Sub-theme 35: More Fully Human: Humanizing Organizations through Play and Art-based Interventions ---> MERGED with sub-theme 78
Lyndon Garrett, Boston College, USA
Hanna Lehtimäki, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Jinia Mukerjee, Montpellier Business School, France
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 19:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
The creative power and tensions of play and art
Break 1: 18:00 to 18:15
Chair: Jinia Mukerjee
Thomas Blonski and Jean-Philippe Bouilloud
Thirst for emotions? Understanding social expectations behind the legitimation of artistic interventions in organisations.
Nick Butler and Sverre Spoelstra
The theology of gamification
Kirsti Reitan Andersen, Christian Fieseler, Victor Andres Renza, Ana Alacovska and Fiona McDermott
The Tensions of being an Artist-cum-Social-Entrepreneur
Ewa A. Miendlarzewska, Afroditi Anastasaki, , Thomas Maillart, Giuseppe Ugazio, Giuseppe Ugazio and Lucia Gomez Teijeiro
Play and work for greater good: The case of hackathons
Hanna Lehtimäki, Siiri Piironen and Mark Isaac
Art in fostering our capacity to re-imagine the sustainable future
Mathilde Jost and Amélie Boutinot
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 09:30 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
The transformational power of play and art
Break 1: 11:15 to 11:30
Chair: Hanna Lehtimäki
Terje Gaustad, Lukas Erni and Donatella De Paoli
Storytelling as arts-based intervention for transformative change: Overcoming story-making skills barriers
Eve M. Lamendour
Back to the future. Testimonies from 2040 on an intriguing project
Kate Power
Applying arts sector conceptualizations of ‘sustainability’ to organizations
Sari Alatalo, Pia Hurmelinna-Laukkanen and Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen
Boosting innovative atmosphere – Sharing company stories
Fernanda Carreira
Management students with paintbrushes: A case of transdisciplinary education to tackle climate change
Ana Paula Lafaire, Ari Kuismin, Johanna Moisander and Leni A. Grünbaum
Opening interspaces for empathic knowing in management education through artistic interventions
Fernanda Barbosa, Eduardo Davel and Miguel Pina e Cunha
Theatrical improvisation sustaining educational and embodied organizing
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 19:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Social dynamics of play and art
Break 1: 17:00 to 17:15
Chair: Lyndon Garrett
Anne-Ryslène Zaoual and Bénédicte Jamin
Learning to be inclusive by playing. Lessons from LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops in higher education
Marke Kivijärvi
Play, work and gendered exclusion in video game studios
Rita Tóth and Máté Baksa
Thin ice: Teasing play as a network-forming force in organizations
Ozumcan Demir-Caliskan
Negotiated playground: How employees pursue personal interests at work
Béatrice Toustou
How the silent receivers influence the acting of theater performers – The social mirror of symbolic interactionism mobilized
in the interactions between actors and the audience
Ulises Navarro Aguiar and Anna Grzelec
Contested play and boundary work in engineering organizations
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)