Sub-theme 48: Organizations and the Imagined Life: Perspectives on Imagination, Creativity and Novelty
Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, King's College London, UK
Charalampos (Babis) Mainemelis, Alba Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece, Greece
Mar Pérezts, EMLYON Business School, France
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-703
Welcome by convenors and opening paper session
Chair: Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
João Gualberto Vasconcellos and Eduardo Davel
The imaginary institution of entrepreneuring: social-historical creativity in a Jorge Amado’s novel
Béatrice Toustou and Nathalie Richebé
The in-between spaces of creativity. Understanding the role of social exchange dynamics in creative processes
Maxim Ganzin, Roy Suddaby and Trish Reay
Organizational magical realism in entrepreneurial firms
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-703
Chair: Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
Kévin Flamme and Xavier Leon
Thinking spaces of resistance within the organization: A clinical and critical approach of affects at work
M. Laura Frigotto and Nandini Roy
Before institutionalization: The emergence of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging research area in the eyes of the Nobel laureate
Paul Lauterbur
Julie Bastianutti and Anne-Ryslène Zaoual
When waste becomes a matter of collective creativity: The case of the French cradle of industrial ecology
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, PIERCE-703
Chair: Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
Giulia Cancellieri and Massimo Riccaboni
From La Bohème to La Wally: How Organizational Status affects the (Un)conventionality of Opera Repertoires
Matteo Prato, Emmanuel Kypraios and Gokhan Ertug
To the manner they were born: The role of homophily and status in routine dynamics of U.S. symphony orchestras
Charalampos (Babis) Mainemelis and Natalia Korchagina
Finely honed skill in collective creative performance: Exploring the perennial question of optimal experience
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-703
Chair: Mar Pérezts
Eric Ghiglione
Self-organizing via playfulness and role-play: Public entrepreneurship at Wikipedia
Jenny O'Connor, Ritsuko Ozaki, Sarah Gallacher and Connie Golsteijn
Play at work: Exploring the impact of an ‘In-the-wild’ technology installation in a public sector organization
Louiza Paraskevopoulou and Eleni Apospori
Job crafters and self-starting innovation: An interplay in the public sector
Theiza Paiva and Sandra Regina Rocha-Pinto
A phenomenographic analysis on sharing skills in innovation routines
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-703
Chair: Mar Pérezts
Dermot Breslin
Emerging group goutines and creativity
Margot Leclair
Imaginative tactics associated to creativity within market mechanisms – The case of the French fashion industry
Nathalie Louisgrand and Vincent Mangematin
"Haute cuisine" in China or the sharing of a French "Art de vivre"
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-703
Chair: Charalambos (Babis) Mainemelis
Roopak Kumar Gupta
Unlocking the ambidexterity of innovative work behaviour: Role of organisational routines and ambidextrous leadership
Shubha Patvardhan
Creative enactment: A grounded model of sensemaking in a pioneering firm
Panos Constantinides and Winston Kwon
Framing new paths to action
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-703
Last paper session and closing by convenors
Chair: Charalambos (Babis) Mainemelis
Vitor Klein Jr. and Christian Huber
Sensemaking and Imagination: Nuances of creation, interpretation and enactment in organizations (and the politics of meaning)
A modern approach to the idea of scientific management: Adapting the rationale of contemporary scientific experimentation
to organizations
James McGuirk and Patricia Cristina Nascimento Souto
On the possibility of communicating practical knowledge