Sub-theme 22: Powering Inequality: The Impact of Organizational Practices on Individual Employment Outcomes

Emilio J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, London Business School, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, E4
The Power of Diversity and Workplace Inequality
Chair: Emilio J. Castilla
Joe Magee, Derek Rucker and Adam Galinsky
An agentic-communal model of inequality: How the psychology of advantage and disadvantage integrates research on social class, gender, race, and power
Sameer B. Srivastava, Amir Goldberg, V. Govind Manian and Christopher Potts
Enculturation trajectories and individual attainment: An interactional language use model of cultural dynamics in organizations
J. Adam Cobb and JR Keller
The effects of pay dispersion and work-unit demography on employee turnover
"Welcome and general introduction" by Emilio Castilla and Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, E4
The Role of Recruitment and Hiring Processes
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Lisa E. Cohen
At the crossroads: The intersections of hiring and job design processes
Adina D. Sterling
Race, Tryouts and Hiring of College-Educated Workers
Gokce Basbug
Do Blacks Benefit from Social Networks? An Audit Study
Santiago Campero
Skills not schools? The role of educational backgrounds in accessing jobs in high tech
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, E4
The Contingent, Temporal, and Spatial Aspects of Work
Chair: Emilio J. Castilla
Tracy Anderson and Matthew Bidwell
Does contracting pay for managerial workers? The role of contracting In the careers of managers
Federica De Stefano, Rocio Bonet and Arnaldo Camuffo
Collective turnover and unit performance: Does losing your temporary workers matter?
Kaisa Snellman and John-Paul Ferguson
Firm Relocation and Spatial Mismatch: Evidence from Natural Disasters
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, E4
Bringing Managers Back In
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Ranjitha Shivaram and Aruna Ranganathan
(Managerial) Style over substance: Determinants of devaluation for female supervisors in an Indian garment factory
Forrest Briscoe and Aparna Joshi
Bringing the boss’s politics in: Supervisor political ideology and the gender gap in earnings
Barbara Quacquarelli and Alessandra Lazazzara
Gender differences and motivation to lead: how role characteristics and training and development practices influence career choice
Nancy P. Rothbard and Ariane Ollier-Malaterre
“OMG, my boss just friended me”: Hierarchy, self-disclosure, and gender in online social networks
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, E4
The Demographic Gap in Careers
Chair: Emilio J. Castilla
Jennifer Merluzzi
Why married women can't jump: Specialization and external mobility penalties for women in early professional careers
Ming D. Leung and Richard Lu
The dilemma of mobility: The differential effects of women and men’s erratic career paths
Daniela Lup
Something to celebrate (or not): The differing impact of promotion to manager on the job satisfaction of women and men
Christopher Rider, James Wade, Anand Swaminathan and Andreas Schwab
Racial disparity in leadership: Performance-reward bias in promotions of National Football League coaches
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, E4
Networks and Employment
Chair: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
Roberto M. Fernandez and Brittany M. Bond
Networks for the Unemployed?
and Rolf Hoefer
The constrained referrals: How power asymmetry limits referrals’ early performance and beyond
Carla Rua, Martin C. Goossen and Gianluca Carnabuci
Reaching for the stars: How third-party ties affect men’s and women’s ability to connect with high-status colleagues
Adam M. Kleinbaum and Elena Obukhova
Do women network differently from men? Gender and contact mobilization in the search for managerial work
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, E4
Markets and Gender
Chair: Emilio J. Castilla
Koji Chavez
Conscious unbias: how decision-makers use future merit rationalization to achieve equality in hiring
Shelley Correll, Elise Tak and Sarah Soule
Those who don’t know discriminate: Gender inequality in product markets
Kevin Gaughan, Edward Smith and Jason Pierce
Better in the shadows? Attention, media coverage, and market reactions to female CEO appointments
Concluding discussion by James N. Baron (Yale School of Management)