Sub-theme 04: (SWG) Fostering organizational and societal novelty through action research *

Marc Bonnet, University of Lyon 3, France
Olav Eikeland, University College of Akerhus, Norway
Thierry Nobre, University of Strasbourg, France
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 09:00 to 10:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Olav Eikeland
Paul Coughlan
Exploring learning and advancing knowledge in inter-organisational settings: Opportunities for collaborative management research
Enhancing innovation through cognitive interactivity in intervention-research
Symbiotic learning systems
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Marc Bonnet
The Phoenix phenomenon: The role of action research in rebuilding organizations
François Pichault
Action research within inter-company partnerships: Can institutional entrepreneurs theorise their own efforts at institutionalisation?
Research in action: The development of cluster specific inovation strategies in the Oslo region
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: David Coghlan
Oğuz N. Babüroğlu and Tunc Evcimen
The spell of novelty in action research: The case of Kocaeli - An industrial region of Turkey
Janette Brunstein and Antonio Carlos Gil
Sociodrama as a learning process in organizations: A support tool for creativity and change in action research
Lisbeth Hansson and Anders Lauvsnes
Approaching and creating new work practices through action research - A case study from implementation of Integrated Operations (IO) in a Norwegian oil and gas company
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Thierry Nobre
Nicole Barthe, and François Ecoto
From intervention-research projects to societal creativity and innovation
Pierre-Yves Kocher and Patricia Wolf
Enhancing organisational innovation capability through systemic action research: A case of a Swiss SME in the food industry
André F. M. Wierdsma
Co-creating pathways for novelty through a collective learning process
Session V: Friday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Olav Eikeland
From the responsibility of public service organisations to the personal responsibility of public service employees: The need to improve evaluation and sanction/reward practices
Duncan N. Angwin, Breda Kavanagh and Mary Burke
An action research study of boundary change in a hospital merger
An examination of the research-practice gap in nursing and a proposed means of bridging it
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Michel Péron
The challenge of attending to different voices in co-operative inquiry in healthcare
Johan Ravn
Collaborability: Developing organizational competitiveness through proficiency in communication and cooperation across organizational boundaries
Morten Hatling and Jonas A. Ingvaldsen
Improving team work model through action research
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, E1-2-25
- Group Discussion -
Chair: Marc Bonnet
Elisabeth Gjerberg
Train the trainer - A key to success with refelction groups? How we developed the facilitators role and practice
Thierry Nobre and Caroline Merdinger-Rumpler
Innovating through hypertext reading of organizations by action research: The case of hospital change