Sub-theme 57: Organizing Human–Nonhuman Relations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Damian O'Doherty, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Doris Schneeberger, WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Linda Tallberg, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Contributions to Organization Theory
Chair: Damian O'Doherty
Marta Gasparin, Marius Gudmand-Høyer and Fabrizio Panozzo
Organising mending with non-humans in the Anthropocene
Costanza Sartoris
Multispecies organizing
Rasmus Johnsen and Marta Gasparin
Mourning and the ethics of consolation: Solace as an organizational form
The convenors will sketch out the ambitions of the sub-theme and discuss the timetabling of papers
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Cows, Geese and Deer
Chair: Linda Tallberg
Laura J. Jaramillo
Becoming with cows
Matthew Hollow, Lindsay Hamilton and Lindsay Hamilton
A university for geese? Rethinking the long-term social and cultural consequences of incorporating greater ecological diversity within organizational spaces
Mireille Mercier-Roy
"The deer must be killed!" Inclusions and exclusions in an urban park
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Compassion from Schopenhauer to Simone Weil
Chair: Doris Schneeberger
Thomas Köllen
Compassion as the key to organizing human-animal relations in a morally 'better' way: A Schopenhauerian perspective
José-Carlos García-Rosell
A discursive perspective on the responsibility of animal-based tourism
Astrid Huopalainen, Linda Tallberg and Anna Koivisto
Radically ‘Other-oriented’? Rethinking human-animal wellbeing and ill being at work – case pain alert dogs
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Dogs, Horses and Unproductive Farm Animals
Chair: Linda Tallberg
Iida Hietala
Dog as a quasi-consumer
Debbie Busby, Helen Wadham and Vicky Nowak
The good life? An interdisciplinary exploration of ethics and wellbeing in the UK horse-human community
François Charrier, Geneviève Aubin-Houzelstein , Morgane Costes-Thiré, Vanina Deneux, Sebastien Mouret, Felix Jourdan, Alice Raspail, Charline Nivelle, Suzanne Tapie, Victoria Fluckiger-Serra, Léa Lansade, Jocelyne Porcher, Cognie Juliette, Geneviève Aubin-Houzelstein, Morgane Costes-Thiré, Vanina Deneux – Le Barh, Valérie Fillon, Félix Jourdan, Léa Lansade, Sébastien Mouret, Alice Raspail and Jocelyne Porcher
Death, retirement or redeployment for unproductive farm animals? Dispositional tensions in organisational routines
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Decent Work, Jobs and Entrepreneurship
Chair: Doris Schneeberger
Helen Wadham and Katherine Dashper
The slow road to sustainable tourism: An interspecies perspective on decent work
Katja Dlouhy, India J. Kandel and Antje Schmitt
The good and the bad in human-animal work: A job demands–resources perspective on working with animals
Tuukka Toivonen
What does the organism want? ‘Creating through relating’ as a foundation for regenerative entrepreneurship, design and innovation
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Economia – A – 0_Lab. Lingue
Contributions to Social-Symbolic and Relational Dynamics
Chair: Damian O'Doherty
Heini Salonen, Pasi Heikkurinen, Jarkko Pyysiäinen, Tuukka Toivonen, Jarkko Pyysiäinen and Tuukka Toivonen
Organizational schismogenesis in more-than-human environments
Doris Schneeberger, Daniel Semper and Daniel Semper
Feline-human interspecies organizing – experiencing human privilege in the cat café
This session will also provide a summary of the sub-theme and next steps for this theme.
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30,
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Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30,
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