Sub-theme 60: Rethinking Responses to Institutional Complexity

Royston Greenwood, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Patrick Vermeulen, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Charlene Zietsma, York University, Toronto, Canada
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, M3-15
Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Patrick A.M. Vermeulen
Thomas Lawrence and Nelson Phillips
The turn to work: Managing social-symbolic structures in organizational life
William Ocasio, Michael Mauskapf and Christopher Steele
History, society, and institutions: The role of collective memory in the formation of societal logics
Mia Raynard and Royston Greenwood
Deconstructing complexity: Configurations of institutional complexity and structural hybridity
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organizational fields - Room: M1-16
Chair: Bob Hinings
András Tilcsik and Christopher Marquis
Living in two worlds: The simultaneous influence of industry and community peers on corporate philanthropy
James Faulconbridge and Daniel Muzio
Global professional service firms and the challenge of institutional complexity: Field relocation as a response strategy
Aafke Raaijmakers, Patrick Vermeulen and Marius T.H. Meeus
Growing pains: The interplay of multiple institutional logics and the emergence of the Dutch childcare field
Jonathan Staggs and April L. Wright
Institutional infrastructure and institutional complexity in the field of science research production in Australia
Parallel Stream B: Identity - Room: M1-18
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Neha Chatwani and Gazi Islam
Humanitarian identifications: Heterogeneous logics as identity projects in Médecins Sans Frontières
Sheila Cannon
Organizational identity work in response to deinstitutionalization
Trin Thananusak and Shaz Ansari
Institutional complexity and multiple identities: Coping with the disruption of open access publishing
Parallel Stream C: Institutional Work - Room: M3-15
Chair: Tom Lawrence
Chenjian Zhang, Yuhuan Liu and Runtian Jing
Coping with multiple institutional logics: Temporal process of institutional work during the emergence of one foundation in China
Sundeep Aulakh, Ian Kirkpatrick and Joan Loughrey
Institutional work and institutional complexity: A case study of compliance officers in alternative business structures
Martin Kitchener and Andrea Herepath
Institutional complexity in a health care field: Institutional work at the interfaces between complementary, co-existent, and countervailing logics
Kathryn Fahy and Johanna Moisander
Defending inaction: Defensive institutional work in organizational responses to institutional complexity
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Contestation and conflicting logics - Room: M1-16
Chair: Chris Marquis
Donald Nordberg
Challenge in the Fourth Estate: Institutional complexity in news organizations
Jacob Vakkayil and Anna Canato
From vitiation to contradiction: Antecedents of changing logics in complex fields
Pietro Versari
Combining competing logics through conflict reduction and conflict resistance: Differences in conflicting institutional logics management strategies and their impact on intra-organizational institutional conflict in hybrid organizations
Patrick Lê and Kristine De Valck
No fame, no blame? Meaning of a contested practice in the field of journalism
Parallel Stream B: Hybrid Organizations - Room: M1-18
Chair: Julie Battilana
Madeline Toubiana, Christine Oliver and Patricia Bradshaw
Leveraging complexity for success: Outcomes of hybrid patterns of organizing
Giulia Cappellaro, Paul Tracey and Royston Greenwood
Succeeding to failure: Hybrid organizations and institutional complexity
Frédéric Dufays and Benjamin Huybrechts
The emergence of hybrids: Imprinting from the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity
Parallel Stream C: Organizational Responses - Room: M3-15
Chair: Anne-Claire Pache
Masaru Karube, Israel Drori and Hironori Fukukawa
Institutional logics and merger strategies: Historical account of the Japanese audit industry
Liudvika Leišyte and Debabrata Chatterjee
Organizational responses to vertically nested institutional logics: A study of two universities from Dutch and Indian research systems
Henri Schildt and Markus Perkmann
Organizational change in response to institutional complexity: Processes and outcomes of organizational hybridization
Elisa Villani and Nelson Phillips
Managing institutional complexity in collaborations: The role of boundary organizations in managing multiple institutional logics
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Field Level Responses and Institutional Change - Room: M1-16
Chair: Royston Greenwood
Emily Block
A theoretical model of institutional pluralism and institutional change
Paul F. Skilton, Lindsay Mahony and Tomislav Rimac
Regulatory institutional entrepreneurship and institutional change processes: The USDA and the promotion of regional food hubs
Nevena Radoynovska and William Ocasio
Dilemmas of consequence: Institutional complexity, frame contestation and the effects of layered practices on resource allocation in emergency departments
Miriam Wolf and Krsto Pandza
Organizing for institutional complexity: Field configuring organizations
Parallel Stream B: Complexity and Social Enterprises - Room: M1-18
Chair: Robert J. David
Eric (Yanfei) Zhao and Tyler Wry
Too much of a good thing? How institutional complexity shapes the founding and focus of microfinance organizations in developing countries, 1995–2007
Marya L. Besharov and Jean-Baptiste Litrico
Pathways toward institutional complexity: Changing conceptions of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000–2010
Jenny Svensson and Klara Tomson
Managing institutional complexity: A process perspective on the strategic handling of multiple institutional demands in the Swedish school sector
Anna Krzeminska
Scaling hybrid organizations: Path dependencies and paradoxes
Parallel Stream C: Intraorganizational Responses - Room: M3-15
Chair: Patrick A.M. Vermeulen
Frida Pemer and Tale Skjølsvik
Micro-level strategies for dealing with competing institutional logics: The case of purchasing management consulting services
Emmie Vossen and Nicolette Van Gestel
The complexity of individual responses to institutional logics: The case of the activation logic in sickness absence management
Marieke van Wieringen, Peter Groenewegen and Marjolein Broese van Groenou
Florence Nightingales and assembly-lines: Multiple logics, multiple responses in home-care organizations
Namrata Malhotra, Tim Morris and Michael Smets
Managing shifting institutional complexities and organizational change: Evidence from London's elite law firms
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Multiple logics - Room: M1-16
Chair: Matt Kraatz
Lea Urup
Navigating an octopus by the stars: Leading a design-build project organization by complex constellations of institutional logics
Nicolas Battard, Vincent Mangematin and Tetsuya O'Hara
Intertwined logics as a source of longevity: Hooking business into the family logic and local community
Ruxi Wang and Frank Wijen
Complexity within logics: The multiple influences of the Chinese state on corporate environmentalism
Kevin Curran, Christopher Benoit, Saralara Marquez-Gallardo and ChangUn Lee
Sustaining multiple institutional logics through logic alignment in structures and practices: The case of an East London street market
Parallel Stream B: Complexity and Social Movements - Room: M1-18
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari and Juliane Reinecke
For rich or poor? The underbelly of complex institutional arrangements. Occupy London and the Church of England
Maria Paola Ometto, Thomas Gegenhuber and Johanna Winter
Losing the activist spirit: Institutional complexity, mission drift, and institutional logics vulnerability
Alex Nicholls, Benjamin Huybrechts and Silvia Dorado
Bridging objects and logic plurality: The case of Fair Trade
Parallel Stream C: Microfoundations I - Room: M3-15
Chair: Nelson Philips
Leentje Volker, Kristina Lauche and Hans Berends
Navigating institutional complexity: Commissioning public buildings between professional and procurement logics
Till Jansen
On stage, off stage and backstage: Arranging conflicting institutional logics by dramaturgy
Julia Brandl and Bernadette Bullinger
Individual implications of institutional pluralism: A framework for studying individuals shifting between institutional logics
Linda Jakob Sadeh
Institutional complexity in action – Inside a Jewish-Palestinian organization
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Institutional Change and Legitimacy - Room: M1-16
Chair: Shaz Ansari
Evelyn Micelotta
The institutional accommodation of "Open Access" in higher education publishing
Melanie Ganter
Maintaining legitimacy under institutional complexity – The diverging effect of civic and domestic justifications on organizations’ fair trade investment
Yiarayong Klangboonkrong and Mark Jenkins
Academic founders of university spinouts: Reconciling Mode 1 and Mode 2 logics of knowledge production through nested referents of legitimacy
Jaakko Siltaloppi
Paths to constructing organizational responses under institutional complexity
Parallel Stream B: Logics and Sustainability - Room: M1-18
Chair: Patrick A.M. Vermeulen
Magda Smink, Simona Negro and Marko Hekkert
How mismatching institutional logics frustrate sustainability transitions
Koen van Bommel and André Spicer
Chance or genius? A garbage can exploration of the institutionalisation of sustainability reporting in the Netherlands
Jean-Baptiste Litrico and Robert David
A field-level analysis of response to institutional pressure: Divergent framing of environmental management in civil aviation
Francesca Ciulli, Ans Kolk and Johan Lindeque
Multiple institutional logics in the fields of electric decarbonization in France, Germany and the UK
Parallel Stream C: Microfoundations II - Room: M3-15
Chair: Royston Greenwood
Juha Laurila
The phases of innovative actions: Increasing susceptibility, appearing opportunities, execution and generalization
Hélène Bovais
Reconciling the irreconcilable! How cognitive hybridization and gateways enable dialog between mutualist, business and capitalist logics in retail banking
Anne-Claire Pache
On the consequences of being hybrid: The impact of internal representation of multiple logics on organizational outcomes
Magdalena Cholakova and Davide Ravasi
On the microfoundations of institutional complexity: Why do some individuals perceive multiple logics as conflicting while others do not?
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, M3-15
Closing Session & Panel Discussion
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Bob Hinings and Danielle Logue
Organizational fields, institutional complexity and institutional change: a critique and reformulation
The session will end with a panel consisting of Julie Battilana, Matt Kraatz, Tom Lawrence & Anne-Claire Pache.