Sub-theme 01: (SWG) Rethinking Careers: Theoretical Foundations of Career Studies and their Development

Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Martina Gianecchini, University of Padova, Italy
Hugh Gunz, University of Toronto, Canada
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Career Literature so Far: Avenues for Moving ahead
Chair: Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Yehuda Baruch, Nóra Szücs and Hugh Gunz
What’s in the label: The rise and rise of careers’ concepts – Why career theory stumble
Sanne Nijs, Nicky Dries and Luc Sels
Talent identification throughout the career: A multidisciplinary review of different components
Colin I.S.G. Lee and Will Felps
Mapping careers
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Studying Career: The Relevance of Contexts
Chair: Judith K. Pringle
Sidinei Rocha-de-Oliveira and Lisiane Closs
Promoting interdisciplinary career studies through life history research
Luciana Turchick Hakak
Beyond underemployment: Conceptual links between underemployment, dirty work and identification dynamics
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 16:00 to 17:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Careers within and across Internal Labour Market
Chair: Marijke Verbruggen
Karl Ydén
The military career system. Decoupling different logics of action
Yuval Engel, Emma Kleijn and Svetlana N. Khapova
Career as antecedent of entrepreneurial decision-making: Uncovering the role of prediction and control
Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Bridging (at least?) sociology and psychology? A relational view on career boundaries at the nexus of structure and agency
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Careers on the Field
Chair: Anneleen Forrier
Andrea Schmidt and Martin Steinbereithner
The career field of theater directors. The interplay between the artistic director's and the theater's reputation
Markus Latzke, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Katharina Pernkopf, Carina Rohr and Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Career capital in transitions crossing career fields
Judith K. Pringle, Deborah Jones and Lynette Reid
Careers constructed on location: A Bourdieusian critique
Session V: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Careers, Success and Legitimation
Chair: Gina Dokko
Thijs A. Velema
Organizational status as bridge to career attainment in professional football
Denise Faifua and Frank Tortorello
Elite professionalism: The positioning of career agency in occupation
Amélie Dervaux, François Pichault, Didier Vrancken and Virginie Xhauflair
New ways of managing boundaryless careers: An institutional innovation?
Jannine Williams and Sharon Mavin
Women's intra-gender friendships at work
Session VI: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
The Career Scripts Approach
Chair: Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Gina Dokko and Amit Nigam
Career scripts as enablers of institutional entrepreneurship
Emmanuelle Garbe and Loïc Cadin
Redefining the career script as a two-dimensional concept: The case of humanitarian worker careers
Jean-Denis Culié and Annick Valette
Career scrips within a cluster: A social position approach
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Trois-Rivières
Managing Individual Career: Between Decision and Adaptation
Chair: Martina Gianecchini and Hugh Gunz
Ellen R. Peeters, Jill Nelissen, Nele De Cuyper, Anneleen Forrier, Marijke Verbruggen and Hans De Witte
Movement capital: Towards conceptual and measurement clarity
Marijke Verbruggen
When career decisions aren't realized. A behavioral-decision science perspective
Rein De Cooman and Nicky Dries
The protean career: What can we learn from the literature on person-organization fit and job search?