the EGOS Colloquium 2014 in Rotterdam"