Sub-theme 17: [hybrid] Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times

Thomas M. Schneidhofer, University Seeburg Castle, Austria
Monika Hamori, IE Business School, Spain
Xiao Chen, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, EA.6.026
Careers in Uncertain Times
Chair: Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Hugh Gunz and Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Temporal structures, time travel, and careers: The importance of causality cones
Discussant(s): Jérôme Sulbout & François Pinchault
Jérôme Sulbout, François Pichault and Jos Akkermans
A qualitative study of freelancers’ career transition through the lens of career shocks
Discussant(s): Rebecca Löffert
Rebecca Löffert
The crisis after the crisis – Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on pilots’ inter-identity work
Discussant(s): Lidiia Pletneva
Lidiia Pletneva
From grieving to career change: How personal grief-inducing events affect work identity
Discussant(s): Wolfgang Mayrhofer & Hugh Gunz
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, EA.6.026
Career Inaction, Sacrifice & Regret
Chair: Monika Hamori
Pauline de Becdelièvre, Irène Georgescu, François Grima and Michael Eveno
The paradoxical impact of social support on career inaction: When agency is limited by unaligned social support
Discussant(s): Roosmarij Clercx et al.
Roosmarij Clercx, Ans De Vos and Sofie Jacobs
A temporal lens on the career decision making process: A qualitative study
Discussant(s): Jelena Zikic et al.
Jelena Zikic, Soodabeh Mansoori, Anneleen Forrier and Viktoriya Voloshyna
Career sacrifice unpacked: From prosocial benefits to regret
Discussant(s): Claire Schulze Schleithoff et al.
Claire Schulze Schleithoff, Evgenia I. Lysova, Svetlana N. Khapova and Konstantin Korotov
Finding the beauty in wrong decisions: Exploring how individuals deal with wrong career decisions
Discussant(s): Pauline de Becdelièvre et al.
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Career Mobility - Room: EA.6.026
Chair: Xiao Chen
Guri Medici, Gudela Grote, Ivana Igic and Andreas Hirschi
Technological self-efficacy and occupational mobility intentions in the face of technological advancement: A moderated mediation model
Discussant(s): Katja Dlouhy & Ariane Froidevaux
Katja Dlouhy, Ariane Froidevaux, Ariane Froidevaux and Jos Akkermans
Back with the ex(-employer)? How boomerang mobility versus mobility to a new employer relates to career sustainability
Discussant(s): Olga Ryyazanova et al.
Olga Ryazanova, Paola Zappa and Jessica Heddenhausen
Network gains from co-affiliation with multiple organizations: Insights from academic careers
Discussant(s): Olga Ivanova
Olga Ivanova
It's not about you: How the composition of the candidate pool shapes the selection of candidates with diverse experience
Discussant(s): Guri Medici et al.
Parallel Stream B: Career Identity - Room: EA.5.040
Chair: Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Bernadeta Goštautaitė, Margarita Pilkienė, Dovilė Petreikienė and Irina Liubertė
Career imprints of Lithuanian schoolteachers: The “silenced generation” in changed times
Discussant(s): Pamela A. Suzanne et al.
Pamela A. Suzanne, Viktoriya Voloshyna and Jelena Zikic
Brain stroke in the C-suite: From career shock to reconstructing positive work identity
Discussant(s): Nina Beigi et al.
Mina Beigi, Mostafa Ayoobzadeh and Melika Shirmohammadi
Success in massive multi-player online games and its implications for the world of work
Discussant(s): Lu Li
Lu Li
Living with a “rubbish husband” – Work/family conflict among self-employed Chinese women
Discussant(s): Bernadeta Goštautaitė et al.
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: The Emergence of New Careers - Room: EA.6.026
Chair: Monika Hamori
Florian Schramm
Dual employment – A new biographical pattern? Empirical findings from Germany
Discussant(s): Michael Koch & Sarah Park
Michael Koch and Sarah Park
Agency and structure in gig economy careers: A study of British and German platform workers
Discussant(s): Chayanika Bhayana & Neharika Vohra
Chayanika Bhayana and Neharika Vohra
Organizational response to contemporary careers: Examining multiple job holding arrangements
Discussant(s): Claudia Rossetti & Himani Singh
Claudia Rossetti and Himani Singh
The role of perceived job insecurity in predicting multiple jobholding
Discussant(s): Florian Schramm
Parallel Stream B: Career Crafting - Room: EA.5.040
Chair: Xiao Chen
Nawel A. Sidi Ali Cherif
Pointing out the role of agency in the organizational career management process through career scripts: The case of the French judiciary’s career management
Discussant(s): Nathalie Louisgrand & Katharina Chudzikowski
Nathalie Louisgrand and Katharina Chudzikowski
Crafting early careers: Managing careers in the field of Haute Cuisine
Discussant(s): Anna Schneider
Anna Schneider
The role of conventions in enabling career crafting in a high-skill mediated labour market: The case of an engineering service provider
Discussant(s): Domitille Bonneton & Yves Rannou
Domitille Bonneton and Yves Rannou
How do talents in an emerging profession navigate their careers in a turbulent environment? The case of SRI analysts
Discussant(s): Nawel A. Sidi Ali Cherif
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, EA.6.026
Careers of the Marginalized
Chair: Thomas M. Schneidhofer
Enrico Fontana, Thomas Köllen and Krittinee Nuttavuthisit
How changes in the self-concepts of transgender persons shape the essence and interplay of their activist and occupational careers
Discussant(s): Kathleen Park & Eddy Ng
Kathleen Park and Eddy Ng
Color or credentials? Migrant mobility in 'caste' systems of the emerging markets of the Arabian Gulf
Discussant(s): Edward P. O'Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry
Marian Crowley-Henry and Edward P. O'Connor
Time counts! Unpacking skilled migrants’ liminal careers
Discussant(s): Ann-Sophie Baeken et al.
Ann-Sophie Baeken, Anneleen Forrier and Nele De Cuyper
Work for people with a disability: A discourse analysis of labor market policy through the lens of recontextualization
Discussant(s): Eric Fontana et al.
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, EA.6.026
Gender and Careers
Chair: Monika Hamori
Christelle Zagato and Eric Davoine
Selecting and legitimating women for Swiss banking elite positions: A study on gendered career scripts and institutional work of HR directors
Discussant(s): Lakshmi Balachandran Nair
Lakshmi Balachandran Nair
Female careers during COVID-19: Newspaper repertoires of shecession
Discussant(s): Lea Reiss
Lea Katharina Reiss
Women's career agency in gender-class structures: An intersectional study of women with different social class backgrounds
Discussant(s): Isabella Scheibmayr & Astrid Reichel
Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel
The gendered logic of logics: Female doctors’ navigating specific constellations of logics to leadership careers
Discussant(s): Christelle Zagato & Eric Davoine
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, EA.6.026
(Un-)Sustainable Careers
Chair: Xiao Chen
Ans De Vos, Beatrice van der Heijden and Karen Pak
Proactive skill development for sustainable careers: Exploring the perspectives of employees and managers
Discussant(s): Christian Yao et al.
Christian Yao, Zheng (Daniel) Duan, Yang Yu and Kaye Thorn
A contextual view of sustainable careers: Empirical evidence from Chinese entrepreneurs
Discussant(s): Jonathan Schunnesson & Hugo G. Van Hengel
Jonathan Schunnesson and Hugo G. Van Hengel
Employee engagement across career stages: Antecedents and interactions
Discussant(s): Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart et al.
Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart, Wolfgang Mayrhofer and Michael Schiffinger
Micro and macro-level effects on perceived employability: The role of career capital and the logic of crisis
Discussant(s): Ans De Vos et al.