Sub-theme 47: Multi-stakeholder Initiatives: Inclusive Dynamics to Address Grand Challenges
Angelika Zimmermann, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Benjamin Huybrechts, emlyon Business School, France
François Maon, IESEG School of Management, France
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 08:30 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Angelika Zimmermann, François Maon
Sarah Easter and Matthew Murphy
Negotiating meaning systems in multi-stakeholder partnerships to tackle grand challenges
Discussant(s): Lori Divito
Lori DiVito, Jason E. Good, Tuanh Lam and Jakomijn van Wijk
Shifting cognitive frames through collective action to address grand challenges: A case study of a multi-stakeholder initiative
in the apparel industry
Discussant(s): Christian Martin Kroll
Christian Martin Kroll
Discussant(s): Sarah Easter
Louise Lecomte
Broadening the frame with a symbiotic perspective on wicked issues
Discussant(s): Amine Belemlih
Amine Belemlih, Amine Belemlih and Lionel Garreau
Emergent interorganizational strategizing dealing with territory-based wicked issues: A sensemaking perspective. The case
of two emerging territory development initiatives in Morocco
Discussant(s): Ihar Sahakiants
Ihar Sahakiants
Probing into the diffusion, impact of and participation in multi-stakeholder initiatives: The case of the Global Reporting
Initiative and institutional isomorphism
Discussant(s): Louise Lecomte
The first 30 minutes are reserved for the launch of the subtheme and introductions of participants.
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 19:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Break 1: 17:30 to 18:00
Chair: Andreas Rasche, Angelika Zimmermann
Valentina Mele
Global multi-stakeholder initiatives: Contextual factors and inclusive dynamics at the local level
Discussant(s): Anna Mineeva
Anna Mineeva and Marielle A. Payaud
Local dimension of multi-stakeholder
initiatives: Shifting the focus to the receiving end of global governance
Discussant(s): Diana Jue-Rajasingh
Diana Jue-Rajasingh
The effect of using cross-sector partnerships to create markets with philanthropic grant funding on entrepreneurs
Discussant(s): Valentina Mele
Wil Martens and Bastiaan van der Linden
Deliberative democracy for meta-regulation in
transnational regimes complexes – An analysis of ISEAL as an illustration
Discussant(s): Enrico Fontana
Enrico Fontana and Cedric E. Dawkins
How did we get (back) here? A Gramscian perspective into the Post-Rana Plaza politics of the Bangladeshi apparel supply chain
Discussant(s): Nora Lohmeyer
Rachel Alexander, Sarah Ashwin, Niklas Egels Zandén and Nora Lohmeyer
The role of union power resources in the
emergence of multi-stakeholder initiatives
Discussant(s): Bastiaan van der Linden
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 08:45 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Benjamin Huybrechts, Bastiaan van der Linden
Laura Mazzola, Massimo Contrafatto, Caterina Pesci and Gianfranco Rusconi
Govern-ing Covid pandemic: A multi-actor network approach
Discussant(s): Giovanni Esposito
Giovanni Esposito, Nathalie Crutzen and François Pichault
Understanding grand challenges through the lensof public entrepreneurship: An in-depth case study analysis of smart city developmentin
Discussant(s): Leona A. Henry
Leona A. Henry and Guido Möllering
Orchestrating Sluggish Multi-Stakeholder Networks for Innovation: Dynamics of High-potential, Low-engagement Collaboration
Discussant(s): Laura Mazzola
Nikolai Staudinger
Diplomatic action in multi-stakeholder initiatives – Tackling uncertainty and diverse evaluations in grand challenges
Discussant(s): Golo Roevekamp
Golo Roevekamp, Marit Grewe-Salfeld, Deniz Philipp Kruse and Christiana Weber
Managing the complexity and dynamics of joint value creation in multi-stakeholder initiatives in the fashion industry – A
relational perspective
Discussant(s): Aideen O'Dochartaigh
Aideen O'Dochartaigh, Orlagh Reynolds, Donna Marshall, Andrea Prothero and Enrico Secchi
“I just can’t see the value your research adds”: tensions and tension management strategies in sustainability network orchestration
Discussant(s): Nikolai Staudinger
Welcome coffee in the first 15 minutes.
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 19:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Chair: François Maon
Andreas Rasche and Patrick Haack
The legitimacy of sustainability standards: A paradox perspective
Discussant(s): Helen Haugh
Benjamin Huybrechts, Helen Haugh and Bob Doherty
Mediating ethical market growth through multi-stakeholder mission work: Avoiding perceived mission drift at Fairtrade International
Discussant(s): Liliane Carmagnac
Liliane Carmagnac, Valentina Carbone and Anne Touboulic
More than meets the eye: How a multi-stakeholder initiative builds a multi-faceted identity to tackle a wicked problem.
Discussant(s): Cristóbal García-Herrera
Cristóbal García-Herrera, Erkko Autio and Mike Pinder
Accelerating multi-stakeholder moonshots to
address grand challenges: The case of circular economy innovation
Discussant(s): Andreas Rasche
The time between 18.00 and 19.00 is reserved for informal social exchange
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 08:45 to 10:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Chair: Benjamin Huybrechts
Marco Antonio Galo, Anne-Claire Pache and Anne-Laure Fayard
How can cross-sector collaborations foster social innovation? A review
Discussant(s): Julien Kleszczowski
Julien Kleszczowski, Mathias Guérineau and Florence Jacob
No transition without diffusion: Design principles for facilitating the scaling-up of social innovation
Discussant(s): Marianne Kuhlmann
Marianne Kuhlmann, Johannes Meuer and Catharina Bening
Collaborating along the value chain to tackle grand challenges
Discussant(s): Marco Antonio Galo
Welcome coffee in the first 15 minutes.