Sub-theme 11: Are Good Organizations Caring Places?

Marianna Fotaki, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom
Gazi Islam, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Anne Antoni, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Philosophical Foundations of Care
Chair: Marianna Fotaki
Margaret Elley-Brown and Judith K. Pringle
Sorge, Heideggerian ethic of care: Creating more caring organizations
Viviana Meschitti and Wendy Hein
Making people grow: A new understanding of organisational ethics with Deleuze and Guattari
Séverine Le Loarne and Christine Noel-Lemaitre
What is the best place to care? The contribution of Simone Weil and her notions of “Spirituality” and “making employees think their own work”
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Care on the Ground: Empirical Perspectives
Chair: Gazi Islam
Katharina Molterer, Patrizia Hoyer and Chris Steyaert
Towards a practical ethics of care in residential homes for the elderly
Regine Bendl, Alexander Fleischmann and Angelika Schmidt
Taking care of everybody? Alternative forms of organizing, diversity and the caring organization
Michela Marchiori, Lucia Marchegiani and Rita Bencivenga
The work inclusion of people with disabilities in the hospitality industry: A process toward a good organization?
Maciej Lawrynowicz and Krzysztof Michal Durczak
Inclusion by the excluded: Moving the classroom five thousand miles to the right
Session III: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Care and Leadership
Chair: Anne Antoni
Peter Ghin and Susan Ainsworth
"Can't afford to have a man down": When leaders become objects of care
Pauline Schilpzand, Jeewon Cho and Lawrence Houston
The daily effects of humble (caring) leadership depend on whether the leader is abusive
Hager Jemel, Valérie Petit and Sarah Saint-Michel
Is inclusive leadership a care ethics-based theory?
Jessica Nicholson, Elizabeth Kurucz and Barry Colbert
The role of care in scaling social enterprise initiatives: Scaling deep with ‘Empathic Leadership’
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Care across Time and Space
Chair: Gazi Islam
Nyla Ansari and Séverine Le Loarne
Proposing an embodied ethical approach of women leadership through the philosophy of Michel Foucault: A model based on the case of women top managers in Pakistan
Olivia Davies and Kathleen Riach
Co-flourishing as an organizational ethics of care? Caring for the other through a more-than-human organizational care
Irene Tsachouridi and Irene Nikandrou
Transferring Aristotelian Grand Mean into the study of employee attitudes and behaviors
Tyron Love
Māori values, care and compassion in organisations: A research strategy
Session V: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Critical Conceptions of Care
Chair: Marianna Fotaki
Ye (Sonya) Liu
Do they care newcomers? Masculinity, fullness of self and identity construction in police
Gabriele Fassauer
Recognition at work: HR managers modes of (self-)reification
Lotte Holck
Diversity matters: Exploring the complex linkage between team diversity and micro-practices of (in)equality
Ann-Marie Jahn and Lauren Schrock
Contingent workers in Germany: Do good organisations care about the training and development of short-term employees?
Session VI: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
Affect and Reflexivity: New Approaches to Care
Chair: Gazi Islam
Parisa Dashtipour, Marianna Fotaki and Bénédicte Vidaillet
Passion, the work organization and suffering
Jurgen Willems and Carolin Waldner
Professional reputation assessment in caring organizations: The impact of work-life integration
Clare Mumford, David Holman, Leo McCann and Maurice Nagington
Why not go gently? Identity dilemmas in attempts to be caring and effective in the workplace
Anne Antoni and Haley A. Beer
Ethics of fieldwork as care: Relationality, responsibility, and research impact
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, SP 214 (2nd floor)
The Heterogeneous Discourses of Care
Chair: Marianna Fotaki
Mustafa Bilgehan Ozturk and Ahu Tatli
Diversity management and ethics: Towards an ethics of care approach
Hélène Picard and
Unpacking the discourses of ‘caring management’: Towards a re-politicization of managerial humanism with the ethics of care
Amanda M. Peticca-Harris
Caring enough? Evolving narratives of care and crises
Elina Riivari, Virpi Malin, Teija Lukkari and Päivikki Jääskelä
Feeling good and being inspired on campus: A search for meaningful work