
Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop DW_SWG 07

Bridging Perspectives on Societal Systems: Logics, Orders of Worth, Leitideen

Wednesday, July 3, 2013, 09:00–13:00

Location: HEC Montréal, CSC, 1st Floor, Blue Section, Salle Serge Saucier




  • Eva Boxenbaum, Mines ParisTech, France
  • William Ocasio, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
  • Juliane Reinecke, Warwick Business School, UK
  • André Spicer, Cass Business School, City University London, UK
  • Patricia H. Thornton, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA


Program DW_SWG 07: Wednesday, July 3, 2013
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and Introduction by the convenors
09:15 – 10:15

Panel Discussion

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:45

Round Table working sessions (5 parallel Round Tables; cf. list below this table)

12:45 – 13:00 Wrap-up and Conclusion


Room: CSC, 1st Floor, Blue Section, Salle Serge Saucier

Round Table A

Chair: Ann Langley and Bernard Leca

  1. Koen van Bommel: Towards a legitimate compromise? An exploration of integrated reporting in the Netherlands
  2. Paula Ungureanu: When the practice of theorizing meets the theorizing of practice: Knowledge making in organization science academia
  3. Karin Garrety and Rob Wilson: The multiple logics of "personally controlled" electronic health records
  4. Debbie Kim: Constructing literacy: An examination of the role of policy in stabilizing or destabilizing institutional contradiction

Room: CSC, 1st Floor, Blue Section, Salle Antony-Rizzuto

Round Table B

Chair: Juliane Reinecke and André Spicer

  1. Fabiola Alvarez: The Scottish national film agency: Justifications of worth
  2. Rebecca Henn: Conflict, compromise and coalition: Inhabiting institutional complexity
  3. Stéphane Jaumier, Thibault Daudigeos and Vassili Joannidès: Cooperatives, capitalism, compromises and critiques: What do French worker cooperatives tell us about organizational responses to pluralism?

Room: CSC, 1st Floor, Green Section, Trudeau Corporation

Round Table C

Chair: Mike Lounsbury and Eva Boxenbaum

  1. Samer Abdelnour: The local embededdedness of global institutions: An institutional framework
  2. Shenghui Ma: CEO Legitimacy: Strategies of managing multiple audiences
  3. Pooya Tavakoly, Sébastien Mena and Jochem Kroezen: Reconciling conceptual complexity in institutional theory: A topic modeling literature review
  4. Anna Gerstrøm: Il-legitimacy in the eyes of the il-legitimated: How members experience and handle attributions of organizational il-legitimacy

Room: CSC, 1st Floor, Green Section, Hewitt

Round Table D

Chair: Patricia H. Thornton and William Ocasio

  1. Jo-Louise Huq: Institutional rules and multi-professional collaboration: Changing the rules of the game
  2. Marios Samdanis and Soo Hee Lee: Institutional logics of crafting artistic innovation: The art of power and the power of art in the Tate Modern and the Saatchi Gallery
  3. Anne Vancaelemont: Competing institutional logics in the recorded music industry: How consumers and artists are enabled to challenge the dominant logic of the field
  4. Joshua Brown: Moral U or Market U? The rise of the market logic in religious higher education

Room: CSC, 1st Floor, Blue Section, Béton Grilli

Round Table E

Chair: Renate Meyer and Charlotte Cloutier

  1. Katja Aalto: Changing rationalities of public services
  2. Vern Glaser: Crafting consistency from chaos: How smoothing tensions arising from institutional complexity creates an organizational style
  3. Till Jansen: Frames as enacted institutional logics: A proposal to link organizational micro-processes and societal structures
  4. Marie-Claude Allard and Marie-France Turcotte: The creation of a new institution as the interplay of field level (macro) and organizational level (micro) institutional work: The case of ISO 26000