Sub-theme 55: Studying Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Context

Mike Geppert, School of Management, University of Surrey, UK
Florian Becker-Ritterspach, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:45, H-D34
Welcome and Innovation in Context I
Chair: Mike Geppert and Florian Becker-Ritterspach
Martin Goossen and Navid Bazzazian
Sometimes capricious, sometimes focused: The performance effects of temporal balancing
Kristin Falck Saghaug and Peter Lindgren
Different thinking – strange relations
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, H-D34
Entrepreneurship in Context I
Chair: Mike Geppert
Martin Bliemel
Actions of entrepreneurs to develop, use, and salvage their network and venture
Eunjung Hyun
Market audience, peers and diffusion: Corporate clients and the globalization of law firms
Colette Depeyre
Exploring the processes behind industry turning points: Critical phases at the actors' and market's levels
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, H-D34
Strategy in Context I
Chair: Florian Becker-Ritterspach
Nathaniel Freiburger, Nicole Biggart and Thomas Beamish
Hidden in plain sight: Towards and understanding of the liberal state/free market nexus
Silvana Anita Walter, Paulo Otávio Mussi Augusto and Valéria Silva da Fonseca
Interaction of micro and macro levels of strategy through the integration of strategy as practice and institutional theory
Knut Lange, Mike Geppert, Ayse Saka-Helmhout and Florian Becker-Ritterspach
The adoption of the low cost business model in the aviation industry and its socio-political implications compared
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 11:00, H-D34
Innovation in Context II
Chair: Knut Lange
Magnus Johansson
Innovation and the package configuration
Marilyne Audran and Virgile Chassagnon
The impact of interpersonal networks on the innovativeness of highly prolific inventors
Gustavo Seijo, Hernán Thomas and Jorge Walter
The influence of technological path dependencies in product portfolio management. Exploring and exploiting research technologies at INVAP
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 16:00, H-D34
Entrepreneurship in Context II
Chair: Mike Geppert
Aleksios Gotsopoulos
Fools enter late? Contagious entry and firm survival in emerging industries
Wei-yang Wang and Yatsai Tseng
Harmonizing short-term and long-term growths in professional service firms
Yijiang Wu and Lars Frederiksen
The co-evolution of professional service firms and environment – A perspective from institutional entrepreneurship
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, H-D34
Strategy in Context II
Chair: Florian Becker-Ritterspach
Rob J.G. Jansen, Petru-Lucian Curseu and Patrick Vermeulen
Need for cognition and information search in strategic decision-making
Thierry Serboff
The alternative expansion strategies of MNC?
Abhijit Ghosh
Towards a practice-based framework for strategy making: An empirical study of AMUL co-operative, India
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, H-D34
Strategy in Context III ... and Wrap-up
Chair: Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Mike Geppert
Felix Langenmayr
Organizational memory – A systems theoretical approach
Mark Fletcher
Rethinking code length and taken for grantedness in audience labeling processes: A content analysis of UK kit car critical reviews 2007–2009
Olga Ivanova Ruffo and Sylvaine Castellano
Signaling theory of legitimacy