Sub-theme 35: Status Mechanisms in Organizations and Markets: From Networks to Categories

François Collet, ESADE Business School, Spain
Déborah Philippe, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Matthew S. Bothner, European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, G3-38
Emerging and Evolving Status Hierarchies (I)
Chair: François Collet
Kim Claes
Media as semantic networks: Inferring prototypicality and constructing preferences from text
Emmanuel Kypraios and Margarita Cruz
Driving status: Identity and familiarity as drivers of status-quality relationship
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, G3-38
Emerging and Evolving Status Hierarchies (II)
Chair: Déborah Philippe
Bruno Frey and Jana Gallus
Awards: Symbols of status
Jean-Christophe Bianic and Aurélien Acquier
Emerging categories: Boundary work and status dynamic in the digital camera market.
Erik Aadland
Status struggles: Audience structure and prestige allocation in the de novo category "digital advertising", 2003-2010
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, G3-38
Status and Decision-making
Chair: François Collet
Thijs A. Velema
Organizational status identities as heuristic categories shaping the mobility of professional football players in Europe
Fei Song Song and Alex Bitektine
Middle-status trust: A theory and empirical investigation
Domokos Nagy and László Pólos
Breaking away from middle-status conformity
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, G3-38
Status and Inter-organizational Relationships
Chair: Matthew S. Bothner
Gokhan Ertug and Yonghoon Lee
Partnering up: The effect of status difference on using advisors
Monika Kackovic, Michele Piazzai, Nachoem Wijnberg and Alessandra Palmigiano
Status, signals and sequences of signals: Determinants of the first affiliation with a higher status core gatekeeper
Giulia Cancellieri and Alex Turrini
Exploring the relationship between status and non conformity: empirical evidence from Italian opera houses
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, G3-38
Temporal Perspectives on Status
Chair: Déborah Philippe
Jesper Edman and Alexey Makarevich
Status, age and the adoption of norm-deviant innovations: Evidence from the Japanese banking industry, 1984-2007
Russell Fralich and Louis Hebert
The fragility of CEO status, acquisition likelihood, and the moderating effect of the financial crisis
Fabrizio Castellucci, Gokhan Ertug, Feichin Tschang and Andre Bonfrer
Shelf life: Decreasing returns to status over time
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, G3-38
Status and Categories (I)
Chair: François Collet
Fabrizio Montanari and Giuseppe Delmestri
Faraway, so close! Market access and status rise in case of institutional complexity
Anne Bowers and Matteo Prato
Stability of rankings and ranking system evolution
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, G3-38
Status and Categories (II)
Chair: Matthew S. Bothner
Giuseppe Delmestri and Royston Greenwood
From a Cinderella into a queen: Radical status recategorization
Bernard Forgues and Tristan May
Status claims and overlapping categorical schemes: Looking for boundary conditions to the categorical imperative