Sub-theme 30: Performativity by Design!?
Jean-Pascal Gond, HEC Montréal, Canada
Kenneth Starkey, Nottingham University Business School, UK
Alex Wright, The Open University Business School, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Introduction and Cognitive Perspectives on Performativity
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond and Alex Wright
Tina Ladwig and Thomas Wrona
The situatedness of strategic problem formulation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Fabrice Cavarretta
Fabrice L. Cavarretta and Nathan Furr
Entrepreneurs' grand theories of actions: exploring the epistemic properties of apex heuristics sets
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Tina Ladwig and Thomas Wrona
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Designing Markets and Organizations for Performativity
Chair: Bertrand Fauré
Mélodie Cartel, Joël Ntsondé and Marine Agogué
Enabling performativity in "skunk labs": The untold story of the carbon markets design
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Alison Kemper
Alison Kemper
The diffusion of governance reforms through an actor network
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Norman Crump and Yvonne Latham
Norman Crump and Yvonne Latham
The role of the 'Manchester Triage System' in the design and re-design of an accident and emergency department: Performativity,
sociomateriality and organisational routines
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Mélodie Cartel, Franck Aggeri and Marine Agogue
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Narrative and Linguistic Views on Performativity
Chair: Laure Cabantous
Padraig McCarthy
Bankruptcy: Financial reality or performative act?
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Niels Dechow
Bertrand Fauré, Viviane Sergi and Consuelo Vásquez
The performative role of numbers in project organizing
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Padraig McCarthy, Chris O'Riordan and Ray Griffin
Niels Dechow
On the performativity and performance of balanced scorecards
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Bertrand Fauré, Viviane Sergi and Consuelo Vásquez
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Performativity Struggles
Chair: Alex Wright
Stephan M. Schaefer, Christopher Wickert and André Spicer
Counterperformativity, ignorance and the persistence of self-destructing theories
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Laure Cabantous, Samuel Sponem and Jean-Pascal Gond
Samuel Sponem, Laure Cabantous and Jean-Pascal Gond
Accounting as a site for performativity struggles: Financial economics performativity and accounting standardization
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Peter Watt
Peter Watt
'Activating the power of myth': Is criticism performative?
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Stephan M. Schaefer, Christopher Wickert and André Spicer
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Materializing Theory, Turning Theory into Practice
Chair: Olivia Kyriakidou
Emmanuel Coblence
Managing "regimes of meaning" at the Louvre: How art theories shape organizational and exhibition design
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Kajsa Lindberg and Petra Adolfsson
Luc Brès and Jean-Pascal Gond
Building markets for virtue, performing corporate social responsibility: On the roles of consultants and their tools
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Emmanuel Coblence
Kajsa Lindberg and Petra Adolfsson
Logics in practice: The role of pharmaceuticals at the grocery store
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Luc Brès and Jean-Pascal Gond
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Performativity as Managerialization and Ideology
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond
Senia Kalfa and Lucy Taksa
Employability, managerialism, and performativity in higher education: a relational perspective
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Marie-Astrid Le Theule and Frédérique Dejean
Marie-Astrid Le Theule and Frédérique Déjean
Counter performativity in a publishing firm: "The language of figures" and "faceless numbers"
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Senia Kalfa and Lucy Taska
PLEASE NOTE: This session starts at 09:30!
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, A-407 – Aalto School of Economics
Performativity in Public Sector Contexts
Chair: Alex Wright and Jean-Pascal Gond
Fredrik Lavén
When policy meets practice: Exploring performativity and translation in efforts of organizing innovation
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Olivia Kyriakidou and Maria Andri
Olivia Kyriakidou and Maria Andri
Understanding resistance in health care institutions – Employing Butler's insights on performativity
Discussant(s)Discussant(s): Fredrik Lavén
Alex Wright and Jean-Pascal Gond:
Final Round Table and discussion of future workshops on performativity
Final Round Table and discussion of future workshops on performativity