Sub-theme 39: Intersection between Careers and Institutions

Amit Nigam, City, University of London, United Kingdom
Gina Dokko, University of California, Davis, USA
Candace Jones, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 20:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Sessions 1–3 [see below]
Break 1: 17:30 to 17:45
Break 2: 18:30 to 19:15
Jeannette A. Colyvas, Vincent Yung and Kaisa Snellman
Production, migration, & differentiation: Analyzing the co-evolution of careers & knowledge production
Elizabeth Long Lingo and Chrysanthe Demetry
Negotiating the value of meaningful work: Ethics and micro-processes of inhabited institutional change
Yuan Tian
Navigating multiple status hierarchies: Estimating the effect of extraprofessional status on scientists
Sumelika Bhattacharyya and Priya Rajeev
Class-divide in the evolution of career schemas and occupational mandates in the institutionalization of imported occupations: The case of stand-up comedy in India
Guang Zhu, Chanchal Balachandran and Filippo Carlo Wezel
Learning-from-strangers? Theoretical reflections and empirical evidence on the role of part-timers for organizational growth
Friederike Mathey, Evgenia I. Lysova and Svetlana N. Khapova
Gazing stars, groping in the dark, or being clear-sighted? A sensemaking perspective on repatriation pathways and their (telescopic) visions at international assignments
Marlieke van Grinsven and Stefan Heusinkveld
Spinning into control: The careers of management experts and their ideas
Jérôme Sulbout, François Pichault and Grégory Jemine
We need to talk about sustainability! A focus on skilled contingent workers’ career scripts
Joris J. Ebbers and Yvette Woltman
Using grants or crowdfunding? The effects of emerging artists’ career motivations and the artistic (versus market) logic of their art field.
Yifan Wei and E. Geoffrey Love
Educational attainment and entrepreneurial career choice in China: The contingent influences of social context and types of entrepreneurial careers
Nishani Bourmault and Michel Anteby
Toppling one’s professional expertise from within: The use of hypnosis by French anesthesiologists
Melika Shirmohammadi, Mina Beigi and Mostafa Ayoobzadeh
Edu-immigrants’ job search and employment journeys: A qualitative inquiry
16:00–17:30 – Session 1: Status and Careers in Science (Colyvas et al.; Long Lingo & Demetry; Tian)
17:45–18:30 – Session 2: Lightening Round: Schemas, Identity and Career Paths (Bhattacharyya & Rajeev; Zhu et al.; Mathey et al.; van Grinsven & Heusinkveld; Sulbout et al.) [5 minute presentations]
19:15–20:00 – Session 3: Lightening Round: Career Outcomes (Ebbers & Woltman; Wei & Love; Bourmault; Shirmohammadi & Beigi) [5 minute presentations]
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 19:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Sessions 4–5 & Wrap-up [see below]
Break 1: 17:30 to 18:00
Carrie Oelberger
Change from the periphery: How the career patterns of institutional outsiders influence the logics of social service delivery
Paola Roberta Boscolo Chio Bisto, Amelia Compagni, Giorgio Giacomelli, Marco Sartirana and Giorgio Giacomelli
Unpacking hybridity: development and preliminary validation of a multidimensional measure of hybrid managers’ identities
Katharina Chudzikowski and Heike Schröder
Navigating careers into retirement: A narrative perspective on conflicting logics
Georg Tamm and Erica Coslor
“I’m not stigmatized, but…” Stigmatizing topics, identities and the institution of ‘objective science’ in management
Beatriz Braga and Maria José Tonelli
HR professionals’ career trajectories: Resources, schemas and actions
Holly Ferraro, Allison Henrich, Angie Hodge-Zickerman and Matthew A. Pons
Racialized professional careers: Exploring the lived experience of Black mathematicians
16:00–17:30 – Session 4: Institutional Logics and Career Patterns (Oelberger; Boscolo Chio Bisto et al.; Chudzikowski & Schröder)
18:00–19:30 – Session 5: Stigma and Statuses in Career Paths (Tamm & Coslor; Braga & Tonelli; Ferraro et al.)
19:30-19:45 – Wrap-up
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 07:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)