Sub-theme 44: Marxist Organization Studies: Structures, Systems and Power

Paul S. Adler, University of Southern California, USA
Rick Delbridge, Cardiff Business School, UK
Matt Vidal, King's College London, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-711
World Systems and the Corporation
Chair: Rick Delbridge
Antonio Gelis-Filho
A world-systemic view of the capitalist organization: Past, present and some possible futures
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Matt Vidal
Paul Adler
The environmental crisis and its capitalist roots
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Nihan Yildirim
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-711
Ideology and Hegemony
Chair: Matt Vidal
Giuliano Maielli
Hegemony and the reproduction of architectural knowledge
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Paul S. Adler
Joost Luyckx and Maddy Janssens
Legitimacy struggles over corporate restructuring: A Laclauian analysis of underlying ideological discourses
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Antonio Gelis-Filho
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, PIERCE-711
Regulating Labor: Bureaucracy and Beyond
Chair: Paul S. Adler
Régis Martineau
The ambivalent effects of formalizations: enablement, coercion and pseudo situations
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Beatriz Couto
Theorising labour regulation in cognitive capitalism: An attempt for a Copernican revolution in the paradigm of labour-management relations.
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Joost Luyckx
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-711
The Capitalist Labor Process
Chair: Matt Vidal
Jingqi Zhu
Prolonged school life at work: Identity regulation of student labour in a Chinese offshore service firm
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Thomas Clarke
Nihan Yildirim, Deniz Tunçalp, Fuat Ercan and Derya Karakaş
Decentralized workplace and mobile labour: Labour process and control regimes in mobile telecom operators in Turkish telecommunication industry
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Régis Martineau
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-711
Capital, Contradiction, Critical Realism
Chair: Paul S. Adler
Gregory Schwartz
On contradiction: Marx's dialectic and organizational analysis
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Jingqi Zhu
Beatriz Couto
The use and misuse of the concept of capital in the social sciences
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Patrizia Zanoni
Claes Belfrage and Felix Hauf
The gentle art of retroduction: Critical grounded theory as a method for (cultural) political economy research
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Giuliano Maielli
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-711
Value and Valuation
Chair: Rick Delbridge
Thomas Clarke
The intensifying immediacy of value extraction in financial markets: The increasing impact of high frequency trading
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Claes Belfrage
Patrizia Zanoni
The political economy of diversity: Theorizing the unequal valuation of social identities as a class process
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): George Tsogas
Matt Vidal
Sociological marxism, value theory and crisis theory: A reclamation
Presenter(s)Discussant(s): Greg Schwartz
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-711
Special Guest Speaker
Chair: Matt Vidal