Sub-theme 07: (SWG) Visualizing Institutions and Knowledge

Markus A. Höllerer, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Walter W. Powell, Stanford University, USA
Tammar B. Zilber, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Session I: Thursday, July 03, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-06
Chair: Markus A. Höllerer
Veli Alsoy and Deniz Tunçalp
Photographic analysis of organizational identity and image representations in annual reports: A study of largely diversified company groups in Turkey
Alison Stowell and Sam Warren
Photographs as a route to the (re)embodiment of institutional work: The disassembly processes of computer waste
Mark de Rond
Documentary photography as method: Some reflections by way of introduction
This session will start with a brief introduction of the SWG 07, the sub-theme and participants.
Session II: Thursday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, T3-06
Icons and Artifacts
Chair: Walter W. Powell
Achim Oberg, Gili S. Drori and Giuseppe Delmestri
Logo Archeology: Uncovering imprinting and change in the visual narratives of university identity
Samantha Fairclough, Maria B. Gondo and Laura Achee
Retiring the Colonel and the flag: The work of disrupting institutionalized visual artifacts
Romain Laufer
Institutions, trust and aesthetics: Proposition for a comparative analysis of the history of the iconography of French, British and American banknotes
Session III: Thursday, July 03, 16:00 to 17:30, T3-06
Emerging Categories, Rules and Identities
Chair: Tammar B. Zilber
François-Régis Puyou and Paolo Quattrone
Figures, not numbers. The formalization of visual rules for composing accounts and the professionalization of the accounting field
Wenjin Dai, Jonathan Gosling and Annie Pye
Visualizing corporate sustainability
Renate E. Meyer, Dennis Jancsary, Markus A. Höllerer and Eva Boxenbaum
From ideas to organizational practice: Institutionalizing innovative ideas through visualization
Session IV: Friday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-06
Visualizing Fields
Chair: Dennis Jancsary
Jacob Habinek, Adam Goldstein and Neil Fligstein
Visualizing the structure and transformation of organizational fields
Achim Oberg, Valeska P. Korff and Walter W. Powell
Understanding fields: Insights gained from visual analysis
Miikka J. Lehtonen, Antti Ainamo and Oscar Person
Visualizing ecosystems: Evidence from the game industry in Helsinki and Tokyo
Session V: Friday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Representations of Crises and Protests - Room: T3-06
Chair: Gregoire Croidieu
Markus A. Höllerer, Dennis Jancsary and Maria Grafström
'A picture is worth a thousand words': Visually assigned meaning and meta-narratives of the global financial crisis
Wenyao (Will) Zhao
From index to symbol: "Intervisuality" and the institutionalization of the "Red Square"
David Barbera and Itziar Castelló Molina
Cultural entrepreneurship and the role of visuals in legitimacy building
Parallel Stream B: New Visual Interpretations - Room: T3-36
Chair: Eva Boxenbaum
Lauren McCarthy
Drawing gender: Visualising institutions through participatory methods
Michal Frenkel, Varda Wasserman and Micki Eisenman
Naming what you see: Facilitating shared interpretations of visual design
Piera Morlacchi
Visualization as Institutionalization of (in)visibles: Pitching and accelerating in the digital start-up field
Session VI: Saturday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, T3-06
Representations of Institutional Dynamics
Chair: Trish Reay
Candace Jones and Eero Vaara
Material vocabularies in institutional stability and change: An analysis of religious buildings in early and late modernism
Walter W. Powell, Birthe Soppe and Grégoire Croidieu
How are traditions invented? The case of the Bordeaux wine field
Heather Graves, Nelson Phillips and Lianne Lefsrud
A theory of visual rheotoric in legitimacy struggles
Session VII: Saturday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, T3-06
Institutional Settlement and Change
Chair: Renate Meyer
Trish Reay, Elizabeth Goodrick and Chang Lu
The three (changing) faces of addiction: How institutional settlements evolve over time
Elia Giovacchini
Managing visual artifacts: Building bridges between competing institutional logics in a firm sponsored open source software community
This session will include a concluding discussion with participants.