PDW 04: Handbook of Routine Dynamics: Developing Chapters
Call for Applications
In our original proposal for the EGOS Standing Working Group (SWG) 06 on “Routines and Routine Dynamics”,
we included plans for Handbook on Routine Dynamics. Now, after five years of successful sub-themes at EGOS Colloquia, the
field has taken shape and there is an established research community. We feel we are ready to move forward with the Handbook
project. Towards that end, this workshop will be convened by the editorial team for the Handbook.
This Pre-Colloquium
Development Workshop (PDW) will provide an opportunity for authors to develop their Handbook chapters. It will also provide
an opportunity for interested members the EGOS community to see what is involved in creating a Handbook for a new area of
inquiry. EGOS has been the incubator for similar projects (e.g., Handbook of Strategy as Practice) and we hope this workshop
will encourage similar projects in the future.
Motivation for workshop
Creating a handbook
is a challenging scholarly process. A handbook should review the past but also articulate a vision for the future. The format
and content of the chapters is highly interdependent. How can we attract authors to contribute exciting, forward-looking ideas
that work together in a coherent volume?
To address these challenges, we are organizing a meeting to help
people form ideas and shape the direction of chapters. This meeting is early in the process when there is more flexibility.
It will provide an opportunity to coordinate the chapters and potentially even reorganize the table of contents (adding, combining,
removing) to make the best overall volume. It may also provide an opportunity for participants to identify and collaborate
with co-authors.
Who should attend
Subject to space limitations, the workshop will be
open to anyone interested in Routine Dynamics. We will give priority to anyone who has been invited to contribute a chapter,
but we welcome new ideas and new participants. Even if you are not interested in contributing a chapter, the workshop will
provide a condensed introduction to Routine Dynamics, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the process of creating a Handbook.
PhD students are especially encouraged to attend.
The workshop will consist of four parts:
The making of a Handbook: Background on what goes into a handbook project
Brief (2–3 minute) presentations of the chapter outlines.
Round tables where participants can share feedback and suggestions (2 rounds)
Debrief: sharing the best suggestions and next steps
Please submit – via the EGOS website – by April 2, 2019 a single document of application (.doc, .docx or .pdf file) that includes
Your name, affiliation and area of research
A brief paragraph explaining why you would like to attend
A short outline (1–2 pages) of a potential handbook chapter, if so desired. We will make these submissions available to all participants at the workshop.
Please note: Submitting an outline to this PDW is not a
commitment on the part of potential authors, the editors, or the publisher. Attending the workshop is not a requirement for
authorship in the finished volume. This is just a workshop. Final decisions about chapters and contents will be subject to
the decision of the editorial team and the publisher.