Sub-theme 39: The Games Organizations Play: The Uses and Effects of Play at Work

Mikko Vesa, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Elke Weik, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Lyndon Garrett, University of Michigan, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Play at Work
Chair: Ulrich Leicht-Deobald
Jinia Mukerjee and Anca Metiu
Work and true play in a high tech organization
Daphne Demetry
Improvisation as packages: The role of routines and tacit knowledge in responding to surprises
Saheli Nath
Games scientists play: Implications of challenge-based crowdsourced research for 21st century work
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Play beyond Work
Chair: Lyndon Garrett
Jean-Charles Pillet, Marcos Barros and Gazi Islam
When technology mingles with the boundaries of work: The enactment of new shared cognitive frames through the use of ICT with play-like affordances
Perttu Salovaara and Matt Statler
A play ontology: Phenomenological hermeneutics and organizational processes
Kevin Scally and Donncha Kavanagh
The Klein bottle game
Session III: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Play as Performance
Chair: {tbc}
Kees Boersma, Issy Drori, Shmuel Ellis, Barak S. Aharonson and Tamar Sagiv
The mobilization of social drama during a period of crisis and change
Torild Oddane, Frode Heldal, Erlend Dehlin and Grete Wennes
There will be talk shows! An explorative study of serious play as Arts-Based Research
Lyndon Garrett
Actors at play: Creating high quality connections through play in community theatre
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Leading through Play
Chair: Mikko Vesa
Andrés Salas-Vallina and Anna Ferrer Franco
The role of humor in the HR practices-performance relationship: Linking leadership and innovative behavior in Spanish public hospitals
Arto Ryömä and Suvi Satama
Moving complementarily and concurrently: Exploring relational leadership in ballet and ice hockey
Rune Thorbjørn Clausen, Kasper T. Elmholdt and
Playful and seductive atmospheres: Tools at play in leadership development work
Session V: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Play, Games and Gamification
Chair: J. Tuomas Harviainen
Kerem Gurses, Ferran Giones and Kandarp Mehta
From international diffusion to global banning: How did the third-party ownership practice become the regulatory target of FIFA
Kateryna Maltseva, Christian Fieseler and Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich
Testing the effectiveness of gamified CSR communication on pro-environmental behavior
Harald Warmelink, Jonna Koivisto, Igor Mayer, Mikko Vesa and Juho Hamari
Gamification of the work floor: A literature review of gamifying production and logistics operations
Session VI: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)
Playful Learning
Chair: Harald Warmelink
Edouard Pignot
Designing playful experience: A study of developers’ affective and ethical modes of engagement at work
Otso Hannula and J. Tuomas Harviainen
Design games as settings for organizational learning: Participant perception of time-efficiency ratio in Topaasia cards
Claudine Bonneau, Simon Bourdeau and Viviane Sergi
Up to what point can work dissolve in a serious game? A participant perspective on the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, FG 1C9 (1st floor)