Sub-theme 81: Open Sub-theme – Reimagining the Work and the Workplace: Crafting Legacies and Unlocking Creative Potential

Alessia Contu, University of Massachusetts, USA
Cinzia Priola, The Open University, United Kingdom
Jared M. Poole, University of Massachusetts, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Remote Work
Marie-Colombe Afota, Yanick Provost Savard, Emmanuelle Léon and Ariane Ollier-Malaterre
Changes in belongingness, meaningful work, and emotional exhaustion among new high-intensity telecommuters: A latent growth modeling approach
Discussant(s): Bertola & Robert
Véronique Robert, Lara Bertola and Lara Bertola
Networking in the age of working remotely
Discussant(s): Afota et al.
Ashwani Kumar, Nishant Garg and Pushpendra Priyadarshi
Bibliometric analysis and Systematic Literature Review of intellectual narrative of remote working: A 20-year review
Discussant(s): Pareschi
Luca Pareschi and Massimiliano Pellegrini
Perks and perils of remote work. A topic model analysis
Discussant(s): Kumar et al.
GENERALLY, for all sessions:
• Presentation by authors: 10 minutes
• Discussant's questions/comments: 5 minutes
• Questions from the floor: 5 minutes
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Technology and Its Effects
Thierry Colin and Benoît Grasser
Working with collaborative robots in Industry 4.0: Towards greater automation or more learning opportunities for operators?
Discussant(s): Eisenberg
Julia Eisenberg, Theresa Lant and Theresa K. Lant
Artificial Intelligence and the changing talent management practices: Opportunities to facilitate equity and inclusion in today’s teams
Discussant(s): Colin & Grosser
Dicle Berfin Köse and Jeffrey Mullins
Beyond dualism: The duality of work and play in information systems
Discussant(s): Hylving
Lena Hylving
Sensibility and human flourishing in the digital era: Exploring the circus context
Discussant(s): Befin Köse & Mullin
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Inclusion and Justice at Work
Maria Cristina Zaccone and Matteo Pedrini
Inclusion at work and extra-role behavior: A moderated mediation model
Discussant(s): Moeliker & Burmeister
Klaudijo Klaser
Hybrid work arrangements: Complementing business ethics with organizational justice
Discussant(s): Gachayeva et al.
Sona Gachayeva, Maryam Aldossari and Susan Murphy
Co-workers' fairness perceptions of i-deals: A qualitative study
Discussant(s): Klaser
Rowan Moelijker and Anne Burmeister
Development and validation of the Inclusive Coworker Behavior Scale
Discussant(s): Zaccone & Pedrini
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Employees's Variables and Effectiveness
Sigal Sapir, Varda Wasserman and Michal Frenkel
Organizational aesthetics, sexuality, and power in women-oriented co-working spaces
Discussant(s): Gjorevska
Francesca Mochi, Daniela Aliberti, Rita Bissola and Barbara Imperatori
Never disconnected: Behaviors and identity of alumni brand ambassadors
Discussant(s): Maheshwari et al.
Sami Adwan, Tobias Polzer, Galina Goncharenko, Siwen Liu and Siwen Liu
Understanding the impact of employee satisfaction towards company labour investment efficiency
Discussant(s): Sapir et al
Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Ashneet Kaur, Mantasha Firoz and Aamna Khan
Evil boss equals ingenuity: The interplay of abusive supervision, workplace loneliness, creative performance and psychological safety
Discussant(s): Mochi et al.
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Teams and Coaching
Madleen Meier-Barthold, Kerstin Alfes and Adrian Ritz
The role of cognitive and emotional trust in leaders in fostering effective teamwork
Discussant(s): Kim
Eunhee Kim
Team change adaptation: Effects of planned and improvised team processes
Discussant(s): Meier-Barthold et al.
Roman Terekhin
How workplace peer coaching groups connect employees and facilitate their development
Discussant(s): Marras & Loi
Giammarco Marras, Michela Loi and Michela Loi
Entrepreneurial coaching: A review to systematize existing studies and direct future research
Discussant(s): Terekhin
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Meaningful Work and Well-Being
Chantale Jacques-Gagnon and Luc K. Audebrand
Organizational shift and the making of meaningful work on the shop floor. An empirical study of the “liberated enterprise” through the lens of self-determination theory
Discussant(s): Thomas et al.
Camilla A. Noonan and Séamas Kelly
Exploring the phenomenology of organising for the Good Life: The co-cultivation of meaningful ways of working and living at SecureCo
Discussant(s): Simha
Olivier S. Simha
Coping with an agile transformation: An identity work perspective
Discussant(s): Kelly & Noonan
Njoke K. Thomas, Kylie C. Rochford, Patricia Dahm and Spencer Harrison
Give it all you've got, or give it up! Embodied paradoxical tensions of workplace well-being initiatives
Discussant(s): Jacques-Gagnon & Audebrand
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
Francesca Nepoti, Filippo Ferrarini and Ylenia Curzi
Performance management: A solution to or a part of inequality regimes?
Discussant(s): Gutt et al.
Jana Kim Gutt, Miro Mehic, Kirsten Thommes and Kirsten Thommes
Oh my goodness: Investigating the goodness of performance appraisal formats between and within teams
Discussant(s): Nepoti et al.
Silvia Profili, Alessia Sammarrra and Laura Innocenti
HR development practices, work engagement and continuance commitment of employees with chronic illness: The role of intrinsic motivation
Discussant(s): Flavini et al.
Giulia Flamini, Luca Gnan and Aqsa Ameer
Human resource management practices and disability management: Analyzing the past and preparing for the future
Discussant(s): Samorra, Profili & Innocenti
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – Centrale – 0_DX 3
HRM, Space, and Alternative Organizing
Natasha Gjorevska
Meaningful work and alternative organising: Workers’ experiences in alternative food initiatives in the UK
Discussant(s): Sapir et al.