Sub-theme 12: (SWG) The Temporal Experience of Organizing
Barbara Simpson, Strathclyde Business School, UK
Tor Hernes, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, & Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway
Chahrazad Abdallah, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Past/Future Theorizing
Chair: Barbara Simpson
Tor Hernes and Majken Schultz
Organizational time
Stephanie Decker and Andrea Bernardi
Time and history: Connections and differences
Felix Langenmayr
The contingency of temporal dimensions: Insights from a Luhmannian perspective on the construction of past, present and future
in organizations
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Round Table Conversations – Round Table 1: Narrating; Round Table 2: Passing Events; Round Table 3: Making Sense; Round Table
4: Doing Temporal Research - Room: PIERCE-400
Anders Sørensen and Ellen Mølgaard Korsager
"Fanta...Nazis...Shit!" Sourcing organizational pasts in identity and brand management
Henrika Franck, Paul Savage, Hanna Maula and Eero Vaara
Place your bets! Ante-narrative analysis of entrepreneurial stories in Silicon Valley
Alessandra Zamparini, Monica Martini and Francesco Lurati
Fighting with narratives and antenarratives: The interplay of individual past and collective future in the making of a start-up
organizational identity
Raghu B. Garud and Marja Turunen
Relational, temporal and performative facets of narratives to sustain innovation at work
Ken Chung and Yun Su
Temporal coordination: Combining clock-time and event-time pacing in science-based organizations
Anne Roelsgaard Obling and Kirstine Zinck Pedersen
Accelerated/decelerated: On time, moral order and de-synchronization in the organisation of cancer treatment
Anthony Hussenot and Stéphanie Missonier
Toward an active temporal view of organization: The events-based approach
Viviana Meschitti, Wendy Hein, Henry Etzkowitz and Helen Lawton Smith
Getting the deliverable ready: Time and times in the conduction of a European project
Patrick Dawson and Christopher Sykes
Time and temporality in organizations: Making sense of lived experience
Ida Danneskiold-Samsoe
Learning for the unknown? A pragmatic analysis of learning in theater as temporary organizing
Maria Laura Frigotto and Alessandro Narduzzo
Temporal cycling in sensemaking
Monika Maria Möhring and John Finch
Shaping of time in inter-organizational collaboration: Linking joint sense-making to dimensions of practice and temporal perspective
Fernando F. Fachin
Organizational identity formation: Co-authoring continuity
Jenny Helin
Writing as a lived and living process: from retrospective to prospective writing practices
Ansgar Ødegård
Time as constituting organizational change processes – Managing in time and flow. A longitudinal study of radical organizational
change processes in two Norwegian electricity companies
Round Table 1: Narrating
Chair: Marie-Léandre Gomez
To be discussed: papers by Anders Ravn Sørensen & Ellen Mølgaard; Henrika Franck et al.; Alessandra Zamparini et al.; Raghu Garud & Marja Turunen
Round Table 2: Passing Events
Chair: Jan Erik Karlsen
To be discussed: papers by Ken Chung & Yun Su; Kirstine Zinck Pedersen & Anne Roelsgaard Obling; Anthony Hussenot & Stéphanie Missonier; Viviana Meschitti et al.
Round Table 3: Making Sense
Chair: Hans Berends
To be discussed: papers by Patrick Dawson & Christopher Sykes; Ida Danneskiold-Samsoe; Alessandro Narduzzo & Maria Laura Frigotto; Monika Maria Möhring & John Finch
Round Table 4: Doing Temporal Research
Chair: Caroline Ramsey
To be discussed: papers by Fernando Fachin; R. Duncan Pelly; Jenny Helin; Ansgar Ødegård
Round Table 1: Narrating
Chair: Marie-Léandre Gomez
To be discussed: papers by Anders Ravn Sørensen & Ellen Mølgaard; Henrika Franck et al.; Alessandra Zamparini et al.; Raghu Garud & Marja Turunen
Round Table 2: Passing Events
Chair: Jan Erik Karlsen
To be discussed: papers by Ken Chung & Yun Su; Kirstine Zinck Pedersen & Anne Roelsgaard Obling; Anthony Hussenot & Stéphanie Missonier; Viviana Meschitti et al.
Round Table 3: Making Sense
Chair: Hans Berends
To be discussed: papers by Patrick Dawson & Christopher Sykes; Ida Danneskiold-Samsoe; Alessandro Narduzzo & Maria Laura Frigotto; Monika Maria Möhring & John Finch
Round Table 4: Doing Temporal Research
Chair: Caroline Ramsey
To be discussed: papers by Fernando Fachin; R. Duncan Pelly; Jenny Helin; Ansgar Ødegård
Parallel Stream B: Round Table Conversations – Round Table 5: Innovating; Round Table 6: Changing Perspectives; Round Table 7: Objects and Symbols - Room: PIERCE-401
Natalya Sergeeva
Practitioners' use of time in making sense of innovation
Anup Nair
Innovating and the dynamics of temporal scaffolding
Robin Holt and Mike Zundel
Planning and planting: Recovering the techne of making in strategy
Susan Hilbolling, Hans Berends, Fleur Deken, Marleen Huysman and Philipp Tuertscher
Beyond synchronicity: The temporality of coupling and decoupling in innovation processes
Galina Kallio and Mikko Vesa
The unbearable "liteness" of organizing: tracing the everyday rhythms of food collectives
Olivier Germain, Raffi Duymedjian and Guillaume Ferrante
About the availableness of the entrepreneur. Revisiting the dwelling and building modes in entrepreneuring
Ward M. Eagen
Becoming here, becoming now, becoming place
Eila Szendy-El Kurdi
Reimagining change: Bergson's philosophy of time and real duration applied to the study of a French museum transformation
Oana Branzei and Esther R. Maier
Fascinating rhythms: Organizing time in a dramatic series production
Saadia Toor and Ali Mir
Poetry as resistance: A history of organizing
Ye (Sonya) Liu
Temporal-social orientation: An integrative perspective on the dynamics of self, context, past and future – A case study of
newcomer socialization in police service organization
Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Exploring the re-interpretation of physical objects through the social process of becoming
Round Table 5: Innovating
Chair: Tor Hernes
To be discussed: papers by Natalya Sergeeva; Anup Nair; Robin Holt & Mike Zundel; Susan Hilbolling et al.
Round Table 6: Changing Perspectives
Chair: Chahrazad Abdallah
To be discussed: papers by Galina Kallio & Mikko Vesa; Olivier Germain et al.; Ward Eagan; Eila Szendy El-Kurdi
Round Table 7: Objects and Symbols
Chair: Philippe Lorino
To be discussed: papers by Esther Maier; Ali Mir; Ye Liu; Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Round Table 5: Innovating
Chair: Tor Hernes
To be discussed: papers by Natalya Sergeeva; Anup Nair; Robin Holt & Mike Zundel; Susan Hilbolling et al.
Round Table 6: Changing Perspectives
Chair: Chahrazad Abdallah
To be discussed: papers by Galina Kallio & Mikko Vesa; Olivier Germain et al.; Ward Eagan; Eila Szendy El-Kurdi
Round Table 7: Objects and Symbols
Chair: Philippe Lorino
To be discussed: papers by Esther Maier; Ali Mir; Ye Liu; Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Temporal Theory
Chair: Tor Hernes
Jan Karlsen and Hanne Karlsen
Time and temporals in organisational change and foresight management
Philippe Naccache and Isabelle Bouty
This is not about time: on management; time and power
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Temporal Organizing
Chair: Chahrazad Abdallah
Katrina Pritchard and Gillian Symon
Right here, right now: Understanding urgency in time-critical engineering work
Richard Tacon and Geoff Walters
Modernisation and board involvement in strategy: A temporal understanding
Cylien Gibert and Hervé Laroche
Justification for the justifying process: Building provisional sense to action in accountability situations
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Experiencing Creatively
Chair: Barbara Simpson
Yoann Bazin and Maja Korica
The Dress: Temporality, aesthetic judgment and accomplishing identity in Parisian couture dressmaking
Chris Steyaert, Laurent Marti and Christoph Michels
Play-time and multi-temporality
Hans Berends and Elco van Burg
Entrepreneurial opportunities as temporal constructions
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Chair: Chahrazad Abdallah
Philippe Lorino
The dialogical temporality of organizing
Jenni Myllykoski and Anniina Rantakari
Eternal today – The temporal nature of strategy-making
Caroline Ramsey
Talk travelling in time: Invitation and contribution
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-AMPHITHEATER
Experiencing Time
Chair: Tor Hernes
Sari Mattila
Being(s) in motion: Movement, space and time in experiencing organisation(s)
Isabelle Bouty, Marie-Léandre Gomez and Chrystelle Richard
A temporal perspective on organizing: the emergence and structuration of the French ski school "Ecole du Ski Français"