Sub-theme 02: [SWG] New Actors, Responsibilities, and Forms of Organizing in the Age of Digital Transformations
Itziar Castelló Molina, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Frank de Bakker, IÉSEG School of Management, France
Glen Whelan, McGill University, Canada
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 08:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Digital Actors & Organizing / Platforms & Regulation
Break 1: 10:00 to 10:30
Chair: Itziar Castello, Frank de Bakker, Glen Whelan
Jessica Clement, Giovanni Esposito and Nathalie Crutzen
Strategic public management and Covid-19: How does digitalization support local public administration resilience?
Discussant(s): Zwaenepoel & Zanoni
Bennet Schwoon, Stefan Schembera and Andreas Georg Scherer
A multi-level process perspective on issue management in the context of grand challenges: the case of online hate speech governance
at traditional media organizations
Discussant(s): Clement, Esposito & Crutzen
Jannes Zwaenepoel and Patrizia Zanoni
Mass predictive personalization at a public employment service: Algorithmic activation, data contexts & the (in)dividual
Discussant(s): Schwoon, Schembera & Scherer
Chloé Brassart and François Pichault
Informal practices and emerging regulation in a troubled field. A conventionalist analysis of institutional discourses in
the taxi sector
Discussant(s): Wals
Constance Garnier and Ignasi Capdevila
Making, hacking, coding. FabLabs as platforms for social manufacturing
Discussant(s): Brassart & Pichault
Christopher Golding and David Larkin
Stigma in digital contexts: The case of Pornhub
Discussant(s): Garnier & Capdevila
Francisca Wals
Peer-to-peer platforms: their limits and responsibilities
Discussant(s): Golding & Larkin
Antoine Gilbert-Saad and Frank Siedlok
From “wet” rules to “dry” code: The affordances of distributed ledger technologies and their prospective impacts on organisations
and institutions
Discussant(s): Newlands
Martín Harracá, Itziar Castelló Molina and Annabelle Gawer
Platforms as social spaces
Discussant(s): Gilbert-Saad & Siedlok
Stan Karanasios, Olga Kokshagina and Pauline C. Reinecke
Framing the regulation of artificial intelligence-based technologies
Discussant(s): Harraca & Castelló
Gemma Newlands
Discovering Dataset Provenance: Visibility, Transparency, and Sustainability throughout the AI Data Supply Chain
Discussant(s): Karanasios, Kokshagina & Reinecke
This session will be split in one plenary introduction session and two subsequent parallel sessions.
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 18:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Activism & Accountability
Chair: Glen Whelan, Frank de Bakker
Caroline Gauthier and Marcos Barros
Macro impact of online consumer activism: The case of Yuka
Discussant(s): Rehbein, Perrault & Westermann-Behaylo
Marcus Vinícius Peinado Gomes, Mário Aquino Alves, Fábio Grigoletto and Caio Motta Luiz de Souza
Leveraging influence in the era of social media: Platform activism and affordances in the case of @GreenpeaceBr
Discussant(s): Gauthier & Barros
Bruno R. Leandro, Caio Cesar Coelho, Benjamin Rosenthal and Amon Barros
The online identity of a CEO activist: Studying how CEOs can become influential political actors
Discussant(s): Gomes, Alves, Grigoletto & de Souza
Kathleen Rehbein, , Perrault, Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, Ronei Leonel and Elise Perrault
The unintended consequences of shareholder activism
Discussant(s): Leandro, Coelho, Rosenthal & Barros
Gozal Ahmadova, Blanca L. Delgado-Márquez and Luis Enrique Pedauga
The relationship between digitalization andenvironmental sustainability: A promising path or false prophecy?
Discussant(s): Miller
Tassiani dos Santos and
Social accountability through Facebook: Is the information needs supported?
Discussant(s): Ahmadova & Delgado-Márquez
Hedwik Dissenha Giesel and Farley Nobre
Blockchain for transparency in business sustainability: Integrative review
Discussant(s): dos Santos
Gloria J. Miller
The deficits in stakeholder accountability for artificial intelligence projects
Discussant(s): Giesel & Nobre
This session will be split in parallel sessions.
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 10:00 to 12:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Health & Identity
Chair: Itziar Castello, Frank de Bakker
Sarah Bostan and Lena J. Jaspersen
Roles and responsibilities of intermediaries as ‘new actors’: Implementing open-source electronic health record systems in
development settings
Discussant(s): Navazhylava, Pettica-Harris & Elias
Agnė Gadeikienė and Asta Pundziene
Digital transformations of healthcare. The role of mission statement and dynamic capabilities in adopting value-based digital
healthcare services
Discussant(s): Bostan & Jaspersen
Sanaz Kateb, Rebecca Ruehle, David Kroon and Elco van Burg
Innovation under pressure: Introducing technology in humanitarian organisations during the Covid-19 crisis
Discussant(s): Gadeikiene & Pundziene
Kseniya Navazhylava
YouTube’s Yoga with Adriene as an affective milieu: Exploring experiences of health and wellness in times of crisis.
Discussant(s): Kateb, Ruehle, Kroon & van Burg
Sami Paavola and Liubov Vetoshkina
Transformation of practical needs along with digitalization of academic work
Discussant(s): Waardenburg, Sergeeva & Huysman
Tapiwa Seremani, Antonio Paco Giuliani and Carine Farias
“This is witch hunt!” Fostering and solidifying contentious online group cultures in the face of platform regulation and
Discussant(s): Paavola & Vetoshkina
Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich, and Sarah Glozer
#Knowyourworth? Exploring ‘Worth Washing’ in Platformized Creative Labor
Discussant(s): Seremani, Giuliani & Farias
Lauren Waardenburg, Anastasia V. Sergeeva and Marleen Huysman
The burden of data production: How anticipating data work shapes police practices
Discussant(s): Trittin-Ulbrich
This session will be split in parallel sessions.
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 18:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Work & Institutions
Chair: Glen Whelan, Itziar Castello
Isam Faik
Disrupting for good: Paradoxical Tensions of Fintech as an emerging field for financial inclusion
Discussant(s): Struijk, Angelopoulos & Ou
Thorsten Koch
Digitizing television: How digital technologies change the TV broadcasting field
Discussant(s): Faik
Ashley Metz, Ronald Leenes, Vurain Tabvuma, Maksim Sitnikov and Johanna Mair
The flash diffusion of privacy ideas from big tech to COVID-19 track and trace: How ideas in one field can both hinder and
enable action in another
Discussant(s): Koch
Mylène Struijk, Spyros Angelopoulos and Carol Ou
It’s complicated: A morphogenetic approach on conflicting institutional logics during digital transformation
Discussant(s): Metz, Sitnikov & Mair
Seyda Bagdogan
Considering virtual ethnography with the digitalentrepreneurship of Turkish women cooking on YouTube
Discussant(s): Vasarainen, Vetoshkina & Paavola
Francesca Bellesia, Elisa Mattarelli, Fabiola Bertolotti and Maurizio Sobrero
Gig workers on platforms. An integrative literature review and research agenda
Discussant(s): Bagdogan
Melanie McCaig, Davar Rezania and Rozita Dara
Is the Internet of Things a helpful employee? A discourse
analysis of Canadian farmers
Discussant(s): Bellesia, Mattarelli, Bertolitti & Sobrero
Minna Vasarainen, Liubov Vetoshkina and Sami Paavola
Virtual safaris: New forms of participation in an airport terminal construction project
Discussant(s): McCaig, Rezania & Dara
This session will be split in parallel sessions.
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 10:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
The Gig Economy
Chair: Itziar Castello, Frank de Bakker, Glen Whelan
Elena Raviola and Kajsa Lindberg
Online boundary work: Performing participatory practices in news production
Discussant(s): Vanninen & Ojansivu
Peter Schou, Eliane Bucher and Matthias Waldkirch
Vox Populi et Vox Regni: Investigating digital voice channels in the gig economy
Discussant(s): Raviola & Lindberg
Heini Vanninen and Ilkka Ojansivu
Deconstructing sociomaterial performance: The visible and the invisible influencers in the digital economy
Discussant(s): Schou, Bucher & Waldkirch