Sub-theme 26: Social capital and entrepreneurial ventures
M. Tina Dacin, Queens's University, Canada
Tom Elfring, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Indre Maurer, University of Cologne, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 09:00 to 10:30, E3-B-B017
Social capital and industry context
Chair: Indre Maurer
Social networks in the Hedge Funds Industry: An empirical study
Bilgehan Uzunca and S. Nazli Wasti
The Effect of Social Capital in Supplier Development and Organizational Learning: Spinoff Suppliers of a Turkish Automotive
Luiz Antônio Antunes Teixeira and Daniel Jardim Pardini
The Influence of the Social Relations´ Systems in the Exercise of Entrepreneurship Business in the Odontological
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, E3-B-B017
Social capital and entrepreneurship in regions/clusters
Chair: Tina Dacin
Mehmet Çakar
Mário Aquino Alves
Diffusion and Entrepreneurship: the Professionalization of the Rural Development Field in the Brazilian Northeastern Region
Social Capital and Co-operative Organizations in Italy
The Geography of Sustainable Enterprise and the Concentration of Mission-Driven Companies
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, E3-B-B017
Social event
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, E3-B-B017
Networks and performance
Chair: Tom Elfring
Andreea Postariu and Aura Parmentier Cajaiba
Toward managing threats to SME growth via networks: an empirical study based on network and resource based view
Maria del Mar Fuentes Fuentes and Matilde Ruiz Arroyo
Corporate Entrepreneurship Activities of SMEs and Knowledge Acquisition from Interorganizational Alliances: An Empirical Study
of their Influence on Performance
Bojidar Gyoshev and Tatiana Manolova
When Does Social Capital Add Value to Entrepreneurial Ventures? Empirical Evidence from a Transition Economy
Patrick Vermeulen, Petru-Lucian Curseu, Jac Geurts and Petra Gibcus
The capital of SME owners: Human and social capital effects on decision effectiveness
Session V: Friday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, E3-B-B017
Social entrepreneurship and networks
Chair: Tina Dacin
Yvonne Guerrier
Youth Enterprise and Social Capital
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Capital – Theory and Empirical Evidence
Timo Suutari
Keeping at Arm's Length or Searching for Social Proximity? Corporate Social Responsibility as a Reciprocal Process between
Small Businesses and the Local Community
Isabelle Reymen, Georges Romme and Victor Gilsing
How Fairness Perceptions Affect New-Venture Development
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, E3-B-B017
Building social capital
Chair: Indre Maurer
Wai-sum Siu and Qiong Bao
Research into Entrepreneurial Network Competence: Interplay of Network Relationships, Structure and Governance
Thorsten Semrau
The Impact of Specialization and Integration of Relationship Management on the Social Capital of Entrepreneurial Ventures
Trudi Lang, Rafael Ramirez and
Constructing social capital through entrepreneurial scenario ventures
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, E3-B-B017
Social capital, entrepreneurship in international context
Chair: Tom Elfring
John Child
Building social capital for internalization: the experience of British SMEs in Brazil
Celine VIALA
Social capital, entrepreneur-related factors and internationalization: The case of French SMEs in China
Soren Kock
Entrepreneurial Infrastructure and Business Relationship Establishment - Networking Patterns of Russian and Finnish Founding