Sub-theme 69: [open sub-theme] Innovating and Transforming Organizations and Organizing

Laura Dobusch, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Frank de Bakker, IÉSEG School of Management, France
Peter Vandor, WU Vienna, Austria
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.4.16
Chair: Laura Dobusch
Ludovica Castiglia
Porous polities: Organizational political polarization and firm innovation
Discussant(s): Ronit Waismel-Manor
Jamie Borromeo and Yuan Li
The polysemy of diversity: Feelings of exclusion meet the system of meritocracy
Discussant(s): Ludovica Castiglia
Ronit Waismel-Manor, Varda Wasserman and Orit Shamir Balderman
No room of her own: Married couples’ negotiation of workspace at home during COVID-19
Discussant(s): Jamie Borromeo
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, TC.4.16
Social Entrepreneurship I
Chair: Peter Vandor
Filipa Lancastre and Carmen Lages
Choosing a business model in the social entrepreneurship context: Typology of current models and the influence of the social entrepreneur’s background
Discussant(s): Prajakta Khare
Alexandra Gaidos
The incubation journey: A Foucauldian perspective on becoming a social entrepreneur
Discussant(s): Filipa Lancastre
Prajakta Khare, Amarpreet Ghura and Anirudh Agrawal
A process model of social enterprise scaling using the legitimacy lens
Discussant(s): Alexandra Gaidos
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.4.16
Chair: Laura Dobusch
Nichole K. Wissman and Amanda Bertana
Meeting local needs or satisfying funders? The dual challenge of evaluating climate adaptation projects
Discussant(s): Sarah Richard
Martina Kohlberger
Making change happen: How HRM professionals experience and deal with tensions in organizational change
Discussant(s): Nichole K. Wissman-Weber
Sarah Richard and François Grima
Disabled individuals facing and reacting against identity threat during school to work transition
Discussant(s): Martina Kohlberger
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.4.16
Chair: Frank de Bakker
Mayliss Grison
Ally or die: the surprising structure of experts’ network in CAP policy making
Discussant(s): Tomas Karlsson
Valentin Held
The effect of judgmental processes on the perception of social performance measures
Discussant(s): Mayliss Grison
Tomas Karlsson and Jing Su
When societal change and shifts in institutional logics cause infant sickness and death: The melamine milk powder scandal 2000–2020
Discussant(s): Valentin Held
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, TC.4.16
Social Entrepreneurship II
Chair: Peter Vandor
Nurgul Keles Taysir
Judge me by how many times I fell down: Social entrepreneurial failure evaluations
Discussant(s): Sébstien Knockaert
Sabine Richter-Trummer, Sonja A. Sackmann and Mike S. North
Entrepreneurship age and ageism heterogeneity – A GATE-d perspective on interpersonal attitudes in the VC industry
Discussant(s): Nurgul Keles Taysir
Sébastien Knockaert and François Grima
What voice for what career success: The case of the antagonist of organisational innovation
Discussant(s): Sabine Richter-Trummer
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.4.16
Chair: Laura Dobusch
Ken Ogata, Alison Kemper and Cheri Bradish
The paradox of identity formation: From 'who we are' to 'who we want to be'
Discussant(s): Maria Rita Micheli
Ida Okkonen
Vulnerability in immigration management
Discussant(s): Ken Ogata
Maria Rita Micheli, Mario Campana and Katherine Duffy
Queens of Drag: Stigma, spectacle and inclusion
Discussant(s): Ida Okkonen
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.4.16
Chair: Frank de Bakker
Igor Pyrko, Divya Jyoti , Omid Omidvar, Gary Burke and Bimal Arora
Courage and virtue ethics: How do sustainability professionals resolve the tensions between radical sustainability and mainstream strategy?
Discussant(s): Theresa Langenmayr
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Yoann Guntzburger, Renata Kaminska and Catherine Thomas
Organizational embeddedness of leadership for safety: Crossed perspectives on individual and collective tensions in high-risk organizations
Discussant(s): Igor Pyrko
Theresa Langenmayr, David Seidl and Paula Jarzabkowski
Participatory strategy making as dual sensemaking process
Discussant(s): Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva