Sub-theme 66: Reimagining Tradition through Pragmatist Inquiry for Better Futures [HYBRID] ---> MERGED with sub-theme 25

Alvin Panjeta, University Paris-Est Créteil, France
Frithjof E. Wegener, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
Arijit Paul, University of Graz, Austria
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Pragmatist Approaches to Tackling Climate Change
Chair: Frithjof E. Wegener
Philippe Lorino and François Cooren
The contribution of Peircean semiotics to the ecological governance of organizations
Discussant(s): Emmanuel Bonnet
Laura Schmiedle
Climate change in organization and management research – a bibliometric analysis of past and current topics
Discussant(s): Philippe Lorino
Emmanuel Bonnet and Chantale Mailhot
Speculative inquiry as way to invent possibilities of life with the Anthropocene
Discussant(s): Kristiane M.F. Lindland
Kristiane M.F. Lindland and Eleni Damopoulou
Realizing the green transition through reimagining legacies through pragmatist inquiries for better futures
Discussant(s): Laura Schmiedle
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Business Ethics and Sustainability
Chair: Arijit Paul
Aurélien Feix and Moritz Gruban
Moving from Type I to Type II Greenwashing: Toward an extended critique of the CSR discourse
Discussant(s): Matt Statler; Roya Derakhshan; Tirza Gapp
Matt Statler and Lauri Pietinalho
Uncovering how the good is enacted: A pragmatist reading of business ethics research
Discussant(s): Aurélien Feix; Roya Derakhshan; Tirza Gapp
Roya Derakhshan and Rashedur Chowdhury
Climate change, forced immigration and the ethical responsibility of firms
Discussant(s): Tirza Gapp; Matt Statler; Aurélien Feix
Tirza T.E. Gapp
No marriage counselor in sight: Navigating cultural challenges in inter-organizational partnerships addressing grand challenges
Discussant(s): Aurélien Feix; Matt Statler; Roya Derakhshan
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Pragmatism, Stakeholders and Climate Change
Chair: Frithjof E. Wegener
David A. Jarrett
Positioning employees as stakeholders: A perspective from Mary Parker Follett
Discussant(s): Josua Oll
Elisabeth Krull, Mercedes Bleda, Eleni Chrisodoulou, Jonatan Pinkse and Eleni Christodoulou
Organizational heuristics in climate change adaptation
Discussant(s): Deborah Tappi
Deborah Tappi and Frank Jan de Graaf
A pragmatist approach to corporate decision-making: The governance structure and integrating stakeholder interests
Discussant(s): David A. Jarrett
Josua Oll, Swantje Freund and Joern Hoppmann
All tied up? How shareholders’ financial and non-financial interests affect strategic divestitures
Discussant(s): Elisabeth Krull
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Inquiring and Imagining Better Futures
Chair: Alvin Panjeta
Inka M. Kosonen
Using a pragmatist framework for the research of organisational problem solving and gender equality in UK craft beer
Discussant(s): Frithjof Wegener, Vern L. Glaser, Bente Elkjaer
Frithjof E. Wegener, Vern L. Glaser and Bente Elkjaer
(Re-)designing family business routines
Discussant(s): Inka Kosonen
Katie Beavan
Family–businessing: Irregular corresponding with the phenomena of the family business advisor
Discussant(s): Piera Morlacchi
Piera Morlacchi
Putting our pragmatist imagination and democracy to work: Re-imagining the organization of digital entrepreneurship
Discussant(s): Katie Beavan
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Business Strategy and Climate Change
Chair: Arijit Paul
Benedikt Unger and Michael Nippa
Firms’ exposure to climate change and firm structural factors affect the pursuit of climate neutrality strategies: Evidence from the Flash Eurobarometer initiative
Discussant(s): Divya Saxena; Âriel de Fauconberg; Bettina Wittneben
Divya Saxena
Does competition increase pollution? Evidence from the US hydraulic fracturing industry
Discussant(s): Âriel de Fauconberg; Benedikt Unger; Bettina Witneben
Ariel de Fauconberg
The power (and stigma) of oil: Strategic identity positioning and innovation in the energy sector
Discussant(s): Benedikt Unger; Divya Saxena; Bettina Wittneben
Gabriella Guinlle , Ans Kolk and Drielli Peyerl
‘Sustainable’ hydrogen for the energy transition: Exploring the role of business in the emerging hydrogen economy
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Organizing, Collaborating and Learning
Chair: Bente Elkjaer
Aura Parmentier Cajaiba
Collaborative research as a carrier of pragmatist inquiry: VInterest and care as community process
Discussant(s): Anna Rylander Eklund, Line Revsbaek, Barbara Simpson, Emma Arneback
Kirstine Zinck Pedersen
A pragmatic approach to learning as intelligent habituation: Experiences from organizing Covid-19 in healthcare
Discussant(s): John Allan Tull
Anna Rylander Eklund, Line Revsbæk, Barbara Simpson and Emma Arneback
Educating for uncertain futures: A pragmatist response to the crisis of education
Discussant(s): Kirstine Zinck Pedersen
John Tull
Reimagining a bureaucratic organisation: A pragmatist interpretation of striving to overcome tradition
Discussant(s): Aura Parmentier Cajaiba
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Organizational Behavior and Climate Change
Chair: Arijit Paul
Samuel Tang
Addressing limitations in policy instruments for organizational resilience to climate change
Discussant(s): Leonie Decrinis; Li-Hsiang Yi; Fabian Christandl
Leonie Decrinis
Sustainable behaviour at work: How message framing encourages employees to choose electric vehicles
Discussant(s): Fabian Christandl; Li-Hsiang Yi; Samuel Tang
Ying-Che Hsieh, Jingjing Weng, Chia Ke Liao and Li-Hsiang Yi
The path to a cleaner future: An organizational net-zero roadmap via knowledge sharing
Discussant(s): Samuel Tang; Leonie Decrinis; Fabian Christandl
Fabian Christandl, Anna Jasinenko and Thorben Grubert
At a distance, all is well: The intertwining relationship between system justification, psychological distance, and environmental concern
Discussant(s): Li-Hsiang Yi; Leonie Decrinis; Samuel Tang
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Economia – A – -1_1
Experimenting, Learning and Resisting
Chair: Alvin Panjeta
Guy Huber and David Knights
Engaging with G.W. Mead to problematize potentially dominant effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on subjectivities
Discussant(s): Jacqueline Fendt
Jacqueline Fendt
Reimagining academic research for better futures: A pragmatic epistemology of imperfection
Discussant(s): Feodosiya Ermakova
Feodosiya Ermakova
Contesting the tradition of representationalism: Using the lens of American Pragmatism to re-imagine quality of higher education
Discussant(s): Guy Huber & David Knights
Anne S. Persson, Line Revsbæk and Barbara Simpson
Organizational learning in onboarding: Cultivating sympathetic knowledge in a mentoring community of inquiry