Sub-theme 14: (SWG) Organizational Network Research: Organization and Renewal of Organizational Networks
Terry L. Amburgey, University of Toronto, Canada
Jörg Raab, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands
Barak S. Aharonson, University of Tel Aviv, Israel
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-35
Knowledge and Inter-personal Networks
Chair: Terry L. Amburgey
Oliver Ibert and Felix C. Müller
Network dynamics in constellations of cultural differences: Relational distance in innovation processes in legal services
and biotechnology
Julia Brennecke and Olaf N. Rank
A multilevel network study on project memberships and informal ties in knowledge-intensive firms
Alberto Monti and Giuseppe Soda
Integrating social capital and social identity perspective: Implication for knowledge exchange
Agustí Canals, Eva Ortoll and Markus Nordberg
Collaboration networks in 'big science': The ATLAS experiment at CERN
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, T3-35
Organizational Networks in Science
Chair: Jörg Raab
Steffen Keijl, Victor Gilsing, Joris Knoben and Geert Duysters
How you reach and who you reach: The role of external collaboration for breakthroughs
Balazs Fazekas, Yuan-yuan Gong and Naoki Wakabayashi
Role of institutional heterogeneity, structural holes, and international cross-network influences in organizational network
change: The case of Japanese biotechnology and the industry's quest for reinventing its inter-firm network
Barak Aharonson, Suleika Bort and Terry L. Amburgey
Entering with an entourage
Alexander Smit and Marius Meeus
The effect of interorganizational network stability on network outcomes: Empirical evidence from 7 science-industry field-networks
in the Netherlands
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, T3-35
Networks in Geographic Context
Chair: Barak Aharonson
Jörg Raab, Joris Knoben, Ludmilla Aufurth and Bram Kaashoek
Going the distance: The effects of university – Secondary school collaboration on student migration
Fausto Di Vincenzo, Valentina Evangelista and Francesca Masciarelli
Social capital and proximity in regional network dynamics: A mixed method approach
Lars Fuglsang
Engagements in place: Bricolage networking in tourism and the experience economy
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-35
Social Networks
Chair: Barak Aharonson
Kirsten Thommes, Agnes Akkerman and Gerhard van de Bunt
Clean up your network – How a strike changed the social networks of a working team
Franz Wohlgezogen, Giuseppe Soda and Alessandro Iorio
Another look through the network prism: Centrality and Ego-Net: Composition based biases in employee performance evaluations
Claudia Jonczyk
Agency and imprinting in network dynamics: A look across the career life-cycle
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, T3-35
Inter-organizational Networks
Chair: Jörg Raab
Cristiano Bellavitis, Igor Filatotchev and Vangelis Souitaris
The impact of investment networks on venture capital firm performance: A contingency framework
Joris Knoben, Leon A.G. Oerlemans, Roger Leenders and Annefleur R. Krijkamp
An ace in the hole: The effects of (in)accurately observing structural holes on organizational performance
Stanislav Vlasov
Conferences co-participation network and firm’s innovation performance
Linh T. Nguyen, Betina Szkudlarek and Richard G. Seymour
Social impact evaluation & resource allocation in social enterprises: An inter-organizational & relational perspective
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-35
Citizenship and Governance
Chair: Barak Aharonson
Nikolaos Smyrlakis, Giuseppe Soda and Alessandro Iorio
Organizational citizenship behaviors, networking patterns and performance: Mapping the formal and informal organizational
networks through an individual behavioral lens
Paola Angela Maria Mazzurana and Luca Zanin
Alliance governance choice: A configurational approach
Angel Saz-Carranza, Susanna Salvador Iborra and Xavier Fernández-i-Marín
Network administrative organization design: An analysis of its prototypical configuration
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-35
Network Buffet
Chair: Terry L. Amburgey
Alejandra Marin, Mayukh Dass and Kim Boal
Investigating the role of critics’ knowledge networks in platform organizations
Tsutomu Nakano
Network and symbolic capital: Mediation of arts, technology and markets in the high-end audio industry