Sub-theme 05: (SWG) Multi-level Network Research: The Interplay between Micro-level and Macro-level Networks
Leon A.G. Oerlemans, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Olaf N. Rank, University of Freiburg, Germany
Julia Brennecke, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, G2
Session 1
Chair: Leon Oerlemans
Philip Degener, Suleika Bort and Indre Maurer
The costs of managing inter-organizational alliances and networks: Drivers, performance effects and intra-organizational network
Anu Suominen and Sari Mäenpää
Power bases in lead organization network governance form: A multi-level approach
Leon A.G. Oerlemans, Rob J.G. Jansen and Tobias Goessling
Inter-organizational tie dissolution: Toward a multilevel framework
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, G2
Session 2
Chair: Olaf Rank
Joel Rosen and Helena Barnard
Global entrepreneurship through brokerage: How a developing country SME connected socially conscious North American investors
to South African low-cost housing developers
Susanne Gretzinger, Wenzel Matiaske, Susanne Royer, Kerry Brown and John Burgess
The emergence of entrepreneurial milieux: The case of the German engineering industry
Uta Wilkens
Towards a regional dynamic capability view – How institutional entrepreneurs and middleground projects enhance the process
of seizing, illustrated for the Ruhr area
Günther Ortmann, Marcel Hülsbeck, Christian Gärtner, Stephan Duschek, Gordon Müller-Seitz and Elke Schüßler
Emergence of responsiveness across organizations, networks, and clusters: A multilevel theory of responsiveness for explicating
dynamic capabilities
Session III: Thursday, July 07, 16:00 to 17:30, G2
Session 3
Chair: Julia Brennecke
Alberto Monti
A social identity approach to advice relations: The role of affective and evaluative dimensions of identification and member’s
Natalie David and Olaf N. Rank
Motivation as an antecedent for employees' embeddedness in intra-organizational cooperative networks
Gabriela Contreras, Jaap Bos, Stefanie Kleimeier and Gabriela Contreras
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, G2
Session 4
Chair: Leon Oerlemans
Julia Brennecke, Dean Lusher and Michael Gilding
Why bother? Antecedents and consequences of seeking problem-solving assistance from difficult colleagues
Evelina Atanassova and Michel Lander
The social capital path to performance
Tiziana Casciaro
The pursuit of positive affect in task-advice networks: A multi-level analysis of effects on individual performance
Jose Uribe
There’s often an “I” in teams. Globalization and network structure in national football teams
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, G2
Session 5
Chair: Olaf Rank
Joris Knoben and Lianne van Gent
global diffusion of microfinance: A macro-level investigation of the
spatio-temporal development of microfinance institutions
Federica Bianchi and Paola Zappa
The micro-relational structure of markets. Modeling transaction sequences in the EU interbank money market
Thierry Houé
The supply chain as a multilevel network: A sight through the prism of proximity
Katarzyna Burzynska
Lending networks of China’s listed companies: The role of financial leverage, firm size, and performance
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, G2
Session 6
Chair: Leon Oerlemans
Simone Ferriani, Erik Aadland and Gino Cattani
The social determinants of recognition: The interplay between status and social ties in peer audience evaluations
Pacey Foster and Erynn Beaton
Cultural domains and cognitive networks: Brokerage and multilevel networks in creative industries
Jörg Raab, Annefleur R. Krijkamp, Alexander C. Smit and Leon A.G. Oerlemans
What you see is what you get: Determinants of tie perception accuracy, a psychological approach
Paola Zappa
Toward a multilevel social exchange theory of advice relations in organizations
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, G2
Session 7
Chair: Julia Brennecke
Remco S. Mannak, Jörg Raab, Alexander Smit, Terry L. Amburgey and Marius T.H. Meeus
“Don’t grab that nucleus!” How innovation networks rise, fall, and recover
Remzi Gözübüyük, Aks Zaheer and Geoffrey Bell
Science, bridging ties and innovation
Noah Askin, Michael Mauskapf, Joeri Mol and Eric Quintane
Multiplex networks, influence, and innovation in popular music
Authors have about 18 minutes to present plus 5 minutes for questions.