Sub-theme 65: Translating the Business Model into Action: Practice and Performativity
Stefan Haefliger, City University London, UK
Vincent Mangematin, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Charles Baden-Fuller, City University London, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, COM-3111
Performativity 1
Chair: Stefan Häfliger
Jörg Sydow, Thomas Schmidt and Timo Braun
Entrepreneurship as network-creation: The dynamic and performative role of business models
Charles Baden-Fuller, Stefan Haefliger and Mary Morgan
How well can business models perform?
Katerina Antonopoulou, Joe Nandhakumar and Nikiforos Panourgias
Reconsidering conceptualizations of value in digital innovation: Insights into the performativity of a business model
Michael Barrett, Eivor Oborn and Wanda Orlikowski
Performing business models in on-line health communities
Paper plenary session
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, COM-3111
Performativity 2
Chair: Stefan Häfliger
Guy Parmentier and Romain Gandia
Redesigning the business model: From theory to practice
Nicole Gross, Niall Connolly and Peter McNamara
Business models in action: Constructing a dynamic framework to navigate the business model innovating process
Séverine Le Loarne and Adnan Maalaoui
How high-tech entrepreneurs bricole the evolution of business models for their activities
Daniel Geiger
Towards a revised understanding of replication – Coupondo's digital couponing business
Nasim Bahari, Rémi Maniak and Valérie Fernandez
Business model innovation through effectual processes
Poster session
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, COM-3111
Performativity 3
Chair: Stefan Häfliger
Alessandro Giudici, Charles Baden-Fuller, Stefan Häfliger and Mary S. Morgan
Business models: Concepts, categories, and consequences
Luiz Rothier Bautzer
Translating servitization into servicing connected products. The role of ICT in modelling serviceability across organisational
Moritz Loock and Daniel Bartl
Scaling novel business models: A combined justification/heuristic theory perspective
Paper plenary session and group discussion
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, COM-3111
Reasoning 1
Chair: Charles Baden-Fuller
Ole Friis, Jens Holmgren and Peter Lindgren
Business model innovation. How does a business model innovation evolve into practice?
Lisa Repschläger and Lauri Wessel
Business model innovation as problematizing: A discursive framework
Fredrik Hacklin, Joakim Björkdahl and Martin Wallin
Pivot or quarantine: Types of business model change for mitigating value migration
Valérie Sabatier and Neva Bojovic
Collective action frames and business model change
Burcu Kucukkeles, Shiko M. Ben-Menahem and Georg von Krogh
Dominant logics of problem solving in innovation: Lessons from drug discovery
Paper plenary session
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, COM-3111
Reasoning 2
Chair: Charles Baden-Fuller
Corine Genet and Caroline Gauthier
To capture value from new technology: How firms tackle this challenge?
Jaakko Siltaloppi and Risto Rajala
Cognitive perspective to business model change: Frame blending and shifting
Paolo Aversa, Stefan Häfliger, Alessandro Rossi and Charles Baden-Fuller
Business model change and modularity
Christopher Kulins, Hannes Leonardy and Christiana Weber
A configurational approach in business model design
Bilal Jathol and Charles-Clemens Rüling
Business model change under organization-specific external controls: The BBC's shift towards digital business models, 1992–2013
Lianne W.L. Simonse and Petra Badke-Schaub
Business model design through a designer’s lens: Translating, transferring and transforming cognitive configurations into
Simone Santoni, Charles Baden-Fuller and Stefan Häfliger
Reasoning on resources
Poster session
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, COM-3111
Value and Innovation 1
Chair: Vincent Mangematin
Thomas Paris, Gerald Lang and David Massé
Designing an alternative business model in the service of creativity - Insights from the perfume industry
Cyntia Calixto, Maria Tereza Fleury and Felipe Borini
Looking for Valhalla: Swedish multinationals in Brazil
Mohammadtaghi Ramezanzadeh, Saeed Khanagha, Oli Mihalache and Henk W. Volberda
Business model innovation in multinational enterprises: How to deal with heterogenous customer demands
Sebastian Knab and René Rohrbeck
Exploring new markets through business model innovation: Insights from a longitudinal study in the German energy industry
Bastian Halecker
Using action case study research to explain business model innovation – Experience from pharmaceutical, defense, and energy
Ryan Rumble
Business model articulation
Poster session
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, COM-3111
Value and Innovation 2
Chair: Vincent Mangematin
Maria Rita Micheli
Goal orientation and business model innovation: A contingency perspective
Paris Chrysos
Value care: The modular emergence of value in the Web
tatiana mikhalkina
Business models categories: Insights from categorization theory
Plenary papers and final discussion