Sub-theme 41: Looking for Thorns, Paradoxes and Blind Spots as Triggers for Reflection about Research and Practice: Discourses and Practices of Change and Stability [merged with sub-theme 30]

Karl-Heinz Pogner, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Kristina Lauche, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Anne Pässilä, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-901
Chair: Kristina Lauche & Karl-Heinz Pogner
Eléonore Mounoud and Angela Minzoni
Fostering collective reflexivity and responsibility in a co-design process of innovative operating models for intangible services
Erik Schäfer and Georg Schreyögg
Ever tried. Almost ever failed: Exploring practices for coping with frequent failure in architecture firms
Introduction by Kristina Lauche & Karl-Heinz Pogner
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-901
Reflections in Different Settings
Chair: Kristina Lauche & Karl-Heinz Pogner
Eduardo Davel, Antonia Bezerra and Taína Soares
Entrepreneuring embodied reflection: The practice of cultural entrepreneuring and forum theater in Brazil
Discussant(s): mmm
Anne Pässilä, Allan Owens and Henrik Sproedt
Turning to learning: Organising reflection and creating space for reflexive practices via arts based initiatives
Maria Lusiani and Gianluca D'Incà Levis
Keeping tensions up: A reflexive analysis of the (strategy) making-of Dolomiti contemporanee
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, PIERCE-901
Chair: Karl-Heinz Pogner & Kristina Lauche
Lisa Callagher, Paul Hibbert, Hee Sun Kim, Frank Siedlok and Charlotta Windahl
(Engaging or avoiding) Responsibility through Reflexive Practices
Emanuele L.M. Bettinazzi and Maurizio Zollo
Stakeholder engagement and organizational experiential learning: Evidence from corporate development activities
Paula Ungureanu and Fabiola Bertolotti
The art of changing to stay the same. Provisional relations as exchange mechanisms between management academics and practitioners
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-901
Chair: Karl-Heinz Pogner & Kristina Lauche
Gary Kerridge
Endurance and changeability in organizational identity
Mélia Djabi and Jean-François Chanlat
Individual adjustment: An integrative perspective of organizational socialization and responses to change literatures
Christian Eichert, Constantine Grivoyannis and Mustafa Kavas
Power, politics and the performance of identity: A drama of stability and change
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-901
Public Sector
Chair: Karl-Heinz Pogner
Sylwia Ciuk and Louise Grisoni
Paradoxifying organisational restructuring as an invitation to explore alternative courses of action: The case of a UK Higher Education institution
Roberta Bernardi, Panos Constantinides and Joe Nandhakumar
Narrative analysis of framing strategies in health service innovation: The case of international health policies in Kenya
Darren McCabe
Managerial "thorns" during the transformation of a local government authority in the UK
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-901
Different Organizational Settings
Chair: Karl-Heinz Pogner & Kristina Lauche
Claudia Buengeler, Wendelien van Eerde, Frederik Situmeang and Nachoem Wijnberg
Never change a winning team? Familiarity, intactness, and performance of management teams in the gaming industry
Karl-Heinz Pogner
The "New KMD" discursive negotiation of organizational change and stability
Caroline Rieu Plichon
Managers negociating and creating ambiguity to face uncertainty. An ethnography of an organizational change at a global furniture retailer
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-901
Concluding + Wrap-up
Chair: Anne Pässilä, Kristina Lauche & Karl-Heinz Pogner
Annika Blomberg and Iva Kostova
Exploring the dark side of creativity in organizations
Vera L. Cançado, Richard J. Badham, Selmara Raquel Gomes Sales and Betania Tanure
From thin to thick view – Introducing the 5M framework of managing to change
Anne Pässilä: Reflective Sketchbook of subtheme discussions
Kristina Lauche and Karl-Heinz Pogner:
Conclusions, topics, trends from the sessions