Sub-theme 31: Generating and Recognizing New Ideas: The Problematic Journey of Novelty

Gino Cattani, New York University, USA
Dirk Deichmann, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Simone Ferriani, University of Bologna, Italy, & City, University of London, United Kingdom
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Introduction and welcome + Idea generation
Chair: Gino, Dirk, Simone
Himani Singh, Mona Reber and Leo Schmallenbach
Do some stars shine brighter than others? Knowledge recombination in teams with female versus male stars
Discussant(s): Birke Otto (
Friederike Redlbacher and Fabian W. Hattke
How Digital Meetings Stimulate the Generation of Novel Ideas: Mixed-Methods Evidence from the Public Sector
Discussant(s): Himani Singh (
Lars Frederiksen, Michela Beretta, Arne Thomas and Linus Dahlander
The Ripple Effect: Idea rejections in online communities
Discussant(s): Friederike Redlbacher (
Birke Otto and Benjamin Schiemer
Noticing and ignoring ideas in creative journeys in arts and science
Discussant(s): Lars Frederiksen (
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 19:15, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Idea evaluation and recognition + Boundary spanning
Break 1: 17:30 to 17:45
Chair: Gino, Dirk, Simone
Shiyu Yang, Jeffrey Loewenstein and Jennifer Mueller
Finding creativity by changing perspectives: How the evaluation experience contributes to creative idea recognition
Discussant(s): Katharina Zangerle (
Etienne Capron and Raphaël Suire
Revealing preferential circulations – How places and events serve the generation and recognition of novelty
Discussant(s): Shiyu Yang (
Markus Deimel and Christopher Lettl
The role of information type for the quality perception of new technologies
Discussant(s): Etienne Capron (
Katharina Zangerle
Barracudas, piranhas and crowds: Making ideas valuable in pharmaceutical innovation in times of crisis
Discussant(s): Markus Deimel (
Martha Topete, Nathan Betancourt, Zuzana Sasovova and Flore Bridoux
The benefits of power asymmetry on dyadic creative performance: The moderating effect of Simmelian friendship ties
Discussant(s): Mia Chang (
Markus Perkmann, Riccardo Fini, Julien Jourdan and Laura Toschi
When performance is a liability: Boundary maintenance in accreditation processes
Discussant(s): Martha Topete (
Heeyon Kim and Cathy Xuege Lu
Old Wine in New Bottles? Why Gatekeepers Disfavor Ideas from Other Domains
Discussant(s): Markus Perkmann (
Mia Chang
Shift or maintenance: How innovators pursue their superordinate goals in long search paths
Discussant(s): Heeyon Kim (
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Legitimation and categorization
Chair: Gino, Dirk, Simone
Joeri Mol and Xiaoran Ma
Encoding novelty into mainstream: The gridding and grouping of art worlds
Discussant(s): Thijs A. Velema (
Dennis van Kampen, Fleur Deken, Hans Berends and Joey van Angeren
New ventures versus established firms: Legitimizing innovations in a novel market
Discussant(s): Joeri Mol (
Carlos M. DaSilva and Vern L. Glaser
Theoretical framework for the use of analogical blending to govern and legitimize novel business models
Discussant(s): Dennis van Kampen (
Thijs A. Velema and Andrew Argue
Optimal distinctiveness in the video game industry: How do organizations combine primary and secondary schema features to position novel products in established categories?
Discussant(s): Carlos Dasilva (
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 19:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Constraints + Creative contexts + Closing
Break 1: 17:30 to 17:45
Chair: Gino, Dirk, Simone
Victor Seidel, Christoph Riedl and Christoph Riedl
How creative versus technical constraints affect exploring a design space: Evidence from an online innovation community
Discussant(s): Matthijs Punt (
Daniel Ehls, Jacqueline Lane, and Karim Lakhani
A field experiment on the role of constraints in creative problem-solving
Discussant(s): Victor Seidel (
Johan Chu and James A. Evans
Too many papers? Slowed canonical progress in large fields of science
Discussant(s): Daniel Ehls (
Matthijs B. Punt, Jarno Hoekman and Koen Frenken
Unconventional gatekeeping in science: Impacts of journal ownership and open access on the publication of novel scientific research
Discussant(s): Johan Chu (
Daphne Demetry and Gillian Gualtieri
Divergent Myths: Occupational Change in the Culinary Industry
Discussant(s): Alessandro Narduzzo (
Ying Li, Samira Reis and Olga Khessina
The role of cultural embeddedness and social salience in the coevolution of the U.S. TV programming industry and movie theater market, 1944–1962
Discussant(s): Daphne Demetry (
Alessandro Narduzzo and Gianni Lorenzoni
The voice of things: Collections as outcome and means of organizational creativity
Discussant(s): Ying Li (
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)