Sub-theme 57: Designing Organizational Control: Paths and Stakes of a Practice-Based Perspective

Yoann BAZIN, ESG Management School, France
Laurent Magne, DRM – CREFIGE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Jérôme Méric, CEREGE-IAE de Poitiers, France
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Action and Reflexity Dynamics: Control as Practice (1)
Chair: Yoann Bazin, Stefan Konlechner, Laurent Magne and Jérôme Méric
Christelle Théron
An attentional lens on control in managers' daily practices
Stéphan Pezé
Controlling managers 'becoming': The practices of identity regulation
Convenors: Introduction to the sub-theme and of participants

Discussant: Ruth Murray-Webster
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Beyond Managerial Toolkits: Organizational Control (1)
Chair: Stefan Konlechner
Rémi Jardat
"Diatopic" as a lens for control analysis and control design – An illustration by the problem of operational risk in banks and banking systems
Marc Lenglet
Beyond procedural conformity: Compliance officers and the ambiguous making of financial regulation
Jens Rennstam
Circumnavigating managerial practice: Peer reviewing, translation, and productive disobedience as horizontal control in a high-tech firm
Discussant: Simy Joy
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Constraints and Capabilities: The Double Path of Organizational Control (1)
Chair: Yoann Bazin
Nobin Thomas
Control and autonomy irony inherent in communities-of-practice analyzed from a power perspective using group level of analysis
Simy Joy
Control in boundary transcending work units: Learning from outsourced IT services delivery teams
Amaury Grimand, Ewan Oiry and Aurélien Ragaigne
Extending Foucault – Constraint and Empowerment: The dual dimension of control tools
Discussant: Jetta Frost
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Action and Reflexity Dynamics: Control as practice (2)
Chair: Jérôme Méric
Ruth Murray-Webster and Harvey Maylor
How a well managed change programme yielded no change and what this tells us about change and control: A structuration perspective
Yoann Bazin
Controlling practices, dead-end or keystone?
Discussant: Esther Maier
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Beyond Managerial Toolkits: Organizational Control (2)
Chair: Laurent Magne
Esther Maier
The accounts behind the story: Budgeting practices in cultural production
Robert Holmberg, Magnus Larsson and Peter Svensson
Leading in the cage: Managing the tension between reality and employee surveys
Claire Ciampi
Control practices and information technology: The case of collaborative databases in product development activities
Discussant: Ewan Oiry
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Constraints and Capabilities: The Double Path of Organizational Control (2)
Chair: Jérôme Méric
Stefan Konlechner
Knowledge evolution and the development of replication strategies
Stéphanie Chatelain-Ponroy and Sophie Morin-Delerm
The sustainable development reporting: A new organizational practice in higher education institutions?
Evelyne Misiaszek
Impulsing organizational change: The happy union of a management control system and familiness
Discussant: Andrey Pavlov
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, E-125 – Arkadia
Beyond Managerial Toolkits: Organizational Control (3) and Agenda for Further Research
Chair: Yoann Bazin, Stefan Konlechner, Laurent Magne and Jérôme Méric
Jetta Frost, Rick Vogel and Khaled Bagban
Towards a combinative approach to management control: How control mechanisms interact in a multi-business firm
Laurent Taskin and Gabriel Van Bunnen
Knowledge sharing and control intensification: A longitudinal case study
Discussant: Thomas Nobin

Summary of key issues raised in the sub-theme and future steps
Best Paper Awards 2012