
PDW 05
Language, Visuals, Materiality, and Beyond: Multimodal Research in Organization and Management Studies


Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 09:00–13:00

Location: University of Naples Federico II, Monte S. Angelo campus, room A5 [break-out rooms: C9, C10, C11 & C12]



  • Eva Boxenbaum, MINES ParisTech, France & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Lærke Højgaard Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Thibault, Daudigeos, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
  • Candace Jones, University of Edinburgh, UK, & Boston College, USA
  • Renate Meyer, WU Vienna, Austria, & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Paolo Quattrone, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Theo van Leeuwen, University of Southern Denmark & University of Technology Sydney, Australia


09:00 – 09:15

Markus Höllerer, Dennis Jancsary & Silviya Svejenova:
Welcome and Introduction

09:15 – 09:45 Keynote by Theo van Leeuwen:
Multimodality Research and Organization Studies: Status quo and Future Directions
09:45 – 12:15 Discussion of Participants' Papers

Round Table 1 – Facilitators: Markus Höllerer & Paolo Quattrone
Jean Clarke: Seeing entrepreneurs in action: Using video-based gesture analysis within entrepreneurship
Janina Reich: The current migration crisis and its lessons for institutional logics – Bringing the visual and emotional dimensions into focus
Nathalie Louisgrand & Gazi Islam: Crossed in translation: Knowledge dynamics, local appropriation, and French Haute Cuisine in Shanghai
Round Table 2 – Facilitators: Dennis Jancsary & Eva Boxenbaum
Stefanie Gustafsson: Reaching the Promised land, wading through treacle and the dark art of being promoted: Investigating experiences of promotions in professional organizations
Emilio Marti: When critics contribute to institutional maintenance: Exploring the public discourse about high-frequency trading
Fernando Pinto Santos: Websites and the multimodal construction of entrepreneurial narratives
Round Table 3 – Facilitators: Silviya Svejenova & Thibault Daudigeos
Guro Sanden: Language management – An instrument of corporate control?
Kathleen Stevenson: The paperless professor: How academics make sense of professional identity when confronted with new ways of working
Tristan May: If 6 was 9: Rhetorical history in the instrumentalization of memories resonating within electric guitars
Paula Ungureanu: Great expectations, towering promises, empty spaces. Hybrid interorganizational collaborations for the realization of science parks
Round Table 4 – Facilitators: Theo van Leeuwen & Renate Meyer
Helena Liu: Staying quiet or rocking the boat? An autoethnography of organisational visual white supremacy
Roy Nyberg: Finding the backbone of organisational fields: Theory of structuration revisited
Bernadette Bullinger: From attraction to identification: A historical analysis of institutionalized values in job advertisement visuals
Round Table 5 – Facilitators: Candace Jones & Lærke Højgaard Christiansen
Wenyao (Will) Zhao: Dancing in chains? Exploring genre constraints on multimodal communicative artifacts from a Peircean perspective
Mahya Ostovar: Physical bodies that virtually matter: The role of body and space in identity resistance – A case of social media
Reza Mousavi: A hashtag and its worlds: Collective identity in the age of social media – The case of #tcot
Jodie-Lee Trembath: The tyranny of tiny technology tasks: Exploring the role of technology in the assemblage of a university management position
12:15 – 13:00 Plenary Panel and Q&A Session
Panelists: Eva Boxenbaum, Lærke Højgaard Christiansen, Thibault Daudigeos, Candace Jones, Renate Meyer & Paolo Quattrone

Italian lunch [jointly with the other PDWs]