Sub-theme 03: (SWG) The Entrepreneurial Origins of Organizational Routines and their Impact on the Development of Organizations
Brian T. Pentland, Michigan State University, USA
Peter Bryant, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
Nathalie Lazaric, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, B7
Chair: Peter Bryant
Tatiana Zabara, Christophe Boone and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
Evolving geeks: Contingent nature of a new managerial hire in technology-based new ventures
Oliver Alexy, Phanish Puranam, Markus Reitzig and Katharina Anna Poetz
The emergence of organization designs: a qualitative enquiry
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, B7
Chair: Michela Loi
Thomas Schmidt, Jörg Sydow and Timo Braun
Routine-creating routines for repeated company building: How serial entrepreneurship becomes organized
Blagoy Blagoev and Waldemar Kremser
Roles, routines, and the emergence of temporal coordination
Denise Dollimore
Explaining the origins and development of organizational routines: Entrepreneurial habits, negotiation personality and cognitive
Jayaram Uparna
Roles of Engagement: Subsistence Entrepreneurship in Rural India
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, B7
Chair: Daniel Geiger
Mona Roman
The origin and the evolution of strategy practices in entrepreneurial ventures
Christian A. Mahringer and Birgit Renzl
Microfoundation of performance: Linking entrepreneurial behavior, routines and firm performance in dynamic environments
Fabien De Geuser, Michael Laviolette and Robert C. Sheldon
The Battle for Firm Growth: Routines and Organizational Truce in a Consulting Start up
Chris Fredette and Oana Branzei
Where do capabilities begin? Individual, peer, and group level predictors of early accuracy
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, B7
Market and Context
Chair: Oana Branzei
Ambarin Khan and Silvia Massini
Creation and orcCreation and orchestration of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: A routine-based approach
Lori DiVito
Entrepreneurial orientations and their impact on trade-off decisions in sustainability: The case of sustainable fashion entrepreneurs
Olga Kokshagina, Sophie Hooge and Emilie Canet
How entrepreneurs deal with routines to entrench their start-up in an ecosystem
Mantas Vilkas
Evolution of structural characteristics of routines: social network analysis perspective
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, B7
Artifacts and Materiality
Chair: Denise Dollimore
Soili Paananen
Routine and its professional constitution in a multinational crisis management exercise
Laurent Simon, Patrick Cohendet and Romain Rampa
The Funbox: Designing artefacts to foster intrapreneurial routines at Ubisoft Montreal Studio
Dariusz Osowski and Jan Lindvall
Entrepreneurial foundations as imprinted in organizational structure – Atlas Copco’s artifacts and routines in organizational
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, B7
Chair: Katharina Poetz
Claudia Dossena, Giovanna Magnani, Alberto Francesconi and Antonella Zucchella
The role of learning in internationalization processes and its impact on international routines and entrepreneurial orientation
Michela Loi, Manuel Castriotta and Maria Chiara Di Guardo
Are Jensen and Tommy Clausen
Emergence of exploration and exploitation capabilities: the case of new technology based firms
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, B7
Chair: Laurent Simon
Daniel Geiger and Anja Danner-Schröder
It’s all about timing: Toward a relational understanding of time in routine performance
Paul Peigné
Alive & Kicking! The dynamic of the performative and ostensive aspects of organizational routines face to a change
and Lauri Paavola
Institutional mindsets and their influence on routines as drivers of transformation
Nahoi Koo
Mechanisms of Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley Technology Startups