Sub-theme 71: Hybrid Organizations, Tensions and Institutional Environments

Tommaso Ramus, Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics, Portugal
Alexandre B. Bitektine, Dept. of Management, HEC Montréal, Canada
Guglielmo Faldetta, Kore University of Enna, Italy
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, A6
Hybrid Organizations: The North American Perspecitve
Chair: Tommaso Ramus, Alexandre B. Bitektine & Guglielmo Faldetta
Tyler Wry and Eric (Yanfei) Zhao
National institutions, poverty alleviation, and financial performance of microfinance organizations in developing countries
Emily S. Block, Todd Moss, Maija Renko and Moriah Meyskens
Microenterprises as hybrid organizations: An external stakeholder approach
Marya Besharov (Cornell University, USA) will open the session with the keynote speech "Competing Demands in Hybrids: Challenges, Opportunities, and Management Strategies".
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Leadership, Identity and Identification - Room: A6
Chair: Alexandre B. Bitektine
Yuwen Liu, Ying-Che Hsieh, Jingjing Weng and Ting Lin
How social enterprises facilitate identification under hybrid identities
S. Kubra Canhilal and Benedetto Lepori
Love in the times of institutional complexity: Alignment between the organization and the leader
Markus Perkmann, Cleo Silvestri and Criscuolo Criscuolo
Organizational identification in hybrid organizations
Parallel Stream B: Hybrid Organizations and Hybridization Processes - Room: B3
Chair: Tommaso Ramus
Georg Loscher and Stephan Kaiser
Trustee or salesman: A case study on combining conflicting logics in German accounting firms
Nunung Hidayah, Alan Lowe and Margaret Woods
The emergence of hybrid organization: Collective identity development via entrepreneurial storytelling
Charles-Clemens Rüling, Bilal Jathol and Eva Boxenbaum
Enabling and stabilizing institutional bricolage: The BBC Royal Charter, 1920–1927
Sung Chul Noh and Kyoung-Hee Yu
Inter-linkages between organizational politics and collective action in institutional fields
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organizational Tensions (A) - Room: A6
Chair: Marya Besharov
Brian Howieson, Graeme Martin, Sabina Keston-Siebert, Brian Howieson and Stacey Bushfield
Hybrid organizations, tensions and institutional environments: The experience of work of hospital consultants in the UK NHS
Nardia Haigh, Banu Özkazanç-Pan and Thankom Arun
The good, the bad, and the unbalanced: Praise-criticism tension in hybrid organization scholarship
Elizabeth Mamali and Mike Molesworth
Production, consumption and hybridity: Theorizing tensions in a volunteer organization
Partha Roy
Resolving scaling-up tensions of social enterprise: A Strategy-as-Practice inquiry
Parallel Stream B: Hybrid Partnerships - Room: B3
Chair: Emily Block
Alessandro Giudici, Benedetto Cannatelli and Brett Smith
Antecedents of power allocation in affiliation governance for scaling up
Elisa Villani, Luciano Greco and Nelson Phillips
Understanding value creation in public-private partnerships: A comparative case study
Dominique Tremblay, Jean-Louis Denis, Nancy Bouchard and Jean-Sébastien Marchand
Hybrid networks and environmental turbulence in public healthcare systems: Toward an evidence-based framework
Rene Olie
International joint ventures as hybrids: Strategic responses to institutional voids in developing and emerging countries
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, A6
Hybrid Organizations: The European Perspective
Chair: Tommaso Ramus, Alexandre B. Bitektine & Guglielmo Faldetta
Christiana Weber and Othmar M. Lehner
Challenging hybridity in social entrepreneurship: Growing up from in-betweeners with configuration theory
Markus Perkmann, Riccardo Fini and Julien Jourdan
Social valuation across multiple audiences
Antonino Vaccaro (IESE Business School, Spain) will open the session with a keynote speech: "Managing stakeholders in complex institutional environments: The role of ethical values".
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Hybrid Organizations and Institutional Environments - Room: A6
Chair: Markus Perkmann
Benedetto Lepori and Rajani Naidoo
Field interconnectedness, strategic action and changes in field structure. A case study in South-African higher education
Benjamin Huybrechts and Alex Nicholls
Market interactions as institutional entrepreneurship: The inter-organizational relationships of hybrid organizations in the Fair Trade sector
Paola Roberta Boscolo Chio Bisto, James Barlow and Namrata Malhotra
Intra-professional dynamics and the assimilation of innovative healthcare practice: The role of emotions
Parallel Stream B: Organizational Tensions (B) - Room: B3
Chair: Antonino Vaccaro
Samia Chreim, Trish Reay, Mariline Comeau-Vallée, Ann Langley and Jo-Louise Huq
Managing the conflicting tensions of hybridity at the micro-level: The case of ACT teams
Anjan Ghosh, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari and Sougata Ray
Navigating the tensions and conflicting institutional environments: Theorizing a trajectory framework for strategic transition towards hybrid organizing
'Alim Beveridge, Garima Sharma and Nardia Haigh
Tension and paradox among sustainability foci: (Not) the case of B corporations
Marya L. Besharov and Bjoern C. Mitzinneck
Cooperative compromise: Avoiding logic tensions in practice
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Hybrid Organizations: Managerial Challenges - Room: A6
Chair: Alexandre B. Bitektine
Byron Y. Lee and Hsing-Er Lin
Social enterprise performance: Attention to social and economic goals
Maria C. Annosi, Federica Brunetta, Mats Magnusson and Paolo Boccardelli
Organizational controls and institutions in a post-bureaucratic era: A telecommunication case
Corinne Grenier, Johan Bernardini-Perinciolo and Chris Kimble
Managing hybridization in a French hospital: The patient as a boundary concept for closing the scope of hybridization
Barbara La Cara, Stefano Brusoni and Raphael Engler
Competence building in East Africa: The case of solar technologies
Parallel Stream B: Hybrid Competencies and Capabilities - Room: B3
Chair: Tyler Wry
Rita Mano
Hybridity in Israel's human services: Introducing the Human Services Performance Index
Annette Cerne
Global gender equality through hybrid organizations: Framing the landscape of dichotomous institutions and logics
Guglielmo Faldetta, Riccardo Rialti, Lamberto Zollo and Massimiliano Pellegrini
Keeping hybrid organizations alive: Integrate or de-integrate commercial and social activities? Insights from the Italian socio-healthcare sector
Robert Bauer and Daved Barry
Poison or tonic? An interdependence view of institutional logics
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, A6
Hybrid Organizations: Individuals and Institutional Change
Chair: Tommaso Ramus, Alexandre B. Bitektine & Guglielmo Faldetta
Thibault Daudigeos, Stéphane Jaumier and Vassili Joannides
Co-operatives, compromises and critiques: What do French co-operators tell us about individual responses to pluralism?
Staffan Furusten and Susanna Alexius
Hybrid professionals as path generators
Virginie Svenningsen-Berthélem, Eva Boxenbaum and Davide Ravasi
How individuals cope with institutional complexity in organizations: A case study in the energy transition
Carmelo Paviera and Richard Woodward
The emergence of a black market: The interplay of multiple mechanisms of organizational genesis