Sub-theme 59: Regulating Organizations: Re-Examining the Intersections between States and Businesses -> HYBRID sub-theme!
Florian Überbacher, Montpellier Business School, France
Elke Schüßler, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Arno Kourula, University of Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-22
Organizing Regulation: Regulatory Dynamics and Contestations
Chair: Florian Überbacher, Elke Schüßler & Arno Kourula
Andrea Fried and Elif Härkönen
Organising regulation – A discourse analysis of decentred regulatory conversations on digital operational resilience
Discussant(s): Thomas Reverdy
Agnes Käll
Conflict and collaboration in the reinvention of anti-money laundering supervision
Discussant(s): Andrea Fried
Thomas Reverdy, Gilles Debizet and Thibaut Fonteneau
Rivalries and interdependencies between French regulation authorities: The controversial regulation of electricity prosumers
Discussant(s): Agnes Käll
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-22
Corporate Influence on Regulation
Chair: Elke Schüßler
Daniel Nyberg, Vanessa Bowden, Peter Fleming and Christopher Wright
Energy transitions in an era of representative crisis: The de-democratization of climate change politics
Discussant(s): Alan Brejnholt
Jukka Rintamäki and André Spicer
Initiativitis: How regulatory initiatives are routinely created, distributed, and avoided
Discussant(s): Daniel Nyberg & Peter Fleming
Alan Brejnholt, Jukka Rintamäki and Gerhard Schnyder
Politicisation and state de-orchestration of CSR in Brazil
Discussant(s): Elke Schüßler
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-22
Regulating for Sustainability
Chair: Florian Überbacher
Carla Bader and Maximiliano Marzetti
Compliance Strategies of Companies Subject to the French Duty of Vigilance Act - A Qualitative Assessment
Discussant(s): Grégory De Boe
Grégory De Boe, Valérie Swaen and Marie Lamensch
Unveiling the effects of plastic packaging taxes: A comprehensive analysis of circular practices among food packaging producers
in the United Kingdom, Spain, and Portugal
Discussant(s): Carla Bader & Maximiliano Marzetti
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-22
New Regulations and Corporate Responses
Chair: Arno Kourula
Atinuke Adediran
Regulating race-conscious disclosures by multinational companies
Discussant(s): Haifa Labdhagati, Ashley Metz & Nikolas Rathert
Simon Billinger and Rasmus Nykvist
“Give Deregulation a Try”: Institutional drift and the downfall of the Swedish financial regulatory regime 1955-85
Discussant(s): Atinuke Adediran
Haifa Labdhagati, Ashley Metz and Nikolas Rathert
Adapting to uncertainty from the European medical device regulations: Alternative pathways to compliance
Discussant(s): Simon Billinger
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-22
The Changing Role of the State in Regulation
Chair: Elke Schüßler
Keith Guzik
Strength in numbers? A proposed social scientific study of the changing relationship between government, business, and third-party
service providers with respect to taxation on digital commerce
Discussant(s): Zlatko Bodrožić
Elke Schüßler and Giuseppe Delmestri
Melting the iron cage: The mission impossible of institutional climate action?
Discussant(s): Jukka Rintamäki & André Spicer
Yeon Kyu Lee and Myrto Chliova
State or market? The emergence and evolution of social enterprise in South Korea
Discussant(s): Keith Guzik
Zlatko Bodrožić and Paul S. Adler
localism, authoritarianism or democratization? A neo-Schumpeterian perspective
on alternative responses to the climate crisis
Discussant(s): Keith Guzik
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-22
Multi-Stakeholder Regulation
Chair: Florian Überbacher
Natalia Garrido Skurkowicz and Maja Tampe
Contestation and convergence in informal regulatory spaces: The case of regenerative agriculture in the EU
Discussant(s): Jukka Makinen & Eero Kasanen
Debora Sara Anspach and Charlotte Cloutier
Exploring the mechanisms of ‘just transition' in the climate issue field
Discussant(s): Natalia Garrido Skurkowicz & Maja Tampe
Jukka Makinen, Eero Kasanen and Juha Kinnunen
IN-stakeholder theory as a high-liberal conception of the firm
Discussant(s): Debora Sara Anspach & Charlotte Cloutier
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-22
Institutional Perspectives on Regulation
Chair: Arno Kourula
Jannik Lukas Terence Zwahlen, Christine Moser and Nadine Arnold
Using the varieties of capitalism framework in CSR research: Insights and recommendations from a systematic review
Discussant(s): Nhan (Mac) Nguyen & Takahiro Endo
Nhan (Mac) Nguyen and Takahiro Endo
Corporation’s love of country: Corporate patriotism and institutionalization in the context of an authoritarian, developing
Discussant(s): Jannik Lukas Terence Zwahlen, Christine Moser & Nadine Arnold
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-22
CSR and State Regulation: Complementary dynamics
Chair: Florian Überbacher, Elke Schüßler, Arno Kourula
Anna Jasinenko, Steven A. Brieger and Patrick Haack
Mirror versus substitute: How the institutional context affects individual motivation for corporate social responsibility
Discussant(s): José Carlos Marques & Ilya Okhmatovskiy
Nora Lohmeyer and Julia Bartosch
Re-examining the process of CSR explicitization: Field level dynamics and the role of the state
Discussant(s): Anna Jasinenko & Steven A. Brieger
José Carlos Marques and Ilya Okhmatovskiy
CSR and the state in the Global South: Beyond the hard-soft law dichotomy
Discussant(s): Nora Lohmeyer & Julia Bartosch