Sub-theme 45: Reconstructing Universities as Organizations: Increasing Authority with Limited Strategic Capabilities

Richard Whitley, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Jochen Gläser, Technical University Berlin, Germany
Ivar Bleiklie, University of Bergen, Norway
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:45, S-B009
Changing Institutions, Actors and Universities
Chair: Dietmar Braun
Jochen Gläser
Research organisations don't do research
Richard Whitley
Transforming universities: Governance changes and organisational actorhood in different political economies
Jürgen Enders, Ivar Bleiklie, Benedetto Lepori and Christine Musselin
Universities as penetrated hierarchies: Organizational rationalization, hierarchization and networking in higher education
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, S-B009
Changing Institutions, Actors and Universities
Chair: Jochen Gläser
Eric Lettkemann and Enno Aljets
New demands for strategic action – Research in Germany
Anne Rivière and Marie Boitier
Autonomy, budget and performance of French universities: From global steering to local management
Gili S. Drori, Giuseppe Delmestri and Achim Oberg
Visualizing the history of the university: Organizational iconography, institutional logics, and change in the university
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, S-B009
Changing Academic Careers and University Actorhood
Chair: Richard Whitley
Grit Laudel
Exercising authority through academic careers – Changes of authority relations in the Dutch university system
Martin Benninghoff, Raphaël Ramuz, Gorga Adriana and Dietmar Braun
From "localism" to national scientific elites: The transformation of authority's relations related to academic recruitment in Switzerland
Tatiana Fumasoli, Gaële Goastellec and Kevin Toffel
Investigating university organizational actorhood through personnel policies: Findings from the Swiss case
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 11:00, S-B009
Changing Patterns of Authority and Innovation in Universities
Chair: Ivar Bleiklie
Uwe Wilkesmann and Christian Johann Schmid
The impacts of new governance on teaching at German universities. Findings from a national survey
Jakob Edler, Daniela Frischer, Michaela Glanz and Michael Stampfer
The impact of ERC on universities. Conceptualising and exploring the organisational reactions to a new European funding instrument
Albrecht Blümel and Danielle Logue
Constructing organizational actorhood of universities: Rationalizing institutional management and administration
Anna Kosmützky
Between imperative and impossibility – Does the establishment of mission statements bridge the governance gap within universities?
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 16:00, S-B009
Changing Patterns of Authority and Innovation in Universities
Chair: Grit Laudel
Peter M. Kretek, Zarko Dragsic and Barbara Kehm
Transformation of university governance – The role of external board members
Christophe Lejeune and Alain Vas
Leading change through the authority of external quality accreditation: The case of three European management university departments
Tina Hedmo
Changing governance and authority relations: The Swedish case
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, S-B009
The Role of Evaluations in Changing University Capabilities
Chair: Martin Benninghoff
Matteo Turri, Emanuela Reale and Gianfranco Rebora
Emerging evaluation in higher education institutions as steering instrument: Implementation and expectations
Thimo von Stuckrad and Jochen Gläser
Universities teach – But can they learn?
Ismael Rafols, Loet Leydesdorff, Alice O'Hare, Paul Nightingale and Andy Stirling
How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinarity. The case of innovation studies in business and management
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, S-B009
Limitations to Organisational Change in Universities
Chair: Richard Whitley
Elke Weyer
Making sense of organizational change in European universities: Archetypes as ideal patterns of authority distribution
Frank Meier and Uwe Schimank
Cluster-building and the organizational "normalization" of the university