Sub-theme 25: Collaborating for the Future: Organizing across Organizations for Societal Challenges from a Practice and Process Perspective -> HYBRID sub-theme!

Kristina Lauche, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Paul R. Carlile, Boston University, USA
Katharina Cepa, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P0-07
IOC and Societal Challenges
Chair: Kristina Lauche, Paul R. Carlile, Katharina Cepa
Luc van de Sande, Kristina Lauche, Vera Blazevic and Gerrit Willem Ziggers
Individuals’ Boundary Work Practices in Navigating Nested Tensions in Emerging Inter-Organizational Collaboration
Discussant(s): Alex Christian
Alex Christian
The problems and practices of online collaboration for the future: Ethnographic insights from a public-private innovation challenge for digital health and social care
Discussant(s): Luc van de Sande
Preceded by setting the scene and introduction to sub-theme by convenors
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Ecosystems - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Britt Smulders, Rianne Valkenburg, Arjan Markus and Georges Romme
Identifying levers for transformation of mature ecosystems: A case study in the Dutch poultry industry
Discussant(s): Yulia Vachevskikh
Yulia Vachevskikh, Anne-Laure Fayard and Anne-Claire Pache
Nurturing a social innovation ecosystem: the role of a boundary organization
Discussant(s): Mohamed Hassan Awad
Mohamed Hassan Awad, Thomas Davis and Christina Chu
Coordination in open, self-organizing collectives: The role of goals in emerging societal transition ecosystems
Discussant(s): Brit Smulders
Parallel Stream B: Citizen-Government Collaboration - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Agnessa Spanellis, Piera Morlacchi and Mikko Vesa
Citizen policy co-creation through a game-facilitated new routine
Discussant(s): Jessica Clement
Jessica Clement, Giovanni Esposito and Nathalie Crutzen
The citizen’s seat at the table: Balancing interests for inclusive public-private partnerships
Discussant(s): Shinji Tsurusashi
Shinji Tsurusashi and Haruki Sawamura
Practices of collaboration among public authority, resident, and private companies to introduce an innovative mobility service: Achieving a sustainable ageing society in the Japanese suburbs
Discussant(s): Jacqueline Kirk
Jacqueline Kirk, Elmé Vivier and Natalie Toms
The challenge of maintaining inspirational worth in inter-organisational collaborations: Lessons from a city-based regeneration project
Discussant(s): Agnessa Spanellis
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Digitisation - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Katharina Cepa
Natalia Hadjidimitriou, Giulia Renzi and Paula Ungureanu
Willing to share? Unpacking the relation between motivation, risk-opportunity evaluations and willingness to share in big data ecosystems
Discussant(s): Gildas Agbon
Gildas Agbon
Collaboration as “action nets”: Exploring social media dynamics of poverty alleviation in Benin
Discussant(s): Yu-Zhen Chen
Yu-Zhen Chen, Jingjing Weng and Eugene Chien
The road to consensus: A case study of the national highway digitalization transformation through public-private partnership
Discussant(s): Natalia Hadjidimitriou
Parallel Stream B: Institutions - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Tulin Dzhengiz, Samuli Patala and Minna Halme
When global formal meets local informal: An exploration of institutional interfaces at a recycling cluster
Discussant(s): Attabik Awan
Attabik Awan, Bob Walrave, Vincent de Gooyert, Madis Talmar, Gunter Bombaerts and Martijn Gerritsen
Harnessing Harmony? The Dynamics of Institutional Logics, Consensus, and Leadership in Collaborative Innovation
Discussant(s): Ekky Tammarar Alfian
Ekky Tammarar Alfian and Liisa Välikangas
Practice lens of coordination and cooperation: a case study of large scientific collaboration
Discussant(s): Tulin Dzhengiz
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Tackling Grand Challenges in the Global South - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Katharina Cepa
Iris Seidemann and Daniel Geiger
From Periphery to Center Stage: The Emergence of Unintended Dynamics in Addressing Climate-Induced Disasters
Discussant(s): Ahaana Mahanti
Ahaana Mahanti and Esben Rahbek Pedersen
Bridging Global Goals and Local Realities: Grassroots-level Brokering in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships
Discussant(s): Emmanuel Ekpenyong
Emmanuel D. Ekpenyong and Diana C. Santistevan
The role of boundary spanning and boundary spanning coordination in promoting interorganizational collaboration: The case of the move to sustainable development in Nigeria
Discussant(s): Iris Seidemann
Parallel Stream B: Knowledge Sharing - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Elisabeth Andvik and Bjørn Erik Mørk
Transforming knowledge across boundaries in interprofessional teams
Discussant(s): Gergana Romanova
Gergana Romanova and Ghita Dragsdahl Lauritzen
Balancing knowledge sharing and protection: reflective practices in university-industry research collaborations
Discussant(s): Sara Turner
Donald Hislop, Laurie Cohen and Sara Turner
Playing the game: Knowledge processes in cross-disciplinary collaborations
Discussant(s): Chiarra Esposito
Chiara Esposito, Stefano Magistretti and Claudio Dell'Era
Knowledge brokering practices for mediated problem framing
Discussant(s): Elisabeth Andvik
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Social Organizations – Healthcare - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Sébastien Gand and Elvira Periac
Collaborating for governance experiments on societal challenges: A dispositive process perspective
Discussant(s): Smita Chattopadhyay
Smita Chattopadhyay, Padmavathi Shenoy and Ajit Nayak
Emergence of equitable care logic: Navigating the paradox of appropriate technology in community ophthalmology field
Discussant(s): Penny Smith
Penny Smith and Sarah J. Gorin
Inextricably bound: Collaborative partnership across complex, heterogenous and distributed partners to improve delivery of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
Discussant(s): Sebastien Gand
Parallel Stream B: IOC Practices - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Katharina Cepa
Bikalp Chamola
Unpacking the governance of nonprofit-government collaborations from a process perspective
Discussant(s): Emma Perriton
Emma Perriton, Sara Gustafsson, Majbritt Evald, Mads Bruun Ingstrup and Steffen Korsgaard
Interacting for sustainable innovation:  The dominance and simultaneity of interaction logics 
Discussant(s): Matteo Landoni
Matteo Landoni, Martina Dal Molin and Paolo Castelnovo
Synergies in the Big Science–industry collaboration. The case of Virgo
Discussant(s): Bikalp Chamola
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Social IOCs - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Oriane Sitte de Longueval and Germain Poizat
Policing at the crossroad. Investigating the boundary work of a binational and cross-border police unit
Discussant(s): Johnny Boghossian
Johnny Boghossian, Catherine Glée-Vermande, Luc Brès and Catherine Glée-Vermande
Organizing for emancipation: Constructing and managing liminal spaces
Discussant(s): Yvonne La Grouw
Yvonne La Grouw and Maikel Waardenburg
The Future Studio: Developing future-oriented, collaborative practices through systemic action research
Discussant(s): Xuehan Peng
Xuehan Peng, Bob Doherty and Federica Angeli
From social enterprises’ side to interpret polycentric governance: systematic literature review of social enterprise governance
Discussant(s): Oriane Sitte de Longueval
Parallel Stream B: The Bright and Dark Side of IOCs - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Adriane MacDonald, Lea Stadtler, Eduardo Hernandez Melgar, Helena Knight, Oda Hustad and Lea Stadtler
Addressing societal challenges, really? The dark side of cross-sector partnerships
Discussant(s): Kushagra Sharan
Kushagra Sharan and Deepak Dhayanithy
Altruism in practice in climate strategies: Australia's lithium processing
Discussant(s): Jean-François Harvey
Jean-François Harvey
Leading cross-sector partnerships: The dynamics of power-with and power-over
Discussant(s): Adriane MacDonald
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Routines and Resourcing - Room: U6-P0-07
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Lynn Vosman, Leentje Volker and Fleur Deken
Innovating interorganizational collaboration among project-based organizations: adopting a new work approach
Discussant(s): Burcu Kucukkeles
Burcu Kucukkeles, Shiko Ben-Menahem and Georg von Krogh
Problem-solving arrangements for resourcing: Evidence from drug repurposing
Discussant(s): Hannah Fults
Hannah K. Fults, Hans Berends and Fleur Deken
Processes of collaborative innovation: A qualitative meta-analysis
Discussant(s): Lynn Vosman
Parallel Stream B: Business Collaborations - Room: U6-P0-17
Chair: Katharina Cepa
Lasma Rabaud, Jean-Marie Courrent and Anne-Sophie Fernandez
‘Silent walkers’ or small business social responsibility: collaboration and support as key levers to strategic CSR. An exploratory case from France
Discussant(s): Elie Abi Saad
Elie Abi Saad, Medhanie Gaim and Sujith Nair
Elevating corporate sustainability by collaborating with startups: Pathways for navigating the “first meeting”
Discussant(s): Nelly Dux
Nelly Dux
Navigating open innovation project and interorganizational collaborations to address grand challenges: A NextChem case study
Discussant(s): Lasma Rabaud
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P0-07
Moving beyond the Case and Closing
Chair: Paul R. Carlile, Katharina Cepa, Kristina Lauche
Martina Pieperhoff
Uncovering coordination mechanisms in diverse inter-organizational cooperation: Bridging gaps in empirical understanding
Discussant(s): Eric Haynes
Eric M. Haynes, Hans Berends, Fleur Deken and Katharina Cepa
Governance structures for cross-sector innovation networks
Discussant(s): Martina Pieperhoff
Followed by closing discussion