Sub-theme 29: Rethinking Enterprise Models for the Future: Organizational Evolution towards Sustainability

Arnaldo Camuffo, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Kerstin Neumann, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Stefano Brusoni, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, L1-102
Sustainability Performance: The Impact of Substantial and Symbolic Actions
Chair: Arnaldo Camuffo
Carmelo Cennamo, Lorenzo Massa and Emanuele Borgonovo
The role of organizational structure and stakeholder pressure in the generation and selection of sustainability initiatives
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Maurizio Zollo
Emanuele L.M. Bettinazzi
All that glitters is not gold and every cloud has a silver lining. The interaction between substantive and symbolic initiatives for environmental performances
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Edoardo Mollona
Edoardo Mollona, Lorenzo Massa and Gabriele D'Angelo
An agent based model for firms sustainability performance
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Emanuele Bettinazzi
Maurizio Zollo
Macro economic crisis and sustainability performance
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Carmelo Cennamo
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, L1-102
Learning and Capabilities for Sustainability
Chair: Maurizio Zollo
Maja Tampe
Resilience in the tropics: How to make social and environmental standards work in volatile commodity markets
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Ona Akemu
Onajomo Akemu, Eric van Heck and Gail Whiteman
How do social movements lead to formation of a market niche: The Fairphone case
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Anne Jacqueminet
Anne Jacqueminet
Explaining heterogeneous policy-practices coupling: A behavioral view on CSR in an MNC
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Maja Tampe
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, L1-102
A Stakeholder and Collaborative Perspective on Sustainable Change
Chair: Kerstin Neumann
Lara Bianchi, Massimo Battaglia, Marco Frey and Emilio Passetti
Stakeholder engagement in a co-operative enterprise: A dialogic perspective of analysis
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Jeffrey Overall
Sujith Nair
Strategic alliances and their role in sustainable transitions
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Lara Bianchi
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, L1-102
Micro-foundations for the Evolution towards Sustainable Organizations
Chair: Maurizio Zollo
Aurélien Acquier, Valentina Carbone and Valérie Moatti
"Teaching the sushi chef": How CSR professionals from subsidiaries may change the recipe of firm CSR organizational identity
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Kirsti Reitan Andersen
Kirsti Reitan Andersen
Stabilizing sustainability in organizational culture: An ANT approach to design thinking and organizational change
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Gareth Reece
Gareth Reece, Gordon Blair and Mike Chiasson
Sustainability ante-narratives in media organisations: A storytelling approach to prospective sensemaking and the narrative evolution of sustainability
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Valentina Carbone
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, L1-102
Managing for Sustainability: The Role of Human Relationship Management
Chair: Kerstin Neumann
Federica De Stefano and Silvia Bagdadli
HR and sustainability: A boundary shifting literature review
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Amanda Williams
Steven Kennedy, Gail Whiteman and Amanda Williams
Sustainable innovation at Interface: Workplace pro-environmental behavior (WPEB) as a collective driver for continuous improvement
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Federica De Stefano
Federica De Stefano and Chiara Paolino
Safety reloaded: Lean operations and high involvement work practices for sustainable workplaces
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Silvia Bagdadli
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, L1-102
Making it Work: Implementing Sustainable Practices in Organizations
Chair: Kerstin Neumann
Michael Hunoldt, Anne Galander, Simon Oertel and Peter Walgenbach
Handling institutional complexity in organizations: How CSR managers aim to implement CSR in their organization
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Luca Berchicci
Luca Berchicci and Andrew King
Aspiration formation: The asymmetric effect of past performance. Evidence from waste reduction
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Diego Pérez-Lopez
Diego Perez Lopez and Ana Moreno-Romero
When does sustainability reporting improve sustainability management practices? The role of company-level fit
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Michael Hunoldt
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, L1-102
Some Broader Perspectives on Sustainable Transitions
Chair: Arnaldo Camuffo
Steve Waddell
Transforming operating environments, globally
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Isabella Vasconcelos
Isabella Vasconcelos and Isabella Vasconcelos
The theory of communicative action and corporate social responsibility: A research proposal
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Seungwha Chung
Hyunsang Pyo and Seungwha Chung
Corporate donation and the sustainability of social performance
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Steve Waddell