Sub-theme 48: The Emergence of Categories, Identities, Fields and Organizational Forms

Mark T. Kennedy, Imperial College London Business School, UK
Joep P. Cornelissen, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Peer C. Fiss, University of Southern California, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Opening Session: Studying Emergence
Chair: Mark Kennedy
William Ocasio, Jeffrey Loewenstein and Amit Nigam
Event narratives, category conventions, and institutional logics
Raghu B. Garud, Joel Gehman and Peter Karnøe
Notes on the emergence, performance and transformation of categories
Discussant: Pursey Heugens
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
History Matters: Category (re)emergence
Chair: Joep Cornelissen
Isabelle Huault and Hélène Rainelli-Weiss
"Excessive" speculation in commodities derivatives markets: Of the instrumentation of an ambiguous category over time
Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari and Juliane Reinecke
Creating a socially disruptive category: A case study of "conflict" gold
Daniel Engler
Is it a car or a truck? The origin of product form and the emergence of the minivan market category
Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Reut Livne-Tarandach, Matthew Metzger and Alan D. Meyer
Nothing comes from nothing
Discussant: Joel Gehman
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 16:00 to 17:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Ecological Perspectives on Emergence - Room: Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Chair: Mark Kennedy
Soorjith Karthikeyan, Stefan Arora-Jonsson and Filippo Carlo Wezel
Boundary crossing and category change
Jonathan Jaffee and Jade Lo
To be pecuniary or to be professional? The rise of the modern law firm in the early 20th century
Jochem Kroezen and Pursey P.M.A.R. Heugens
New beer in old kegs: The persistent and localized effect of ancestral organizations on descendant organizational founding in the Dutch beer brewing industry
Erkan Erdemir and Umut Koc
Exploring the emergence mechanisms between different type of institutions at different levels of institutionalization: A qualitative meta-analysis
Discussant: Keyvan Kashkooli
Parallel Stream B: The Role of Discourse in Category Emergence - Room: Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Natashquan
Chair: Peer Fiss
Karim Ben Slimane and Damien Chaney
Hygienist discourse and the emergence of new categories in the alcoholic drinks market in France
Jun Ho Lee and Hüseyin Leblebici
The US newspapers in the 21st century: How social discourse explains their changing forms
Discussant: Rodney Lacey
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Emergence in Contested Fields
Chair: Peer Fiss
Lianne M. Lefsrud, Heather Graves and Nelson Phillips
Dirty oil, ethical oil: Categorical illegitimacy and the struggle over the Alberta oil sands
Marta Liliana Bicho, Ralitza Nikolaeva and Carmen Lages
Market legitimacy of a marginalized category: The case of complementary and alternative medicine.
Mikkel Marfelt
Generations and life situations: Altering categories to accommodate conflicting interests
Discussant: Jennifer Howard-Grenville
Session V: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Emergence, Categories and Institutional Logics - Room: Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Chair: Joep Cornelissen
Queen Nworisara Quinn and Kamal A. Munir
The emergence of hybrid market categories: A field level study on the role of moral values in a market for meaning
Miriam Wolf, Krsto Pandza and Joel Gehman
The meaning of water: Institutional complexity and strategic practice in issue driven fields
Anna Tyllström
Categorization struggles - Audience (de-)legitimation of PR consultancy as a market category
Discussant: Shazad Ansari
Parallel Stream B: Power and Networks surrounding Emergence - Room: Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Natashquan
Chair: Mark Kennedy
Denis Trapido
When does originality help new knowledge earn pre-commercial recognition? The role of contextual positioning
Michael Mauskapf
The generation and diffusion of innovation in cultural networks
Keyvan Kashkooli and Peter Younkin
You never get a second chance to make a first impression: The effect of audience-distance on the penalty to spanning for new entrants
Discussant: Juliane Reinecke
Session VI: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Constructing Markets and Professions
Chair: Mark Kennedy
Vern L. Glaser, Mariam L. Krikorian and Peer C. Fiss
What's your level (of abstraction)? Vertical category dynamics and valuation in the online advertising industry
Christian Hampel and Paul Tracey
The micro-dynamics of market category creation
Rodney Lacey
Institutional theory of the process of public categorization of occupational groups as professionals
Discussant: Klaus Weber
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Baie-Comeau
Activism, Theorization and Circulation
Chair: Joep Cornelissen
Simone Schiller-Merkens and Philip Balsiger
Social movements and the categorization of moral markets: A cross-national comparison of ethical fashion markets in the UK and in Germany
Hetal Patel, Kathryn Heinze and Klaus Weber
Theorizing an emergent field: The case of alternative agriculture
Discussant: Stefan Jonsson