Sub-theme 04: [SWG] Multi-level Network Research: The Relationship between Intra- and Interorganizational Networks

Tiziana Casciaro, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
Leon A.G. Oerlemans, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Olaf N. Rank, University of Freiburg, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks and Knowledge
Chair: Tiziana Casciaro
Nicholas Argyres, Luis A. Rios and Brian S. Silverman
R&D organizational structure and innovation: The interplay between intrafirm and interfirm inventor networks
Nuruddin (Nur) Ahmed
Technological breakthrough and the evolution of knowledge network: Deep learning and the changing landscape of the Artificial Intelligence research
Paolo Di Toma and Stefano Ghinoi
Knowledge creation and business modelinnovation: A multilevel network study
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Multi-level Networks
Chair: Leon Oerlemans
Julia Brennecke and Olaf N. Rank
Multilevel networks in new product development: Cross-level mechanisms determining tie formation
Maria Martini Barzolai and Anna Moretti
A dynamic and multi-level perspective on destination governance effectiveness: The case of an emerging network in the Dolomites
Alessandro Lomi, Paola Zappa and Andrew Parker
Knowledge sharing in multilevel networks: The interplay of inter- and intra-organizational networks
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 16:00 to 17:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks and Governance
Chair: Olaf Rank
Cana Karaduman and Leon A.G. Oerlemans
The governance of temporary inter-organizational networks: Adding a multi-level temporal lens to transaction cost theory
Tao Wang
When the governance structure choice overshadows competitive advantage
Otavio Rezende
Multiplex analysis of a meta-governance network: The "The Color of Culture" case
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks, Structural Holes, and Brokerage
Chair: Tiziana Casciaro
Stefano Tasselli and Paola Zappa
Bridging cultural holes: Organizational vocabularies and communication networks across organizational subunits
Shelby Gai, J. Yo-Jud Cheng and Andy Wu
Brokering a stick for a hammer (or a rock): Inter-board-committee cooptation following a peer restatement event
John Chandler Johnson and Amir Sasson
Excavating structural holes, unearthing resource dependence
Irene Sala, Cristina Boari and Andrea Lipparini
Addressing variety: exploring brokers' behavior and impact in cross-sector partnership
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks and Network Ties
Chair: Olaf Rank
Fabio Fonti and Massimo Maoret
The company behind – and on – the chart: How informal ties moderate the relationship between formal ties and knowledge flows
Roman Gibel and Raimund Hasse
Invisible ties: From intraorganizational networks to a strong tie interorganizational network. The case of a Swiss guild
Zinaida Sianova
Formation of negative ties and their effect on advice seeking and perception of closeness: Gender differences
Natalie David and Olaf N. Rank
Overload and intention to leave: The negative effects of employees’ network embeddedness
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks and Processes
Chair: Leon Oerlemans
Anne L.J. ter Wal, Valentina Tartari and Bálint Diószegi
Search strategies in an interactive networking game
Leroy Gonsalves
Avoiding network overload: How physical spaces structure practices for managing social interaction
Oliver Roßmannek and Olaf N. Rank
Endogenous processes in alliance networks andtheir contingencies on multiple levels
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TLÜ, Silva, S-240
Networks, Position, and Influence
Chair: Tiziana Casciaro
Aylin Ataay
Networks of interlocking directorates in Turkey. A social network analysis
François Collet, Gianluca Carnabuci, Gokhan Ertug and Tengjian Zou
Ideological boundaries of status advantages in a support network: The case of the the House of Representatives in the United States Congress
Viviana Amati, Alessandro Lomi, Daniele Mascia and Francesca Pallotti
The coevolution of interorganizational networks and organizational structure: The effect of multilevel mixing and closure mechanisms