Sub-theme 47: Sustaining Inequality? The Impact of Organizational Practices on Individual Employment Outcomes
Emilio J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, London Business School, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-32
The Organizational Sources of Workplace Inequality
Chair: Emilio Castilla
John-Paul Ferguson
The control of managerial discretion: Evidence from unionization's impact on employment segregation
J. Adam Cobb and Flannery Stevens
These unequal states: Corporate organization and income inequality within the United States
This session will start with a "Welcome and General Introduction" by the organizers.
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, T3-32
Organizational Dynamics and Worker Outcomes
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Sonia Kang, Katherine DeCelles, Sora Jun and András Tilcsik
Whitened résumés: Racial passing and covering in the labor market
Matissa Hollister
Internal organizational dynamics and managerial diversity 1978-2004
Anne-Kathrin Kronberg, Christopher Rider and Anand Swaminathan
Economic cycles and job precariousness: Which employees are more vulnerable?
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, T3-32
Labor Market Boundaries
Chair: Emilio Castilla
Matthew Bidwell and Ethan Mollick
Shifts and ladders: Comparing the role of internal and external mobility in executive careers
Cristina Quintana-García and Marta M. Elvira
The effect of relying on external vs. internal labor markets on the gender pay gap
Markus Helfen and Manuel Nicklich
Multi-employer networks and wage inequality: Challenges and opportunities for labor relations in an age of inter-organizational
workforce segmentation
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-32
Work Design and Arrangements
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Alison T. Wynn
Failures of flexibility: Why employees distrust flexible work arrangements
Rocio Bonet and Fabrizio Salvador
Manager-Worker Collocation and Worker Performance: A Field Study of a Multisite Software Maintenance Organization
Heini Ikävalko
Reshaping the equal pay intentions through pay practices
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, T3-32
The Gender Gap in Careers
Chair: Emilio Castilla
Jennifer Merluzzi and Damon Phillips
Leadership and the single woman penalty: A role congruence account of early career barriers to promotion for female MBAs
Christian Hunkler and Roberto M. Fernandez
Whose closure? Gender inequality and access to skill training
Channah Herschberg, Claartje Vinkenburg, Stefan Fuchs and Sara Connolly
Allowing unconventional careers in science: Blessing or curse?
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-32
Networks and Diversity
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Mark Lutter
Is there a closure penalty? Networks, diversity and gender inequality in a project-based labor market, 1929–2010
Adina Sterling and Roberto M. Fernandez
Gender, Trial Employment, and Initial Salaries
Stoyan V. Sgourev and Wim van Lent
When Too Many Are Not Enough: Performance Implications of “Imposed“ Diversity at the VOC
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-32
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