Sub-theme 38: Governing for the Good Life: Secrecy, Transparency, and Accountability in Organizations, Networks, and Society ---> MERGED with sub-theme 71

Lars Thøger Christensen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Elisabeth F. Mueller, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Jörg Raab, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Accountability, Legitimacy, and Relationships in Private and Cross-sector Partnerships
Chair: Elisabeth Müller
Liliane Carmagnac, Cécile Ezvan and Cécile Ezvan
Accountability for what and to whom? The case of the French social joint venture
Maximilian Loeffel, Stephan M. Wagner and Stephan M. Wagner
Nonprofit-firm cross-sector collaborations: Transitioning from philanthropy to partnerships
Cyrlene Claasen and David Weir
Legitimacy and critical management issues – Joint ventures in the mining industry
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Accountability in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
Chair: Jörg Raab
Karen Boll, Jaana Kettunen and Jaana Maria Kettunen
Transparency and early certainty in collaborative tax regulation
Aurore Fierobe
When partnerships bog down: Orphan projects and the accountability net in healthcare
Ronald Kerckhoffs, Bart Cambré and Jörg Raab
Maturity assessment for public networks – Evaluating legitimacy, interaction, stability and accountability
Patrick N. Kenis, Cor van Montfort, Berit Lindemann, Roman Pankow, Cor van Montfort and Berit Lindemann
Purpose-oriented networks and accountability: towards a research agenda
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Unintended Side-effects of Transparency
Chair: Lars Thøger Christensen
Ysé Commandré
Secrecy and uransparency in the uses of blockchain for the agri-food sector
Theresia Harrer
Lukas Vogelgsang, Birke Otto and Ghita Dragsdahl Lauritzen
Workingwith a naked emperor: The performative value of public secrets in openinnovation
Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Sara Lombardi and Fabio Fraticelli
Making sense of agile practices: The dark side of transparency in agile organizations
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Transparency as Secrecy – and vice versa
Chair: Lars Thøger Christensen
Roberto Dandi and Martin Schlag
The factors that contribute to the abuse of secrecy and transparency in the Catholic Church
Ghislain Deslandes and Jean-Philippe Bouilloud
In praise of secrecy? The leader as Chief Concealment Officer
Mahaut Fanchini and Meghan Van Portfliet
Transparent Secrets: Organisational Strategic Ignorance as a Performance
Elise Lobbedez
Mastering the Secretive Technology. The Role of Digital Technology in the Social Process of Secrecy
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Collaborative Governance and Collaborative Innovation - Room: Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Chair: Elisabeth Müller
Ettore Oriol, HUMBERTO MARTINS, Douglas Wegner and Patrícia Becker
Updating Emerson's Collaborative Governance Model
Shengxi Yi, Eric SCHENK and Eric SCHENK
Join a collaborative licensing agreement? A configurational approach of patent pool participation
Laura Fey, John M. Amis, Royston Greenwood and Royston Greenwood
Navigating competitive and collaborative boundaries for long-term success: Insights from festival organizations
Attabik Awan, Bob Walrave, Vincent de Gooyert, Gunter Bombaerts and Madis Talmar
A Dynamic Understanding of Collaborative Innovation in Regional Energy Transition: The Role of Conflict, Decision-making Speed, and Time Pressure
Parallel Stream B: Visibility and Surveillance - Room: Ingegneria – I – 1_I
Chair: Dan Kärreman
Jana Costas and Patrick Vonderau
Grey zone research – Tech lobbying and its zones of in/visibility
Leopold Ringel and Anne K. Krüger
A global world in the making: Organizations as visibility agents
Marie Eneman and Jan Ljungberg
Organizing government surveillance practices in the age of AI: The complicated interplay between the state and the market
Mia Rosa Koss Hartmann
In the shade of the cloud: ‘Clandestine transparency’ in open-source intelligence of law enforcement
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Investigating Functions of Secrecy
Chair: Ziyun Fan
Wenqian Wang, Nuno Barros De Oliveira and Fabrice Lumineau
An integrative approach to organizational secrecy
Ziyun Fan and Louis Vuarin
The underground society of the catacombs of Paris: Secrets and secrecy as coordination mechanisms in loosely coupled organizational contexts
Craig R. Scott
Differences in attitudes toward organizational secrecy
Tom Forbes and Robin Fincham
The role of secrecy in maintaining an illicit practice: The case of doping in professional road cycling
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Governance of Inter-organizational Collaboration in the Digital Age
Chair: Elisabeth Müller
Timo Braun and Jörg Sydow
Exploring the relational dynamics of inter-organizational projects: Governing stability and change in face of digital tool adoption
Chihiro Tsujimura
Network failure in public-private partnership project – An example in the development process of the digital contact tracing app in Japan
Adeline Hvidsten, Thomas Hoholm, Bjørn Erik Mørk and Bjørn Erik Mørk
Playing against the reform: Digitalizing boundary work
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Ingegneria – I – 2_ST
Development and Governance of Networks and Ecosystems
Chair: Jörg Raab
Willem Grolman, Nuno Oliveira, Paul C. van Fenema, Leon A.G. Oerlemans and Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Bringing the practitioner back in interorganizational power: An integrative review
Anna Moretti and Maria Martini Barzolai
It’s not about the maestro: A case of interorganizational network orchestration
Nikolai Staudinger and Stephan Leixnering
Representatives of an unconventional alliance – Facilitating collaborative arrangements in wicked problems
Kaisa R. Penttila, Man Yang, Michael Mol and Michael J. Mol
The mechanisms that drive co-evolution of ecosystems and actors: A renewable energy ecosystem over time