Sub-theme 48: Reshaping Society through Social Innovation: Organizational, Community and Institutional Foundations

Damon Golsorkhi, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Bernard Leca, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Jeffrey Sallaz, University of Arizona, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, M1-19
Social Innovation Theories & Practices
Chair: Damon Golsorkhi, Bernard Leca & Jeffrey Sallaz
Hanna Paulose, Shijoy Varughese and Jay Kandampully
A framework for social innovation process: Study in the Indian context
Ana Clarissa Santos and Cláudia Bitencourt
Social innovation development: A framework proposition
Ayla Esen and Ceyda Maden
Corporate social innovation: A comprehensive conceptualization and delineation
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Diffusion of Social Innovation - Room: M1-19
Chair: Damon Golsorkhi
Shinsuke Tahara and Naoki Wakabayashi
The mechanisms of social innovation diffusion: Agents to accelerate it
ERYNN HERMAN, Benyamin Lichtenstein and Nardia Haigh
What Is The Process By Which Social Innovations Emerge? A Study Of Initiatives To Restore Millers Creek
Virginie Xhauflair, Benjamin Huybrechts and François Pichault
From art to project: The cross-border diffusion of a social innovation on the Belgian labor market
Parallel Stream B: Social Innovation Processes & Development - Room: M2-08
Chair: Issy Drori
Leticia Cortes Ferreira
Temporality and individuals' responses to multiple logics in social enterprises – An empirical study
Fergus Lyon, Ian Vickers and Leandro Sepulveda
Organisational cultures and innovation in hybrids: The case of public service spin-outs
Riku Ruotsalainen
Microfoundations of social innovation in pluralistic fields
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, M1-19
Technological Foundations of Social Innovation
Chair: Bernard Leca
Saeed Akhlaghpour and Emmanuelle Vaast
Use of social media for social causes – Understanding symbolic and substantive actions
Eduardo H. Diniz, Mário Aquino Alves, Adrian Cernev and Eros Nascimento
Digital social money implementation by grassroots organizations: Combining bottom-up and top-down strategies for social innovations
Mónica Grau-Sarabia and Kim Poldner
Resource – (re)connect – recharge: Exploring women innovators' needs in social enterprise
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, M1-19
Cases of Social Innovation
Chair: Bernard Leca
Eeva Houtbeckers
Creating space for social innovation with bricolage: The narratives of the owner-managers of small businesses for societal change
Svenja Tams and Judi Marshall
Discursive practice of working for social change
S. Matthew Stearmer and Jessica Finnigan
Mormon modifications: How Mormon feminists implement social innovation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Institutional Foundations of Social Innovation - Room: M1-19
Chair: Svenja Tams
Janna L. Rose, Bilal-ahmed Jathol and Yi Jiang
Patient-to-patient innovation as a bottom-up form of social innovation
Mélissa Boudes
Social innovations and institutional strategies. The case of the business and employment cooperatives.
Tuukka Toivonen
Researching the social innovation community
Parallel Stream B: Working Humanity by Social Innovation - Room: M2-08
Chair: Damon Golsorkhi
Ignasi Martí and Pablo Fernandez
Reclaiming dignity, building togetherness: The case of the PAHs in Spain
Verena Girschik
Selling institutional change through relational work
Kathryn Heinze, Jane Banaszak-Holl and Kathy Babiak
Examining community wellness foundations and their processes of social entrepreneurship
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, M1-19
New paths of theoritical and empirical exploration of Social Innovations
Chair: Benyamin Lichtenstein
Cheng-Li Huang and Ju-Lan Tsai
The relationship between stakeholders' pressure and corporate environmental management: Considering environmental ethics
Sinem Ergun and Mujdelen Yener
Revelation of the missing part in social innovation mosaic: "Wholeness"
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, M1-19
Overcoming Domination and Stigma by Social Innovation
Chair: Damon Golsorkhi, Bernard Leca & Jeffrey Sallaz
Jérémy Morales
Against consensus. Material, symbolic and discursive struggles against dominant interests
Marjo Siltaoja, Merja Lähdesmäki, Sami Kurki, Harri Luomala and Petteri Puska
Shaking off the stigma: The destigmatization process of a social innovation in the media discourse
Irene Jonkers and Danielle Zandee
Organizational change dynamics in response to social innovation: A micro-level perspective on societal change