Sub-theme 13: The social dynamics of standardization
Nils Brunsson, SCORE, Stockholm Schools of Economics, Sweden
Andreas Rasche, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany
David Seidl, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 09:00 to 10:30, E1-EF-Platea 1
Standards and Standardization
Chair: Marc Ventresca
Shaping ICT Standards - A Glimpse Into Standards Bodies' Working Groups
New Standardisation: the emergence of new processes for negotiating standardisation
Includes Opening Remarks by Nils Brunsson, Andreas Rasche and David Seidl
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, E1-EF-Platea 1
Transnational Governance: Challenges for Standardization
Chair: Andreas Rasche
and Michael Bourlakis
Unilateral Standards for Social Responsibility: Corporations as Social Watchdogs?
Magnus Boström
Stakeholder power and the role of power resources and categorizations in transnational multi-stakeholder standard setting
Andrea Mennicken
Civilizing Through Standards
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, E1-EF-Platea 1
The Dynamics of Standardization
Chair: Ian Graham
Dynamics of Standards Adoption: The Case of Sustainability Assurance
Dealing with standards change
The winner does not take it all
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: The Standardization of Technology I - Room: E3-B-B005
Chair: Gina Dokko
Dominance or compatibility in the construction of digital business communication standards
Institutional entrepreneurship in technology standards evolution: The case of Ethernet
Michael Budt and Klaus Backhaus
How to Win a Standard Contest - The Cases of VHS versus Betamax and Blu-Ray Disc versus HD DVD
Parallel Stream B: Standards and/as Governance - Room: E3-B-B006
Chair: Nils Brunsson
Leonhard Dobusch
The Rule of Standards: Codifying Power in the Transnational Arena
Heisenberg's Principals
Standards and other attributes for ordering
Stephan Gauch and Knut Blind
Differences in ascribed relevance of different standards types in different research contexts
Parallel Stream C: The Standardization of Corporate Responsibility - Room: E3-B-B008
Chair: Dana Brown
Standard Setting or Stage Setting? The Global Reporting Initiative and the Standardization of Sustainability Reporting
Standardisation and the Struggle for Social Legitimacy – Fairtrade Labelling as a Tightrope Walk between Transnational Justice
and Market Acceptance
Karl Bonnedahl
Institutional Entrepreneurship through Standard Development. How Mainstream Economic organisation is Challenged by a Climate
Labelling Initiative
Dennis Schoeneborn and Christopher Wickert
Exploring an Unexpected Love Story of Business and Society Logics: A Case Study on the “Equator Principles” Standard in International
Project Finance
Parallel Stream D: Perspectives on ISO Standards - Room: E3-B-B010
Chair: Laura Spence
Towards the Democratization of Standardization? ISO 26000 as an experiment of democratizing the ISO.
Beyond Proceduralization's Conventional Logics? The ISO 9000 - SA 8000 Nexus and Organizational Change
An institutional perspective on the diffusion of international accountability standards: The case of the environmental management
standard ISO 14001
Parallel Stream E: Dynamic Perspectives on Standards and Standardization I - Room: E3-B-B012
Chair: Kai Jaboks
Pier Franco Camussone
Standardization De Facto: Combining the Economic and the Social Views. The Case of The VHS Victory
Stefan Klaussner
Ongoing Processes of Standardization as Self-reinforcing Dynamics: Introducing a Functionalist and Path Dependence Perspective
The Timing of Pre-Market Standardization
Session V: Friday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Dynamic Perspectives on Standards and Standardization II - Room: E3-B-B005
Chair: Jochen Koch
Soft Laws and the Sovereign Wealth Funds The effect of national context on the response to information disclosure requests
Vidar Hepsoe
Co-creation of standards as circulation
The Humanitarian Reform and its Cluster Approach: Dynamics of Implementing Standardisation in Natural Disasters
Parallel Stream B: The Standardization of Technology II - Room: E3-B-B006
Chair: Alan Lowe
Competing standards: the case of 3G standards in China’s telecom sector
Amit Nigam and Lori Rosenkopf
Keeping steady as she goes: A negotiated order perspective on technological evolution
frédéric bornarel
ERP Technologies, between Standardization and Sociotechnical Hybridizing. A constructivist study applied to an ERP development
in a leader enterprise
Parallel Stream C: The Global-Local Link within Standardization - Room: E3-B-B008
Chair: Magnus Bostroem
Integration of Global Agents in Local Communities: The Effect on De Facto Standardization
Stephan Manning
Linking Local Experiments to Global Standards: How Project Networks Promote Global Institution Building
Standardisation and the Rise of a Global Service Economy
Parallel Stream D: Standardizing Management (Education) - Room: E3-B-B010
Chair: Kristina Dahlin
Robert David
Setting your own standards: Internal corporate governance codes as a response to institutional pressure
Fredrik Lavén
Standardizing Management or Competence? The case of the Management System for Strategic Competence Support (SS 62 40 70)
Anne Herbert and Sari Stenfors
Who chooses to adopt standards? A case of business school standards
Bertrand Venard
Informal and Formal Standards: the influence of Accounting Standard and Audit on Corruption
Parallel Stream E: Standardization and Innovation - Room: E3-B-B012
Chair: Tineke Mirjam Egyedi
Andrew Sturdy and Nick Wylie
Management Innovation as Standardization and Control: The Role of Internal Consultants
Richard Tee and Eric Iversen
Organizational design and the changing role of standardization: a study of the Symbian alliance
Floris Coetzee, Lars Günther and Andrea Fried
The Effects of Standardization on Innovation in Software Development
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, E1-EF-Platea 1
Stakeholder Perspectives on Standardization
Chair: Steven J. Kahl
Henk J. de Vries and Jan Dul
International standardization in a multi-stakeholder environment
Stephan Gauch, Knut Blind and Richard Hawkins
How Stakeholders View the Impacts of International ICT Standards
The context of standards and standardizing processes: Institutional regimes of governance in the emerging carbon markets
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, E1-EF-Platea 1
Closing Panel - "Standards: What's in a Name?"
Chair: David Seidl
Shifting baselines, practical drift, normalization of deviance: On drifting standards
Damon J. Phillips
Rule Compliance: Its Social Determinants and Implications
Includes Panel Discussion with Tineke M. Egyedi , Guenther Ortmann and Marc Ventresca