Sub-theme 28: Troubled Times, Big Issues, Institutional Crises: Insights from Organization Theory
Danielle Logue, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Kamal A. Munir, University of Cambridge, UK
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Insights into the Global Financial Crisis and Banking
Chair: Danielle Logue
Olivia Nicol
No body to kick, no sould to damn: Responsibility and accountability for the financial crisis
Florent Noël and Hélène Rainelli-Weiss
Can financial executives bonuses still be justified? Reflections on the impact of the financial crisis on a widespread practice
Jan Lepoutre and Matthias Thiemann
Global challenges, local responses: An institutional perspective to regulating the "tragedy of the commons" in the financial
Discussant: Stewart Clegg
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Grassroot Social Movements
Chair: Christopher Wright
Emmanuelle Vaast, Liette Lapointe, Bogdan Negoita and Hani Safadi
Tweeting the oil spill: The emergence of grassroots framing in a crisis
Juliane Reinecke and Shaz Ansari
The unintended overflows of social movements: The shifting relationship between Occupy London and the Church of England
Nada Basir
Radical institutional innovation: The role of brokers in the building of Libya’s civil society
Discussant: Royston Greenwood
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 16:00 to 17:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
The Misfortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Chair: Juliane Reinecke
Pablo Fernández and Ignasi Martí
Engaging with and thinking dignity and indignation
Claudine Grisard and Vivien Blanchet
Empowering the poor by providing them jobs: Opening the postcolonial blackbox of base of the pyramid
Marco Bottura
Poverty alleviation: Putting Gramscian cultural hegemony and institutional theory to work
Discussant: Kamal A. Munir
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Critical Perspectives on Sustainability
Chair: Ignasi Marti
Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg
Creative self-destruction: Corporate responses to climate change as political myths
Koen van Bommel
From values to value: The role of commensuration in the institutionalisation of sustainability reporting
Olga Ivanova Ruffo and Paul Shrivastava
Organizations and the liability of non-sustainability
Celine Berrier-Lucas and Alexandre Rambaud
Ontological approach of corporate sustainability: Proposal for a shift
Discussant: André Spicer
Session V: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Insights into Corporate Governance
Chair: Allison Marchildon
Paul McGrath
Investigating state investigations: A case study of bad blood
Claudia Gabbioneta and Royston Greenwood
Sustained corporate corruption and processes of institutional ascription within professional networks
Göran Nilsson and Jaan Grunberg
Bridging corporate governance and management control
Discussant: Daniel Nyberg
Session VI: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Global Coroporate Power
Chair: Bas Koene
Victoria Pagan
Same goal, different worldviews: Comparing and contrasting the World Economic Forum and the World Social Forum
Allison Marchildon
Corporate responsibility or corporate power? Analysing corporations' role in shaping definitions and solutions to our public
Bas Koene
Thought leadership: Engaging with power whilst not losing the plot
Discussant: Stewart Clegg
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Decelles, 3rd floor, Section Nord, Louiseville
Reflections by Professor Bob Hinings
Chair: Danielle Logue